If possible it would be nice if someone could clean up my previous posts, all the reactors omicron hasn't review yet should be in the post above, post 191 and afterwards with reactor designs should be removed
Alright, so: MOX reactor designs.
Even though he could edit every new reactor in a single post...
Do it next time, if there is no new post below yours.You can delete your own posts using the "edit" button and selecting the "move this post to the recycle bin"
Sorry, i'm not very used to forums so i might make a blunder or two. I get a little bit too excited at times
It is fine, i'm just telling you how to do it yourself.
Blackpalt, you show the makings of a man who is very, very bored at work. Have you considered a more exciting vocation?
Unfortunately I'm fairly busy both at work and at home right now, but I will eventually get around to digging through your list. Just give me a day or two.
It's usually quite funny, however ive been doing way to much reading lately. A few weeks of reading articles and reviews and your mind starts to wander...
Testing a new type of design, i think it should work. A nice perk of these is that they cost no diamonds
6 chamber
Mark 1 EB
EU/tick: 1300
Efficiency: 18,55
Building cost:322 copper, 142 tin, 450 iron, 36 lead, 56 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost:84 u-238, 4 copper, 2 iron
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…hihid7to47vvy4f4ghqhaw8d0Very high efficiency
EU/tick: 825
Efficiency: 20,65
Building cost: 256 copper, 114 tin, 375 iron, 36 lead, 44 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost: 64-u238, 2 copper, 1 ironhttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…eh4nzrynmmoiwo2ahwonzm4pg
3 chamber
Mark 1 EB
EU/tick: 650
Efficiency: 18,55
Building cost: 170 copper, 80 tin, 257 iron, 24 lead, 28 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost:42 u-238, 2 copper, 1 ironhttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…6xusoyiq4qjgzpnr31jqjz238
Mark 1 EB
EU/tick: 700
Efficiency: 17,5
Building cost: 194 copper, 91 rin, 285 iron, 24 lead, 32 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost: 64 u 232, 2 copper, 1 ironhttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…47im3yva46dm60e4tr64imgr8
4 chamber
Mark 1 eb
eu/tick: 800
Efficiency: 17
Building cost: 194 copper, 91 tin, 293 iron, 28 lead, 32 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost: 60 u-238http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…rcmaxrmcr53nretatk5ijh5ck
2 chamber
Very High output, bad efficiencyMark 1 EC
EU/tick: 900
efficiency: 10
Building cost: 152 copper, 74 tin, 230 iron, 20 lead, 24 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost: 108 u-238http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…6fkzfd2h1qc34vp1ap97dkeok
Decent efficiency, high output
mark 1 ec
eu/tick 700
Building cost: 152 copper, 74 tin, 230 iron, 20 lead, 24 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost:60 u-238, 4 copper, 2 ironhttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…i6zwblgs2rm9z3y9sgbffva6s
5 chamber
very high output, same as my previous 6 chamber reactor, but a lot cheaper, how niceMark 1 EC
eu/tick: 1400
Efficiency: 14
Building cost: 280 copper, 125 tin, 395 iron, 32 lead, 48 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost: 120 u-238, 8 copper, 4 ironhttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vpy8ckel6au3p9vin0dm4ho44
Decent output, decent efficiency
Mark 1 EB
EU/tick: 900
Efficiency: 18
Building cost 232 copper, 103 tin, 338 iron, 32 lead, 40 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost: 60 u-238http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ijiw5cz32ii8dzqzbxmfhs76c
Im quite sure there are more combinations out there that you can make. In theory the construction of this reactor type is very simple, the heat output must be a multiple of 36. Just try around different reactor configuration untill you find one where heat is a multiple of 36 and the rest is simple. Max heat you can handle is around 500 for 6 chamber reactors.
EDIT: Update, you can do these kinds of designs also, as long as the remainder of the cooling can be divided by 5 you can take care of that with reactor vents
5 chamber
Mark 1 EA
EU/tick 1000
Efficiency: 20
Building cost 309 copper, 118 tin, 401 iron, 32 lead, 44 gold, 8 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 7 rubber
Running cost:60 u-238 2 copper, 1 iron -
There is only one your problem with those reactors, they exchange heat with the core, thus it will cool down reactor hulls (when out of fuel) and that is not good for MOX cycles...
