What? I think you're confused and too hung up on how you remember the old versions to work.
Well, yeah. this is my first experience of IC2 2.0.
The new system is a great simplification. You forget all other numbers and only look at EU/t. All sources inputting EU/t into a cable or machine are summed up each tick, and only that one EU/t number is used for calculation. There is no more packet size because packet size is always 100% identical to EU/t.
OK, I could see that was the effect, but I didn't realize packets had actually gone away and there was no longer any concept of "current" separate from "voltage". So far, I'm going to take a lot of convincing that this new metaphor is an improvement. It means that I can't just add more current at the same voltage on a rail to power more machines at the same voltage any more.
Now, I assume that you have your transformers set up so that each individual MFE feeds into its own dedicated MV transformer, and then again into a dedicated LV transformer. If all four MFEs would output into the same cable, you'd have that 2048 EU/t pulse going around and nuking all your MV transformers, because they can only take 512 EU/t. If all the MV transformers output into the same cable, you'd have a 512 EU/t pulse nuking all your LV transformers.
Yes, I figured out last night that I had to do that now.
One thing you should notice: transformers no longer output 4 packets per tick, because there's no such thing anymore as multiple packets per tick. Under the old system, a LV transformer had 128 EU/t input and 128 EU/t output. it didn't step down EU/t at all, just EU/p.
Which made sense, and accurately reflects (well, except for conversion losses) the way real transformers work. Double the voltage, half the current; halve the voltage, double the current.
However, under the new system, stepping down means actually throttling throughput by 75%. You don't lose any power, it just goes through much more slowly. If you want to step down 512 EU/t into four 128 EU/t lines, you need four MV transformers. But the moment you let those four transformers output into the same cable, it's going to sum up right back to 512 EU/t again. There are no more packets, there is only EU/t.
So transformers aren't actually transformers any more, they are restrictors.
Downstream, all your machines are fine with the 128 EU/t they're getting, because all machines can now handle MV by default (thermal centrifuge even does HV).
Not the metal former. The metal former will explode at 128EU/t. Go ahead, ask me how I know.
You can now either give each individual machine its own MV transformer (throttling the 160 EU/t down to 128 EU/t), or instead you can insert transformer upgrades into your machines. That will allow them to accept up to 512 EU/t. This means you to completely remove all your LV transformers and simply feed the machines from your four MV transformers. Or, you know what would be even easier? Forget those 4 MV transformers too. Just feed the line from one MFE. If you still want the storage of all four, hook the MFEs up serially.
So in the new scheme, there is no longer any reason to connect storage devices in parallel to get increased current, and in fact you CAN'T increase the current, you can only increase the voltage.
In the past, transformer trees such as yours were useful because they allowed you to transmit several thousand EU/t over a line that could only handle 32 EU/p. Under the new system, forget all that. It's much easier.
I think we have different ideas of "easier" here.
The new system, I think, is going to require excruciating care with every power system change or load change to make sure that nothing is going to be receiving more power than it can handle.
Just transmit the several thousand EU/t as they are, and use transformer upgrades to make sure your machines can take it. Instead of having transformers at the start of the line (right after storage), you now have transformers at the end of the line (inside your machines, as upgrades).
Yeah, I see that. Under the new revised system, the only sensible way to handle it is to distribute power at the highest available voltage, and have individual transformers restrictors as late in the line as possible.
Thanks for the explanation of how the new e-net works. As previously said, I think I'm going to take a lot of convincing that the new model is a good idea. I presume a major motivation was to reduce CPU load?