I suddenly realized an easy water filler that may work if you do it right. May need some initial energy to prime it, but I think it wouldn't be that hard of a feat to pull off...
Edit: Yup...

= Liquid Transposer
= Forestry Electric engine
= Aqueous Accumulator (with water Source blocks)
This can run easy off of glass bottles, so no need for piping (unless you want to automate the process of restocking the Transposers)... Just use an initial Water bucket in the Water MIlls to give the electric engines some starter power, and orient the machine block outputs in the upwards direction...
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The idea for this came while I was building a similar setup, I managed to run 54 Water Mills from 1 transposer. The thing is, that requires 2-3 electric engines to run (theoretically 2 can pull if off, but in practice they can't) and it's very hard to keep up with the water demand (my setup had 14 accumelators and I had to use the Industrial Waterproof pipes from the Valve mod, which are 2x the capacity of regular golden water proof pipes) and all that produces a measly 36 EU/t.
Now add in the cost for all the piping to ensure fast transport of buckets and make sure you have even distribution (I used Round Robin pipes from the Additional BC Items mod to do that) + several stacks of Iron for buckets alone and I think you can see the issue (I don't know, can you really run Water Mills with glass bottles? I didn't know that...).
Just to name a number, 5 stacks of Iron for the mills and piping alone, you still need tons of buckets (you can easily add another 3-5 stacks of iron for that), accumulators, a transposer, some engines and a few more pipes to distribute the buckets over the clusters of mills.
Sure you can choke one engine and reduce consumption by 1 EU/t for the other 2, but that still only gets you 40 EU/t... 40 Solar Panels cost only a fraction of the resources and with a simple bed produce 24/7 as well (or if a bed isn't an option, like in SMP, you can build a farm with 80+ Solar Panels... And don't get me started if you have the Advanced Solar Panels mod, just 5 of those tier 2 panels already produce more energy than my 54 Water Mills...). According to my calculations with Advanced Solar Panels you need ~2,5 stacks Iron for those to create 5 panels (with GregTech's nerf to the standard panels that is). Regular Solar Panels are less efficient of course, but I'm pretty sure they still won't cost 8-10 stacks of iron to get 40 of them (in fact, it costs 5 stacks).
80 panels are a different story, but you do get a much simpler setup for that, I mean all you have to do is connect cables and you're done, with Water Mills you'll have a ton of complicated piping on top of the wiring (the main issue with the piping is that you only have access to the Water Mills from the underside and BC item pipes have the tendency to spill items sooner or later, which just adds to the cumbersomeness of it all).
Comparing modded panels with vanilla IC2 mills might seem unfair, but keep in mind I had to add 2 mods to my FTB just to reach that 36-40 EU/t. Without those mods you can never run 54 Mills of off 1 Transposer (regular item pipes have too random distribution and gold water proof pipes can't keep up with a transposer at full tilt, nor can 3 accumulators directly next to a transposer). If I exclude advanced panels and thermal expansion/additional minecraft objects/Valve mod from these comparisons the gap will only get bigger as you will need much more piping and power to get the water buckets where you want them, while the solar panels will still be easy and effective.
Also, it's not filling buckets (or the costs of doing that) that's the point/issue here. It's the fact you even have to do it which makes no sense to me. Fueling Water Mills isn't hard, (with water proof pipes or without) it's just inefficient and strange. As for the Aqueous Accumulator giving effectively free power, there is no way to balance against every single thing every single mod adds... I mean compressing Sand in a compressor and then crushing it also doubles your Sand... Other than that it's still more costly and more work than setting up a Solar Panel plant, and each Mill still only produces 1 EU/t (assuming it's as efficient as a water bucket, this can of course be changed, though I think it should be more than a "passive" mill gives atm). Accumulators also might sound OP, but the fact I need 14 of them to power 54 Mills means 1 Accumulator can only effectively power ~4 Mills.
Again, thanks for the support so far everyone