True, even if it exchanges it asap it will still lose some heat. can't truly automate it.
Should be a nice and cheap alternative for the first reactor thought. They are a lot cheaper than the normal components and you should be able to rebuild regular reactors into those things since they use similar components.
Should work nicely for single player, which is mostly where im at. Checking up the reactors every few hours aint really that much of an inconvinience
Oh very nice, didnt even think you could get that much cooling out of a reactor, should replace my max output 6 chamber reactor
Feels like the larger reactor sizes aren't that good thought. If i wanted high output i would probably go for my zero running cost 450 eu/tick 15 efficiency 0 chamber reactor and if i wanted high efficiency i would probably go for my zero running cost, 800 eu/tick 4 chamber reactor. i dont even wanna think how much time it would take to produce enough plutonium to run that monstrosity
you need to use up 20*3*9 =540 Regular fuel rods before you can start this up, that would take at least a few weeks for me which is why in practice i will probably work mostly with the small mox reactors
However it is very entertaining trying to build as high output as is possible and by the looks of it you are the winner
improved 2 chamber reactor
EU/tick: 550
Building cost: 201 copper, 84 tin, 322 iron, 20 lead, 28 gold, 7 diamond, 22 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 49 rubber
Running cost, 36 u-238, 2 copper, 1 ironhttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…mldxfl6z4lyh39rfijmpdnfpw
I Actually managed to make an efficiency 4 three chamber reactor, really happy about this one.
Mark 1 EA
EU/tick: 600
Efficiency 20
Building cost: 312 copper. 106 tin, 496 iron, 24 lead, 40 gold, 16 diamond, 28 redstone, 2 glowstone, 2 lapis, 67 rubber
Running cost: 36 u-238, 2 copper, 1 iron -
I've tried to squeeze in 5 before but I couldn't figure out what setup would work, Then yesterday I started to play MC again and decided to check up on any new designs and figured id try it again.
Lots of good designs btw, and even better no diamonds for the times I can't seem to find any.
Been working on a higher than 20 efficiency design. Handling the heat is extremly difficult on this one. Ive been trying to make it a 5 chamber reactor but im missing out on 4 heat so i made a bad looking 6 chamber design of it for the moment
Feel free to try to make it better, however unsymetrical design are very hard to balance
- Replaced 0-chamber design with Blackpalt's high efficiency zero running cost reactor
- Added Blackpalt's low-output 1-chamber reactor
- Added Blackpalt's high-output 1-chamber reactor
- Replaced 2-chamber design with Blackpalt's improved high efficiency reactor, after fixing wrong cost calculation
- Added Blackpalt's high-output 2-chamber reactor
- Added Blackpalt's high-efficiency 3-chamber reactor, after fixing wrong cost calculation
- Added Blackpalt's high-output 3-chamber reactor
- Replaced 4-chamber reflector design with Blackpalt's low-cost alternative, after fixing wrong cost calculation and tweaking it to make it cheaper
- Replaced 4-chamber non-reflector design with Blackpalt's zero running cost variant, after fixing wrong cost calculation
- Replaced 5-chamber design with Blackpalt's low-cost alternative
- Added Blackpalt's high-output 5-chamber reactor
- Replaced 6-chamber high-output design with Zombie's high-output reactorGood god Zombie, 27 advanced vents... I hereby award you the "makes diamonds cry" badge of insanity.
(And as for Blackpalt, he gets the "makes list maintainer cry" badge of insanity :D)In regards to the hull exchange variants, I'll consider them another time, this already took a good two hours as it is...
Thanks for going through them all, i might have gone just a little bit overboard
Things should cool down for a while now thought. Think iv'e tried to make at least one reactor for every case you asked for (high output, high efficiency and no running cost). Unless you do something like add more cases i dont think i can add that many more if any. ile probably go over them once more and se if i can find anything that might be possible to improve however i doubt it.
