[IC2-1.111] OV/OD scanner doesn't work in multiplayer

  • OV/OD scanner works fine in singleplayer, but doesn't report nothing in the chat in muliplayer. I've my own server, may be the problem is on the server side?

  • ^Try using a build from http://ic2api.player.to:8080/job/ic2_lf/

    And player, if you see this: Did you by any chance happen to write a mod for TF2?

    Question about OV/OD scanner closed: using "give" command to get the
    scanner I got a scanner with green bar, meant it's fully charged, but it
    was empty. It works well after charging.

    Trying industrialcraft-2_1.115.308-lf.jar and got this:

    P.S.: My server is v.1.4.5, may be it is a reason of crashes.

    Thank you for help.

  • /facepalm
    We're well on 1.5.1 already.