The dyes are "colour conductors", if the name matters much to the meaning. Said conductors wear out and must be replaced.
Colour conductors
Damn grammar nazis :3 ~SpwnX
The dyes are "colour conductors", if the name matters much to the meaning. Said conductors wear out and must be replaced.
Colour conductors
Damn grammar nazis :3 ~SpwnX
- other example: i have quarried an 11x11 chunk area from layer 55 downwards, turned most of the cobble into slabs and recycled all of the cobble and slabs. it has not given me enough scrap to make quantum armor. i dont love it. i dont know if it matters because i dont know if required scrap ammounts are debatable.
Incidentally, the amount of EU needed to make UU is configable - so you could, if you wanted to.
This generator would be nice if it effected every chunk in an 8x8 area but itself.
8x8 would have no centre chunk. OCD people would complain
We coincidently did before
Lots of assorted dyes and a long time to keep it fulled. That seems OK
Wait, would it scrap cables/machines/storage boxes?
They said they about the real one, that hasn't been updated in years
It's fine. Plenty of energy for plenty of destruction. After all, 64 chunks of wasteland for your 1156 EU/t
Wait whaaaaaa? Uhhhhhhh. That'll take time and effort. Time that I don't have
Ohhhhhhhhh, me want!
Thats the idea.
Nothing that a config to disable it can't solve.
Prefect. I support it completely.
Turns 50 blocks every second into (liquid) scrap block, regardless of generation.
In an 8x8 chunk area? That'd either cause lots of lag, or be used as a greefing tool. Like the idea, but seems very distructive
I'd think it's pretty rude to do that without asking him for permission to do that first. Especially if you are uploading it publicly.
If you get no response after trying, it seems like wasted time if you can only use it yourself. It's not like he's splashing the code out everywhere as all his own either.
Hey Greg, how about a thing like this ancient addon added? Or just any way of looking at the hidden stats of soil like air quality or nutrition.
Gregtech said you did something:
unidye -> ingotIron
unidye -> plateIron
unidye -> dyeBlack
unidye -> dyeBlue
unidye -> dyeBrown
unidye -> dyeGreen
unidye -> dyeWhite
unidye did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.
unidye -> ingotInfusedGold
unidye -> dustInfusedGold
unidye -> dustSmallInfusedGold
unidye -> dustTinyInfusedGold
unidye -> plateInfusedGold
unidye -> plateDenseInfusedGold
unidye -> stickInfusedGold
unidye -> nuggetInfusedGold
Crops crops crops. Terraformers work when you give them power - there, documented.
No, you pretty much just remove the heat vents and hope you don't make it explode before you put them back in
The Steel Wrench deals more damage than a Diamond Sword or Tungstensteel Sword.
Make a tungstensteel wrench then
This one