I've been quiet here for a while, but that's not because the site has been standing still! Of course, there are a whole bunch of new mods: Agricraft, Hydraulicraft, ProjectRed, and Tinker's Construct, just to name a few. More than that, crafting has gotten a major overhaul as well. You can now remove steps from crafting plans, adjust your inventory, and add new items all before hitting a button to get a new plan. It completely changes the experience; try it! And, if that wasn't enough... the entire site has been rewritten from scratch to work on any device from a 30" desktop monitor down to a 4" phone screen! Just imagine working on your next huge build with crafting guide showing your step-by-step crafting plans on your phone... take a look: http://crafting-guide.com
Posts by andrewminer
I'm super excited to announce that I've added full multi-block support for Crafting Guide! For example, check out a 5-Core Reactor from Big Reactors, or the 5x5x5 Steel Tank from Railcraft. I'm really pleased with how it turned out! Tell me about any multiblocks you'd like to see, and I'll make sure they get added!
For a long while now, Galacticraft has been the most requested mod, and it's finally here! Enjoy!
At long last, I've got some more big news about Crafting Guide! I've just finished a completely new crafting algorithm. Instead of just taking the first crafting plan it comes up with, it tries to compute every possible plan, rates them, and then picks the best one. So far, it's already coming up with a few plans which are better than what I could have done by hand!
Today I launched the second major part of the item description editor: image uploads! As you enter your description, use the markdown notation for an image:  and a empty image preview will show up underneath the editor. Click the button to select an image from your computer. Just be sure to keep the images to a reasonable size (< 750kB, and < 740px by 600px). Feel free to test it out by helping to add some item descriptions!
I've been working on a big new feature for a while now, but I didn't want to leave everyone without anything new for so long... So, I've just finished adding MineFactory Reloaded! Enjoy!
And the Iron Furnace
Looks like both the Macerator and Thermal Centrifuge have the same issue.
Looks like the template for the Metal Former has the same problem. The entry for the Copper Ingot down a ways on the Copper page is a good example.
Okay... big changes on the crafting page! Instead of having four little boxes for the various parts of the crafting plan, the new page shows all the steps as one long list. In addition, you get a lot more control over the plan. Now, you can even mark individual steps as complete to get a new crafting plan which doesn't include those items.
As an example, let's say you're thinking about upgrading your Reinforced Jetpack to a shiny new Resonant Jetpack, you can just mark off the step for the Reinforced Jetpack, and get only the materials and steps for doing the upgrade.
I'm really pleased with the new crafting page, and I think you're going to love it!
I've got a bunch of new things to announce today! First, thanks to a contribution from a fan, Crafting Guide now supports Extra Utilities and Ender Storage. I've also added support for Modular PowerSuits and Simply Jetpacks. Second, I replaced the item picker on the crafting page. Unlike the earlier item picker, this one shows you a picture of the item (so you can be sure you got the right one), and it will let you pick items from different mods which share a name (e.g., the Copper Gear from Forestry or Thermal Expansion). Finally, using the new item picker, I added a site-wide search feature. It will find any item from any mod in your current mod pack and take you directly to that page. Much more convenient!
You've asked for it, and now it's finally here... Mekanism support is now available! There is one important caveat... I can't figure out the exact quantities of all the various liquid-based recipes, so the numbers have been completely omitted for that part and probably are a bit incorrect. If you have any further information about those recipes, please let me know!
I'm happy to announce that Crafting Guide now supports a few new mods JABBA, Iron Chests, and an upgrade for BuildCraft. This last is now caught up with all the latest BuildCraft goodies... including Robots!
I've noticed that sometime in the past few weeks, something changed about the recipe box template so that any links which appear directly below it are not clickable. You can see them, but clicking on them doesn't do anything (for example: look here). I tried looking at the template to fix the issue, but I decided I just don't know enough about how they're put together to confidently make such a change on my own. Does anyone else know how to fix the issue?
AndrewPS: In case it's a browser-specific thing, I've tried using both the latest Chrome and Firefox on a Mac.
Recently, I've been working on allowing mod authors to add more detail to the item pages here on Crafting Guide. To that end, there are a couple of new features to announce. First, item detail pages can now show text and pictures to describe the item (check out the Assembly Table for an example). Second, mods can now include tutorial pages containing similar text and pictures to describe tricky concepts, complex builds, or anything else their mod has to offer (see Gates, Wires, and Chips for an example). Finally, both item pages and tutorial pages can display a list of YouTube videos. Only a few pages in the Buildcraft section have been updated so far, but keep an eye out for more to come!
And... the second piece of news is that Crafting Guide now supports Thermal Dynamics! This mod is an off-shoot from Thermal Expansion which contains all the ducts (item, fluid and redstone flux) you're used to from TE3 plus some extras both for higher capacity throughput and combining item ducts with redstone flux ducts.
Happy Friday! For the weekend, you get Big Reactors! Enjoy!
It's been a while, but I just posted some new stuff for Crafting Guide. First, a volunteer took on the rather daunting
task of adding Forestry support! It's all there in all its glorious plethora of species. Major kudos to Sheldon Griffin
for making it happen.Second, I've just finished the coding to majorly improve the item pages. Now, its possible to add a markdown description
of the item (including images) as well as videos for each item. Of course, actually filling in the content is a whole
different kettle of fish. The Buildcraft guys have generously given me permission to copy in their content, so I'm
going to be busy doing that for a while. However, you can see the finished product for the
Advanced Crafting Table. More to come! -
Another big release for Crafting Guide! This time, I've been working on the navigation of the site itself. You'll now
see a small navigation bar at the top of each page which both tells you where you are as well as letting you jump to
another location. This make the whole item/mod-browsing part of the site much more visible, and simplifies the crafting
page a bit. There's even a real home page with a change log! -
If this gets GT support I'd be very interested. Does it add options to say what machines you have or is that the 'have' section? With GT stuff becomes a load more efficient if you can process stuff better.
I've checked out recent version of GregTech and was fairly overwhelmed with the sheer scope of it. It's probably 100x larger than the larges mod Crafting Guide supports right now. I'd need a whole new level of tooling for the data processing, and I might even need some serious refactoring of the algorithms in the code to handle that many items. Also... I haven't touched GregTech in probably a year, so I'm very unfamiliar with how everything even works anymore.
So... while I'd love to add GregTech support, it might be a while before I can dedicate enough time to figure it all out.