Posts by UnixRano

    Its likely to do with an old version of IC2 in the DW20 pack

    But it's not, I haven't changed the version of IC2 in the pack and it works fine for me.

    Great mod, going to download it soon, when everything else i'm using is up to date too :D
    Just a question, if there is all this uprade stuff and so on, why don't you add a quantum saber and maybe also a quantum bow? they might be a bit op, but I suppose they'd be hard to get...
    Greets Shadow

    BTW, I'm from Germany, so I'm sorry for any mistakes I've made. ;D

    That's been suggested before, I guess I'll consider it more for a future item :)

    It's weird though because everything else works but the key. I'll try those suggestions.

    Alright. Let me know if you figure out what's causing it, so that I can prevent it from happening in the future or warn people if its unavoidable.

    I'm not sure if I'm just stupid or something but the IC2CA Upgrades key doesn't work for me. I have changed key binding several times, but to no avail. Is there a simple answer to this problem or is it a bug? Anyway, great mod! Keep up the good work! :)

    I'm not quite sure what could be causing that. It works fine for me.
    Make sure that it doesn't conflict with any other keybindings, I'm think MC disables them or something like that when they conflict.
    What forge/ic2 are you using?

    Could you post a link to version 1.115.208, I'm having trouble finding it, I found the open beta for 1.4.7 In the support forum but it shows version 1.115.207.

    I'm new and I'm sure I must be just missing it somewhere.

    It's not anywhere on the IC2 forums as far as i can tell, but you can always download the latest version from
    Just make sure to get v1.115.222 or earlier, there seems to be a bug with .223 and later that I will fix later tonight or tomorrow..

    I also have plans to make the machine overclock-able, but it will be with my own more powerful and more expensive overclocker-type upgrade.

    As for the donate button, I'll add one later today.
    Edit: Added.

    Thanks for all the support :D

    If that the case then the quantum solar helmet is only charging the suit only. If that was intended and I just didn't notice.... then I might have used the EU of my armor very efficiently for the last few month...

    Next time you report a bug, you can leave out the sarcasm and make sure you describe the bug properly, otherwise I will have absolutely no idea what you mean.
    And also, before you try and make it seem like I'm an idiot, consider the fact that you somehow missed the capitalized sentence in three places that told you to update your IC2.

    That aside, I'll fix that in the next version.

    Is it possible to get an config option for that? i really like the Turbine / steady flight mode, but hate the jetpack hover/flying style.

    It is, but since it would be a server side config option, it would probably just be better to add another mode to the jetpack. In the next version, I'll make it so when flight mode is off, you can press jump + Ic2 mode switch to swap between jetpack Hover, Normal, and Off, and then when flight mode is on, it flies like normal.

    The Ultimate Quantum Armor seemed to stopped charging other armor pieces. Also when I place an armor and a upgrade in the armor assembler and charged it with EU. It just stands there without any updates or do anything.

    The Ultimate Quantum Armor never charged your other armor pieces, only tools you're using.

    As for that second part, UPDATE IC2!!!!! If you do not have version 1.115.208 or later, nothing will happen when you put something in the machine!!!!!

    Is there a clear guide on how to use the Armor Assembler? There seems no clear explanation on the wiki or the forums.

    Not at the moment, I'll add one soon.
    Basically, it uses the same recipes as before, just in the armor assembler instead of a crafting table. For example, to create a LapiJetpack, you combine either
    (a) An ExoLappack and a Jetpack
    (b) An ExoJetpack and a Lappack
    or (c) A BatJetpack and a Lappack

    To apply upgrades, you just put in the item you wish to upgrade and the upgrades.
    I made it so that it doesn't matter which item goes in which slot.

    There is information on the wiki about how the time/eu costs are calculated.
    I'll add a formal detailed information page sometime soon, but for now, just let me know if there's anything else you don't understand.

    Just released v1.13!

