Any suggestions for the diamonds not being spawned? Like a certain aspect of the configuration file for any of the mods in the FTB Mod Pack?
Posts by HobbyCraft
Are you used to modding, or is it kind of a fun thing/hobby?
Well then, congratulations, you win, I'm outdated, yup, yeah, whatever.
Ok, cool. And is the rolling machine for crafting steel, or...?
Not exactly what I meant, but sure. I don't know where you found the immense similarity between Thaumcraft 3 and IndustrialCraft 2, especially since I was referring to Thaumcraft 2, the current one. In that group or not, I'm not sure you fully understand the concept of this, which is not to start up a world where EU can start to colour the grounds; no. That's what Thaumcraft has done. I'm merrily suggesting a broad term in where there's another side to the mod, not just all primarily focused on EU. Now, I also have not fully explored this mod to it's extent YET, so if there is anything already similar to this, my bad.
Yeah, I got that, but what do I change to true? Or even false? Lol.
(For all of my problems, or, failures.) -
Modder* Sorry, auto correct has a mind of it's own. It's somewhat like: 'Ok, plural becomes singular, rotate vowel positioning, and eliminate all words ending in "er" or "ing" with the total opposite cr@p.'
Yeaaa buddeh, that's pre' much 't.
This would be kind of cool, as well as revolutionary towards the IndustrialCraft development timeline. Basically, the whole jist is that you could somehow touch upon the 'Taint and (whatever the good stuff is that I forget's name)' throughout ThaumCraft by creating an inverter that converts the EU delivered at the input into some other kind of system, bad or good. I know, this is very general, but I just thought I'd bring it up to add a bit more dexterity to the mod. (No idea what that word means, but I guess it's fitting, lol.)
For example, maybe the inverted EU can be used as electricity, and maybe start up a different side of IC2, as well as the implementation of precipitation, condensation, and evaporation, somehow. I'm not a modded, so I don't know to what extent this is, but either way from a gaming point of view, I'm sure a lot of us would love to see this. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope thus goes into a slight or somewhat consideration.
-Rate my writing skillz?
Oh, I'm also having troubles with diamonds, come to think of it, lol. Originally, I couldn't find ANY, so I installed an XRay texture pack just to see, and I couldn't find any.
So diamonds, mixed metal ingots, and making steel. If any of you could, I'd love to have the actual, most recent recipe for those items, and the Mass Fabricator. Does it have a new recipe yet? Does the old one still work? That's all.
Wliu What aspect of the file do I change? Messing something else up ain't at the top of my priority list, lmao.
OH! Just for mega access information, I am also unable to craft steel... or I ain't doing it properly, lol, NEI can't show me the recipe, either. Also, when making the mixed metal ingot, does it actually have to be 'mixed' or can you do the same typeof tin and bronze? It shows to do it with different colours in most shots, but hey, you never know.
Thanks guys
appreciate it! Oh, one last thing, what programs would work to open configuration files?
No, I am not one of the people that is using copper. I have the straight up, legit bronze AND bronze ingots, (different colours,) the light, angelic tin ingots and 'Tin', with regular refined iron. Is there any other mods within the Feed the Beast mod pack that include any of the same ores that could mess it up? Apparently there's not, but... this is the only problem I have been having throughout this mod pack, so I'm not sure if I just derped up or something, or mine somehow got screwed up. Please help! Not many other machines left to build