Wow looks so nice !
But without gregtech and Buildcraft i cant use it
Wow looks so nice !
But without gregtech and Buildcraft i cant use it
Thans for so much answer !
No i dont want to "cheat" with it
But if i sett from coal to gold = 1-50 and Iridium = 100 then i dont know it is Iridium...
It can also gold or some redsone
if i am right the Gregtech ores cant be cange ?
Srorry for my english.
But if you can speak german... that was pretty nice
Hi i have a problem with the OV scanner config.
I tryed to add the gregtech ores.. but it will not work
I think the Problem is the Code:
1:5 = ore 1 = value 5 no problem !
But if i try to add Iridium = 4060:2 and with the ore value = 4060:2:100 but not working
I know the Ores have values ... but 10 for Iridium ??
No changse to find it with 10
I Wand my Values for this !
But i cant find any Values for this in the Config
NEW Energy Storage !
I have a Idea For new Energy Storage !
1. AESU with lower capacity and cheaper
2. Energystorage With Adjustable Capacity [ACES = Adjustable Capacity Energy Storage]. (can be used as timer or other things
3. From 1. A Box to limit the EU/t but witout Capatiy.
Ich habe eine Idee Für Neue Energie Speicher !
1.AESU mit weniger Kapazität um es Günstiger zu machen.
2. Energiespeicher Mit Variabler Kapazität [ACES = Adjustable Capacity Energy Storage] Sehr Nützlich wenn nur Wenig Speicher Benötig wird oder nur Wenig Verfügbar sein soll. / oder eben auch als Timer
3. Habe ich schon Gefunden! Ein einstellbarer Transformator link ->> Adjustable IC Transformer Mod Suggestion! [Video Inside] Ich finde die Idee SEHR gut
Endlich darf ich mal Deutsch schreiben
Oh This is Alredy Posted
Adjustable IC Transformer Mod Suggestion! [Video Inside]
It is same Idea But with Transformer not Energy Storage
But The Cloner Can only reproduce the Item was exsistung !
Ähm if you have Choal.. and you need 2 of them... Choal in the Cloner + 4k eu (energy) and this x2 is not bad.
Choal + 2x(energy) + the rarity = New Choal
Why not
I think it Is a good idea for a addon or something:)
Yes is in my Box
But in all the Time my English is a little bit better and i didnt need the translator Everytime
Have Greg a Suggestion thread ?
Greg Speak Relly German ?
Hm Nice idea !
But the UU ->
can this...
No it is witout
If not in IC² i Hope it will Include in GregTech
I Know that .. but 10´000 is too much i think 100 is okay -> 0,25EU / t = 5eu/sek 100EU = 20sek
If all 20secs you have a energy pule you have light
I mean 2 Luminators first have 10k and the second (if it work in that world) with 1000 or less.
I have a Idea For new Energy Storage !
1. AESU with lower capacity and cheaper
2. Energystorage With Adjustable Capacity [ACES = Adjustable Capacity Energy Storage]. (can be used as timer or other things
3. From 1. A Box to limit the EU/t but witout Capatiy.
ANd Sorry for my Bad English
Yes i have simular Problem
Turn on the Light and i have no Energy for Other Machines (i have over 15 Luminator´s)
I think a second Luminator with Low Capacity or Variable Capacity is a relly good idea !
Hmm will it tuns into dust if you cook it too long ??
ME:Are you Hungry ??
Me:Ok Wait a sec i cook you some steak´s...
5 secs later..
Other: Woow It was Fast !
But Why Glow my Steak Green ?
ME: Oh sorry Too Much Putonium...
Other: WHAT ?? Would are you kidding me ?
ME:No 2 Quad cells is too much for it
Very nice idea !
I hope it will be implemented
Würde das Lang pack von dir gern testen .. aber
wenn ich die Datei Herunterlade und öffne habe ich nur 2 Leere Ordner ...