Posts by SirusKing

    Ok but in wich config can i activate the sound. I uploaded to the latest version 1.4.5 but i had the problem that Buildcraft and Indistrial didn´t work together they work allone, bute they are not compatible. So i installed 1.3.2.

    Current version is 1.5.2 :p

    The Config is found in the config folder in .minecraft, it is a pretty obvious name if you see it.

    Yes but how can i craft Reactorchambers without dense copper plates. ? Another receipe ?

    Sigh, afraid to point you here but when you are using a really old version, you might want to take alook at the T***** Wiki, since its super outdated (but unfortuantly much more detailed then we would admit :p )

    To be honest i actually prefer the recipes for the old reactor but the new System is much better.

    By the Nuclear Fuels, i hope you dont mean from Cell to Ingot, right? Cause that would mean infinite Plutonium/Thorium :D

    Just basic information about the machines is good, excludes any spoilers.

    Recipe Changes
    Plate Bender
    Alloy Furnace
    Industrial Centrifuge
    Industrial Electrolyser
    Nuclear Fuels
    Quantum/Digital Storage
    Fusion Reactor
    What else? Add to this list