Posts by Nargon

    Unofficial hotfix for cleanup Mobile Charger.

    This hotfix is for Minecraft 1.7.3, Industrial Craft 8.55_02, SSP
    I don't create fix for SMP.

    1) Download mod_IndustrialCraft.class from
    2) Copy this file into minecraft.jar and overwrite original file from IndustrialCraft.

    This hotfix give you about 1 minute time for charge item in mobile charger before it don't working. This is enough time for charge.

    Changes in source code:

    For ugoa: Bat-Pack work's fine. You need use batpack (right click with batpack in hand) each time when you load world. And then put batpack on self (chest armor position). And use charged drill.

    at 256EU you get 31 spaces (radius) from field generator to force field wall. From one force field wall to other force field wall you get 63 spaces inside with force field generator in middle.

    But is not possible to combine the two force field generators for one big field. From outside yes, you create big field, but every force field generator create own cube and inside is force field wall :(

    Hi i created unofficial hotfix for this bug.
    I used MCP 4.3 for decompile, fix bug and recompile source code.

    And here is hotfix for this bug:
    This hotfix is for IC 8.50 and MC 1.7.3 SSP. Yes only for SSP, because i use IC mod only in SSP, and i don't create fix for SMP.

    1) Download TileEntityTransmit.class from link above
    2) Copy this file into minecraft.jar and overwrite original file from IndustrialCraft.

    For Alblaka, here is my changes in source code:

    Can you change the amount of energy required for teleportation depending on the distance teleportation?

    3M EU is still huge energy. It is good for teleportation on very long distance, but it is too much for short distance (eg higher floor of the house).
    I think 2K EU for 1 square distance is good. eg teleportation in home from the ground floor to first floor (4 squares) cost 8K EU, and teleportation from home to another village (200 squares) cost 400K EU. Only on very long distance (1500 squares) cost 3M EU.

    I has connected 256 EU/s to Field Generator and after cca 15s game crashed. I run game again, load world and game crash again after 15s. When i remove field generator game don't crash.

    Game was started with this command line:

    java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -cp "%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar;%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\jinput.jar;%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl_util.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\natives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraft

    And Error log:

    P.S. Sorry for my english.