Town of Generico! Every house has a batbox, a nuclear power station lies underneath keeping us all soaking in EU.

Seriously, every building has a batbox connected to the nuclear power station's distribution system!

Back here we have a pyramid, which formally housed the site of some experimentation on my part. Behind it is a field sporting some crators.

This facility is NOT the nuclear power station in question. It is instead a test bed for the primatives of the project, a training object for me. It was never fully functional, always in varying stages of construction. It's reactor was removed and some spaces were filled with construction foam at the beginning of the actual nuclear power station's construction.

This tower is part of the nuclear power station we are examining. This tower is where the nuclear reactors are housed. Now you might notice that there is no way up into the tower on foot, that is because there are teleporters you must power and use to enter/exit. Simple!

This is between the reactor tower we saw before and the town, these two shafts. The shaft on our left is shaft #5, and the shaft on our right is shaft #4. Both allow passage of wiring into the control/storage area for the nuclear power station.

This is shaft #2, located at the center of Generico. It provides ladder access to the surface, and is a part of the distribution lines. To reach the nuclear power station's control/storage area, one must use this shaft and walk through the distribution tunnels to such.

Following having climbed down shaft #2, turning around to face away from the ladder, and moving to your right you would reach this room. This is where the distribution line's EU splitters are located, and where the 'distribution remote override switch' is found.

If you continued upon the path to the right you would find yourself in shaft #3. Shaft #3 houses the HV transformer for output to the surface, and also houses a mushroom biome garden.

On the left path is shaft #1, housing an MV transformer for local LV transformers and access to the storage/control area for the nuclear power station.

This is from the POV of a person inside the storage/control area for the nuclear power station, that which is staring down the hallway leading to shaft #1.
Pictures of the control/storage room follow.