    Changelog: (It's a big one)

    First, some bug fixes:
    -Fixed instant death when a QuantumSuit or NanoSuit with max energy tried to absorb damage
    -Fixed QuantumSuit Bodyarmors not extinguishing fire on the player
    -Fixed negative damage values on items with really high EU values
    -Fixed many upgrades (particularly the Discharge) ignoring the upgraded charge of an item
    -Fixed EU currently in items not transferring properly to items with increased charge

    And some cool new features/quick changes:
    -Jetpacks with the Flight Turbine installed now act like normal jetpacks when flight mode is disabled.
    -Changed the Nano Bow's recipe to require Fibre Glass cable instead of HV Cable
    -Added a config option to disable the crafting of Energy Mk2 and Mk3
    -Added a config option to disable use of Overclockers and Energy Mk1 (I prefer to just disable crafting, so server Admins can still spawn/use them, but I didn't want to mess with IC2's recipes)
    -Added a config option to change the maximum EU that an upgraded armor can have
    -Added a config option to change the maximum Transfer Limit that an upgraded armor can have

    And the big addition:
    -Added the Armor Assembler, an awesome new way to combine and upgrade the Armors
    -Changed all recipes to be in the Armor Assembler
    -Removed the triple recipes (IE, jetpack + lappack + quantumsuit) due to the Armor Assembler only having 2 input slots
    -Changed the tier upgrade recipes (IE, NanoBatpack in the Lappack recipe) due to the Armor Assembler only having 2 input slots
    -Added Drill and Drill Bit, currently only used for the crafting of the Armor Assembler
    -Hopefully made everything less OP. NOTE: The times are still flexible. I felt that they were pretty good, but I may change them in the future based on feedback.

    NOTE: This requires IC2 v1.115.208-lf or later. This comes with the latest versions of most FTB Packs or can be downloaded here.

    If the nano bow is meant to shoot energy why not just change it to rifle or maybe a handgun? To me a bow seems out of place from the rest of IC's weapons.

    If your trying to make it different from the mining laser then I'll offer my explanation for how the mining laser works: I believe that the mining laser is actually firing plasma instead of light, the plasma is being contained by a magnetic field that is generated by the redstone as the plasma is fired. By adjusting the intensity of the plasma and magnetic field the behavior of the bolt can be changed allowing all the interesting modes the mining laser has.

    Either way just my two cents, and I'm loving this mod and would definitely call it my favorite IC2 addon.

    Glad you're liking it :D

    I understand what you're saying about a bow being slightly out of place... but I'm not sure I want it to be a gun either. I think a laser would fit in the best, but I also don't want it to be too similar to the IC2 laser... For now, it's a bow. There's a good chance I'll reconsider/change it sometime in the future though, and your suggestion will be considered when/if that happens :)

    Still, night vision goggles won't prevent players from aggroing an Enderman by staring at him. Currently, I can fix vision by Ender Pouch with crapton of potions, but anti-sight-aggro upgrade will be more convenient than a vision-obscuring pumpkin.
    Speed buff on leggings will be weaker then quantum sprint, but still useful due to increased backward movement speed, for example when you want to kite an army of zombies. If implemented, splitting it into two diffrent upgrades (one for 0 -> I, another for I -> II) might be good idea to make quantum leggings better choice than speed modules, that could be made expensive and pretty inefficient.

    Good point, I may make an upgrade that simulates wearing a pumpkin on your head (if possible, there's a chance it's hardcoded and I can't replicate it without editing base classes. I'll try though).
    And I understand what you're saying for the speed, so I'll reconsider.

    That sounds like a really cool system, but I see no need for that in this mod. I have already developed this entire system that allows you to combine your armors, therefore allowing you to charge all of your tools from your back while still having another armor (or two) of your choice, so why would I need to make another item that does the same thing?

    Also, it may seem simpler to you, but while it's not impossible, it's easier for me (since I have access to IC2's API) to do it the way I am doing it, and I like the way I am doing it.

    I was thinking of adding something similar to your vision idea, but then Ishaan1 reminded me that IC2 is almost done making a Night-vision Goggles armor and I will just add a combo armor for that when it is released.
    I have plans for some leggings upgrades. I considered a speed boost, but that's one of the features of the Quantum Leggings and I didn't want to render IC2 armors useless; I just wanted to use them and make improved versions of them.
    Removing the player's armor is kind of necessary without overriding base classes. Even if I made it not render the armor so that other players couldn't see you, the code for mobs checks if you have armor on regardless of what it renders as, so they would still be able to see you.
    I have plans for cross mod compatibility for things like GregTech, Compact Solars, and Advanced Solar Panels. I wanted to get more of the basics of my mod established before I started that, but now that the Armor Assembler is almost done, I may start that soon.
    I have plans to make a new arrow model. Just haven't gotten to it yet. The Nano Bow is theoretically shooting energy, it just doesn't look like it ATM. I did consider a Quantum Bow at one point, but the point of the Nano Bow was to match the Nano Saber and give a cheap electric ranged weapon, so unless I add a Quantum Saber too (which could be a possibility at some point) I'm just gonna stick with the Nano Bow for now.

