It seems isn't rendering issue, but chunk loading/unloading issue. Eu does not flow on wires, and do not out from storage (via wires) but it still possible to charge something in the EU storage unit.
Problem does not observed if there is any another player anywhere in the main world on server. Player can be thousands blocks away from wires and can not load chunk with wires directly but it guaranteed to be enough to avoid wire become broken.
BuildCraft Quarry or any other chunk-loading mechanism placed anywhere in the world prevents wire break too, but only for this world where it placed. Another worlds there is no active players or chunk-loaders - will break wires.
Posts by nixsystem
There is Aroma1997 answer in bug tracker thread that it should be fixed now, probably there was some ideas what may cause this bug.
One additional observation - the issue in that blocks/wires are not accepted as e-net blocks. It can be easily checked with watt-meter.
At the same time another energy-compatible blocks still accepted as e-net blocks (for example solar panel generator from AdvancedSolarPanels mod)
On screenshot you can see that wires wold not connect to vanilla solar panels but connect to ASP solar panels. -
Another issue seems to be came when I add Uncomplicated mod to the server.
In case I warped from location where many wires/machines installed (about 100 wires and 20-30 machines in total) and warp back I see all the wires are detached from each other and machines. It seems like separate cubes, energy also does not flow. Here is screenshot -
If I relogin to the server - all restores to normal, wires connected to each other and machines/generators, energy flows as usual. Also if I go far enough to unload chunk where bugged wires was, when I return - bug disappears.
Could someone suggest why this bug happens and probably how to fix or avoid it ? -
Simplest solution, thanks for help.
Installed and configured mod and now all wiring works as expected, with energy loss and wire evaporation when incompatible power source connected.
It was not obvious, that Ic2-Exp 1.7.10 has no E-net logic and any wires/energy sources allowed to be used anywhere.
Thread could be marked as solved. -
Hello every one.
I have one, probably most often asked questions about IC2 ExperimentalThe question about wiring end energy transfer.
My server running on Bukkit 1.7.10 with IC2-Exp (2.2.763-experimental) and I have found some strange behaivor.
I can connect any Eu source (MFSU, outputs 2048 eu/t) to any power consumer (for ex. electric furnace, 32 eu/t maximum) with poorest tin uninsulated cable (32 eu/t transfer maximum) and it will work. Nothing melt or explode.
Same on solo game, same on latest available build (2-2.2.827-experimental).Could some one explain me why it works like this, or probably give a link on forum, where it was already explained?
Additionally I tested Eu transfer from one MFSU to another MFSU via same tin cable. Transfer goes on 2048Eu/t (measured with watt-meter), and cable obviously does not melt, but it should be
I read this old topic on forum, where explained, that Eu from different power sources are not stacked on top of each other, and if you have 10 coal generators - maximum current will be 20Eu/t, not 200Eu/t
But this explanation does not fit to MFSU, as it is single source providing 2048Eu/t. Also tested with nuclear reactor with 160Eu/t output - same results..I really can not understand the mechanics of Eu transferring
I think minetweaker "/mt hand" command will work, at least mostly.
I'll try minetweaker and tell you results. Thank you for suggestion.
I tried a lot of various commands (console/ingame chat/command block) and no one allows me to get charged item.
It seems that Bukkit understands tagged items and allow to work with tags if it was included in item somehow, but it can not set NBT tags itself -
The key moment - item damage relate only to charge bar, shown on item not on actually stored in item Eu.
I can make item with damage (i.e. 4571:1 or 4571:20) and this items will be shown with different status bar levels on them, but both will store 0 Eu.
At the moment I can see two ways - give discharged items and some possibility to charge them for free and change Essentials code so it can recognize and operate with NBT tags. -
I have contacted with Essentilas dev team, and the answer to topic question is - Essentials cannot see modded NBT tags
That is why it's impossible to make charged IC2 items with essentials kits. -
I use Essentials kits to give kits to the players, It supports various NBT tags (but I not sure it supports "not official" NBT tags such "charge")
The question is how to configure NBT charge tag with Essentials. All my attempts to configure charge tag for item - changes nothing, items still has 0Eu stored in them.
This question probably should be asked from Essentals dev, but I think there are people in IC2 community who solved this question and can share the solution. -
Hello everyone.
I have run 1.7.10 Bukkit server with IC2 Experimental installed on it. I tried to configure kits for players, that contains IC2 items (tools/armor/crystals), but all items I give that way has 0 Eu charge.
SudID in items/tools seems related only to tool/armor charge bar, but do not affect actually stored Eu in item.
I googled hard, and found that IC2 stores information about Eu accumulated in item into NTB tag "charge" but i can't find how to set this tag with command or configure it for kit.
It must be possible, because NEI/creative menu provide charged items correctly (charge bar is full and stored Eu is on maximum level)