How about I just disable gui's? It is working for me at least.... it's probably because I'm in a dev environment.
Disabling them would be useful, as if they don't work normally it's annoying to avoid right clicking them
How about I just disable gui's? It is working for me at least.... it's probably because I'm in a dev environment.
Disabling them would be useful, as if they don't work normally it's annoying to avoid right clicking them
GUIs are broken, don't right click on the engines guys!
[INFO] [STDOUT] Description: Exception in server tick loop
[INFO] [STDOUT] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: client.gui.guicorefiles.GuiElectricEngineContainer.addSlotToContainer(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;)Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;
[INFO] [STDOUT] at client.gui.guicorefiles.GuiElectricEngineContainer.<init>(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at client.gui.guicorefiles.ElectricEngineGuiHandler.getServerGuiElement(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.openGui(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at electricengines.tileentitys.TileEntitySlowElectricEngineLV.onBlockActivated(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at electricengines.blocks.BlockElectricEngine.func_71903_a(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.item.ItemInWorldManager.func_73078_a(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
[INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(
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Well, pick a cape. Then I'll set your cape to the one you pick.
How about this one temporarily:…4619!1MCape.png
Yeah, I'll just set your cape as a 'not yet decided'. Or, null. Which means, there is none.
How about this one temporarily:…20110319174619!1MCape.png
I'd better go find/make one then
Well... since you voted 'yes', you get a cape! Just tell me your in-game username, and the cape url you want, and you'll get a cape! Once I update the alpha. I didn't get a chance to implement capes in the alpha release. This rule applies to everyone. This includes, developers, mod contributors, people who voted 'yes' in the poll, and other things once I figure out what I want to happen.
Hurray My IGN is Chocohead. By cape URL do you mean a link to a cape PNG?
What was wrong with the BC intigration?
It didn't work
Has no one really downloaded the alpha?
It's out? ME WANT
With all the IC2 changes, have filled food cans been nerfed? I mean each food type only gives one now, while before it gave as many as the food was worth. Also carrots and potatoes can't be canned at all
Target has no chance to survive, as it's 2 minutes of Radiaion III, so even quantumsuit won't help.
Doesn't the helmet stop all effects though?
me should add this with a totally useful function!
I've always wanted to spwn Xs
5 Yeses! Now to compile and release a broken alpha!
Hurray Guess who was the 5th Yes
Can we have it so the capes can stack on other ones, so you could have a Convertors one, a Minecon one and a Gregtech one on your back all at once?
We'll find a way to reset it, so everyone can get their dragon adventure.
Ironically, I've been building my enderman farm in 1.4.7, with the dragon not dead. Let's hope 500 blocks is enough to keep him at bay...
You watched us defeat the Ender Dragon on the live stream right?
I did, wished I could have helped
Still not as cool as Sengir's Mighty Plank (8 nether stars and a dragon egg for a wooden plank), which was his joke about GregTech being cruel with its recipes.
I actually did make one of those however
They were to make you feel safe, like a nuclear war shelter.
I think Vista is actually having a few performance advantages over something.
Windows ME. Only one worse
I'm going to reset your registration.
Ok then.