    Glad you're enjoying the mod :D

    I have experienced that too. Also, flight cost could be made configurable.

    And two more bugs I found:
    - armor parts with high max capacity and low current EU sometimes get negative damage value and randomly disappear from inventory.
    - applying an upgrade resets EU charge of an item back to its original max capacity. (Will probably be fixed/removed with addition of Armor Assembler)

    EDIT: Overclockers Mk II pls. Because applying 30 stacks of overclockers is dumb (crafting them too).

    I recently discovered that because the 100,000,000 is such a large number, it often glitches out. I'll look into that.
    I added the jetpack functionality for the next version, but the flight shouldn't cost that much, so I'll look into that too.
    The negative damage values are being caused by the same thing that's causing the instant death. Fixed it already while working on armor assembler.
    Last thing is also already fixed with the armor assembler.
    I'd be glad to add an Overclocker Mk II.

    EDIT: I checked the code, and the flight should only be consuming 10 EU/t (which might be a bit cheap... but that's not the issue at hand). Where did you come up with 8,000?

    EDIT 2: It may be because I forgot to change the code that consumes EU when flying to use the upgraded max charge amount... I'd still like to know where/when it consumed 8,000 eu/t.

    Quick question/comment/feature request....I really love this mod and our server has been using it awhile now but I was wondering if it would be possible to modify the way the chest pieces work with upgrades in a future release to allow both the flight turbine and the jetpack functions to both continue to work. Basically when flight mode is enabled you get the "creative" flight, and when its not you get the basic function of the jetpack with and without the hover mode. Thanks for the mod, and keep up the great work.

    Not the first time that's been requested, so I'd be happy to add that in the next version :)

    I'm just dumb then, I didn't know there was a new IC2 version. Installing it (and the newest Forge) fixed those crashes, however armor doesn't respect 20000 EU charge speed limit - 16 stacks of overclockers got my chestplate to 103400.

    Yeah, since the new IC2 is in open beta, they don't update that thing at the top that says current version. That's why i tried to make it known that this needed the newest version. Obviously i failed.

    As for the charge speed limit... i'll look into that.

    EDIT: I checked the code, it actually maxes out at 200,000.

    I did find a divide by zero error in the process, so I fixed that.

    I can't upload it just yet, because I'm in the middle of developing the Armor Assembler and I don't want to upload it half-finished. Hopefully, I'll be done tomorrow or Tuesday.

    Update to the latest Ic2.

    There is no cap to the number of upgrades that can be applied, but there is a max upgradeable transfer speed and EU. By that, I mean I'm not going to say "you can only have 100 upgrades" regardless of what type they are; there is a maximum max eu. You can apply as many upgrades as you want, but the max EU will never exceed 100,000,000 and the transfer speed will never exceed 20,000 (EDIT: It's actually 200,000).

    And for future reference- if the latest update fails that miserably, you should probably assume that it's your fault. I would never release a version with something THAT broken. There are always plenty of bugs to be fixed, and crash reports for those are much appreciated as I need them to fix it, but if the server doesn't work at all (I test it on a server with friends for at least a few days before I upload) and the client is that glitchy (I test the client constantly), please read over the forum post and check for instructions like "make sure you update".

    Just uploaded v1.12! Changelog:

    Bug fix- fixed crash when quantum helmet tried to remove a potion effect
    Reorganized pacakges

    Added a config file with:
    The max number of solar or static upgrades that can be applied
    The order in which solar/static items will charge armors
    The option to disable the crafting recipes for the upgrades

    Added the ability to use IC2 energy storage upgrades to increase an item's EU by 10,000
    Added the ability to use IC2 overclocker upgrades to increase an item's charging speed by 20
    Added Energy Storage Upgrades Mk 2 and Mk 3 to increase an item's EU by 100,000 and 1,000,000, respectively.