A bit off topic, ive been playing the latest version of Monster and noticed a very nice thing. The addon Big reactors go very well toghether with IC2 and nuclear power. The fuels used there are compatable with the IC2 nuclear fuels and gives a very smoth transition from the early game with big reactor into a mid game with mox reactors and radioisotope generators for ic2 without having to rely on regular nuclear power. Most of all it allows for the production of MOX fuel a lot earlier on as you dont have to wait for a few days to get the plutonium needed for the mox fuel.
Just out of curiosity, how does the transition into ic2 and nuclear power usually go for you guys? Especially mox reactors are a bit difficult with the increase in lifetime on the fuels, it adds upp to a lot of time.
Well, to be quite honest... in my last map I built specifically for MOX from the outset, and actually never got around to it.
I started with Thermal Expansion, which was just out fresh at the time, to get my basic needs covered. Once I had a tesseract connected quarry going and started to get real resource income, I built myself an IC2 workshop (a recycling system for the quarry output to start with, and then going from there). It was to be driven by a big underground reactor core which I dubbed "The Heart of the Mountain". It was made up of eight of my three-chamber MOX reactors, for a total output of up to 5400 EU/t. Except that I started off running them on uranium because I didn't have MOX fuel yet.
I have never before in my Minecraft career built something that incredibly expensive! Three full-size 64x64 ocean quarries had run their course by the time I had enough diamonds, and that included processing every last piece of coal into diamonds as well. And I actually managed to use up all of the iron, too. In parallel to that I was using manual digging by means of Gravisuite advanced diamond drill and a heightband targeted IC2 miner as well as trading with other players to supply myself with lead, copper and tin (the custom oregen meant that the quarries produced none of that). It took me weeks of gameplay.
All during that time, I used the first sub-reactor I built to power my workshop. Well, initially it was a trio of geothermals, but as soon as the first reactor was complete, I switched to nuclear power. The 135 EU/t were easily enough to cover my needs, especially since bulk ore processing still ran through my TE setup and the thermal centrifuge isn't worth using for ore anyway.
I eventually finished building all those reactors, as well as the assorted luxury infrastructure that came after them because I could (four MFSUs, a teleporter station leading to my various friends' bases etc). I did have a full massfab/replicator setup with some 800 buckets stored up, too. But, even though I at one point ran the Heart in full power mode under uranium (still a respectable 1080 EU/t), I just really didn't need all that much EU/t. And over the entire time of building all this and generating all that UU-matter, I managed to produce just enough plutonium to be able to stock one of the eight sub-reactors with MOX fuel. If I wanted to. But I didn't really have a need...
Although it was a fun challenge, next time I'll probably build smaller
I have never before in my Minecraft career built something that incredibly expensive!
I know this is not the appropriate place, but whatever: GregTech Fusion reactor is saying hi! :3
Which I have indeed never built
I ran into a similar problem myself, by the time i was actually getting enough mox fuel to run a mox reactor i was pretty much done with the server. Which is a bit of a problem in itself, the time to get started with the plutonium is way to long for the mox reactors to actually be used.
The nice thing about big reactors is that you use a small big reactor setup to produce power to your first TE things, using its ores (similar to uranium), which when spent can be refined into bluetonium ingots. Which happens to be able to replace a piece of plutonium when making mox fuel. producing roughly 100 rf/tick for a few hours have given me enough plutonium/bluetonium to start with a small mox reactor already. Im thinking of playing around with forrestry for a few hours and then i will make radioisotope reactors with my first bluetonium to get me started with the IC2 machines and as soon as all that is upp and running r make a decent size mox reactor with the bluetonium for my first mass fabricator (quantum suit says hello).
If you do some quick calculation on mox fuels: The smallest reactor on the list used 5 mox fuel, that amounts to 5x3x9 small plutonium ore or 195 regular fuel rods. If we use that in a decent regular reactor (efficiency 3), by the time you have enough fuel for the smallest reactor you would have produced 585 million eu in the regular reactors at least. By this time the additional 425 eu per tick isnt that interesting cause you will probably have built anything requiring a high amount of eu (like quantum suit) with the power you produced with the regular rods.
Using only IC2 i think mox reactors needs a bit of rebalancing because simply it takes waaaaaaaaayyy to long to produce enough plutonium for mox reactors to actually be usefull during a server. At best it would be in the end game where you could have just produced a shitton of other eu producing structures instead of waiting for the plutonium since you would have so much resources anyways.