Posts by pepelowski

    But I digress. You also made an error, namely in the way you calculated cell value. Good job on factoring the 2.5 plutonium cycles per thorium cycle in, that's the thing most commonly overlooked. But not all fuel cells are equal. You need to base your math off of the EU value that each fuel type will generate at efficiency 1 (i.e. single cell, no neighbours). In 1.4.7, for uranium and thorium that value is 1 million, but for plutonium it is 4 million. So for this reactor the calculation would look like this:

    Thorium cell value: 3 (slots) x 4 (cells per slot) * 1 (cell per cycle) * 1 million (base value) = 12 million
    Plutonium cell value: 3 (slots) x 1 (cells per slot) * 2.5 (cells per cycle) * 4 million (base value) = 30 million

    Hi Omicron,

    thanks for the help. Right now I'm hanging on 1.4.7 and had not really recognized, how in detail the nerf on plutonium/thorium would work.

    My understanding of efficency is based on EU output per uran dust and therefore I considered more or less 2 ways:

    The Natural Way:

    16 uranium dust will be centrifuged into 16 uran cells, 4 thorium cells and 1 plutonium cell
    if you consider the best reactorsetup for maximum EU output you would get following values:
    16x uran (à 7 Mio EU) = 112 Mio EU
    4x thorium (à 12 Mio EU) = 48 Mio EU
    1x plutonium (à 30 Mio EU) = 30 Mio EU
    = 190 Mio EU in Total

    = 11,875 Mio EU per uran dust

    The Enrichement Way:
    1 uranium dust + 8 coaldust = 8 depleated cells
    after breeding you get 8 fresh uranium cells out of the progress (for another 8 coal dust).
    breeding would need one thorium cell per 440 depleted cells and therefore lowers your profit to roughly 6.3 Mio EU per cell

    So 1 uran dust would give you 50,4 Mio EU output!


    Thorium/Plutonium Hybrid (353 EU/t, Total 353million, Eff 4.93)http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.…l0uge9eqebhmbcw

    Hi Guys,

    I don't get the clue about the efficency parameter. I always thought that efficiency is showing the mio EU genereted per cell. If I calculated the EU output of this Thorium/Plutonium Reactor by Crsipen right, than it would have an efficiency of 18.1!

    12 thorium cells + 7,5 plutonium cells (3 with 2.5 recharges) = 19 cells per full cycle
    353 mio EU / 19 cells = 18.1 mio EU per cell

    Where am I wrong?