Posts by chaoschamp

    *chaos wakes up*
    *alarms all over*
    9:00 mins to self destruct

    chaos: keep on going joe. beat the chaos inside you and the monster outside

    *chaos slowly pushs his body on to the control panel*
    * the room is very damaged*

    chaos: access terminal B

    backup system: accessed


    backup system: starting up power core

    HACKbot Hive Mind: you think you can stop chaos

    chaos: i built you

    HACKbot Hive Mind: but chaos is in control now HAHAHAHA

    chaos: access overide code y98924uu8u

    HACKbot Hive Mind what shall i do?

    chaos: stop self destruct

    *chaos chokes up blood*

    chaos: send all HACK and spam to chaos NOW

    HACKbot Hive Mind: sending

    chaos: whats the status on chaos

    HACKbot Hive Mind: UNKNOWN

    chaos: bring up the camera
    *chaos in shock*

    chaos: how? how could he have escaped?!?! ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO

    chaos: plan c time now

    chaos: active warp drive NOW

    *chaos's ship badly damaged*

    chaos: am going in....

    *chaos crash's into the chaos realm capital ship*

    choas: message to all. i know you tryed to kill me and i know ive tryed to blow you up but in order to save minecraftia and the universe i need your help to shutdown the wormholes and rips into the chaos realm and ill deal with HIM

    50:00mins to BOOM BOOM POW

    chaos: most of these ships are badly damaged after the radiation. the L.E.S.U is fried.
    finally a ship thats nearly perfect but wont survive warping to the chaos realm. i need something stronger

    chaos: welcome


    chaos: ive been waiting a long time for this

    chaos: but i am you. you cant control me

    chaos:blinded by your own power

    chaos: what are you taking about?

    chaos:to END where you lay your world onto of thus nether where you shall head my cry into the world

    chaos: i wont let you take control of me

    chaos: really? haha you have been the puppet all a long

    chaos: but your in the machine locked by the towers

    chaos: thats what you thought. you be came me and i be came you

    chaos: why dont you fight me

    chaos: you will see in due time..

    chaos:stop riddling answer me


    chaos:answer me


    chaos: i have to end this once and for all now. PLAN B
    am going down for the last time.


    chaos: dont have time to get a better ship this will have to do

    #detestation: chaos realm capital ship #


    2:00mins to gamma ray impact
    80:00mins to BOOM BOOM POW

    chaos: they may have killed or should i say destroyed that form.
    i must find a way of the ship before my self destruct goes off on my capital ship.
    if that goes off then i dont no what will happen. even i warp the ship somewhere safe the mass of my ship will rip a permanent hole there that could cause a super black hole. only thing to do is find a new form then find my way off the ship somehow get there using a book or one of my harmless rips then go to my ship and manually disable them but i may die in the process because my other forms wont be able to handle it. only my pure form can handle it.then what if He gets out and destroys my home, minecafia. the truth is i am human, well my pure form but as you see am more like messed up than anything up see. 100000 ago a being called chaos treated to destroy minecraftia so i sacrificed myself to become to chaos but it started taking over me. the original chaos was put in deep sleep in cased in crystal like substance locked with the four elemental towers in the chaos realm or as some people call the spambot universe. there was bots protecting these towers but slowly they became corrupted and thus turned into spambots. the dragon who at the time ruled minecraftia noticed i could not handle the chaos so he decide for the safety of minecraftia to lock me in the chaos realm until the day i awoke. the only reason why i was trying to get you is because got in my way an tryed to kill me and my minions only because some spambots fell out of my power. now am trying escape the chaos realm as my pure form because i can not live there as my pure form. i need the blood of the decent-ed of the dragon which is allbaska to active the chaos before me so he shall take my place then ill lock that realm with dimensional key. once thats done i can escape the chaos and make minecraftia pure again which whould destroy all enderman and end.

    chaos: whats happening?

    HACKbot Hive Mind: Gamma ray inbound

    chaos: who told the hackbots to fire a gamma ray this way

    HACKbot Hive Mind: it did not come from one of ours ship or there ship

    chaos: then where did come from


    chaos: power suit active