Hey all,
I noticed that a bunch of the experienced mod guys here have 1.108 versions of their mods out so this must be doable and is likely a problem in my configuration.
I've been following the various instructions for decompiling IC2 as per gregs instructions in various threads. I have source code that I've put into my MCP_forge folder and have whittled it down from about a thousand errors to a hundred errors 
I was thinking that perhaps these decompilation errors were due to it being v1.108 and 1.4.2 (vs 1.3.2 and v1.107 as in most of the threads).
My set up is as follows:
IC2 (and API) v1.108
MC 1.4.2
MCP 7.19
Minecraft Forge
The problems seem to range from duplicate methods to unknown functions (which generally have a crazy name and may be some artefact of the reverse engineering) - Also sorry for the paste bins, but was short on characters!
The list of problems, all in the ic2.common package:
And to give an idea of the output when running in eclipse:
The exact process I followed, I forgot who posted this sorry, but it was on the forums here somewhere:
1. of all you need MCP 7.2, Industrialcraft 1.107 open beta (Mod and API), Minecraft Forge or higher (src and universal).
2. make 2 directories. One for MCP vanilla and one for MCP forge. Extract MCP 7.2 to both directories and then copy the ./minecraft/bin directory plus minecraft_server.jar to the jar directory of both MCP directories.
3. copy and extract minecraftforge-src- in the MCP forge directory. After that go to the forge directory and start the install.cmd. You will now have your eclipse environment to work on a Modloader or Forge Mod.
4. open the minecraft.jar (with winrar) in the MCP vanilla folder and add all files from industrialcraft and minecraftforge-universal- Delete the 3 xxIntegration folder in the ic2 directory of minecraft.jar
5. copy the files from MCP forge/lib to MCP vanilla/lib
6. start (in MCP vanilla) updatemcp.bat and after that decompile.bat
7. copy (from the MCP vanilla folder) src/minecraft/ic2/* to src/common/ (of the MCP forge folder) and replace the API folder with the one you downloaded.
8. Start eclipse and use the eclipse folder of the MCP forge directory.
9. correct the sources so you can compile and run (the armor and ic2/sound + ic2/sprites folders go to the \eclipse\Minecraft\bin folder to make it useable while you compile and run from eclipse)
10. learn java so you will understand and can make logic conclusions
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I guess you could say I'm having trouble with step 10 - although developing without source code readily available is something new for me, although I'm sure it is old hat for modders.
I should also say that I was able to successfully set up MCP and Forge standalone and implement a few of the basic Forge tutorials, so the problem for me seems to be with having IC2 in my development environment.