So if thats too expensive for you, then why dont you just make a Solar Plant with regular Panels? The point of compact Solar Panels is only that you can carry them around everywhere, to set up a mobile Energy Source anywhere (even underground if done right), or just to save space.
Actually it's to reduce the lag monster that is the standard panel.The best analogy I can find for these panels is this:
Exasperation on FTB forums:
"You know, the Advanced Solar Panels maintainer has inspired me with
their sense of balance, and I've come around to their way of thinking.
So now, out of the goodness of my heart and in the same spirit of fair
play as the new and improved Advanced Solar Panel recipe, I'm going to
make the following offer*, which should appeal to everyone who likes the
new recipe:
If you send me $1,000, I will send you $2 a year every year for the
rest of my life. That's free, guaranteed income, that you don't have to
work for at all! In fact, I'm such a nice guy that I'll let you take
advantage of this marvelous offer as many times as you like! Send me
$10,000 and I'll send you $20 a year! You could potentially earn
unlimited** amounts of money from this deal! Hey, wait! Where are you
going? Don't you want all this free money?
* Not a real offer.
** Provided scientists discover how to make me immortal.
If you and the creator of this mod think that's a good idea; please take that deal in rl to the point you don't have enough money
to pay for internet so you don't make mods anymore.