Temp Server available. Sadly vanilla because there is no up-to-date bukkit port available and that means there is no bukkit ported mods yet.
Posts by iTzWrekKeD
The new server post is up. Go take a look at it.
1.1 Full Bukkit Server!
IP 1:su.srevreslaR
IP 2:731.581.36.371
Configs you'll need Config v3.3
IC2 v1.71 (Obviously)
Buildcraft 2.2.12 (All Parts)
EquivalentExchange2 v1.38
RedPower PR4d (All pieces)
RailCraft v3.2.1 (not required for now)
IronChests v2.3a (Independent but still in IC2 forums)
[IC2] Advanced Machines v3.2 beta 1
[BC] Additional Pipes v32.3
Other Accepted Mods:
Rei's Minimap
NEI (Use this for recipes)
and any other mods that don't induce cheating.Rules:
We have simple rules. DON'T BE A GRIEFING ASSHOLE! Other than that you can do whatever except piss off the following:
1. Brave875 (Owner)
2. iTz_WrekKeD (Co-Owner)
3. Carzy20
4. Cosmix48If you have any requests, questions, or problems. Either add one of the following skype names, or reply to this post!
Skype Name: iTzWrekKeD
Skype Name: Brave875
Well, since we are adding the Force Field Generator (IC2 ADDON) to the server and there are ID conflicts, I decided to throw up my config files for download to make your lives that much easier.
Config Files: http://www.mediafire.com/?111yd2q6n7b0xs6
Well you know how in RP you can place covers and pneumatic tubes within the same block? Well why not cables?
What did you use to power it? nuclear?
He must have had a lapotron crystal or 2 and an MFSu
not a bug as the IC stuff isn't supposed to be enchant-able, it just isn't disabled yet.
(also, it's not "enchantment points", it's "levels")Eh, so what. Still nice though. And if ya look at it logically, why would you spend levels on enchanting? Wouldn't they be points? But i wonder why he would make the items non-enchantable? I think it would be cool to have a nano saber with the fire aspect. Or a quantum suit with fire and blast resistance. Maybe even a diamond drill with silk's touch.
So i spent 38 enchantment points on my nano saber and it gave me 2 pickaxe enchantments.
Brave could you update the forum post and whatnot? cause I have no idea what to get for the server.
If you could do this soon I would appreciate it ;D
PS:I made a vault and I need some bedrock ;P
Since we are like always in a skype call. I might see if I should make the new post and keep the post up to date.
The mao is temp right now.
But right now you need the following:
IC2 v1.42
BC 2.2.7 (soon to be 2.2.8 because that's what bukkit ported)
RedPower2 PR4 (All parts)
and eventually Additional Pipes r31.1 (this was ported by DaStormBringer) -
Well,Buildcraft redpower and a few of our addons have been updated. I think we need to get them so we can begin adapting to the new 1.0.0 sorta deal.
Theres a connection error on The IP Ralservers.us and....I'm not sure whats up but it may be a script error.
we are getting it up now on 1.0.0 since IC2 updated finally updated. until it gets bukkit ported it will not be fully public because we don't trust people without our griefer protection. so expect it to be up soon
There is so much to this mod it's not even an addon. more like it's own mod. but it does still need ICw2 things. so its a half addon. Anyway you put it. This mod is just awesome
IP is now:
Zeldo's Pipes Version is [Rev 29]
my client keeps crashing it says the error from max string. can u help me? maybe u can send me your .minecraft folder so i can play on this server.
im sorry but i cant do that. sending your jar with other people mods in it is strictly forbidden unless you get permission from the creators, your eiher gonna have to deal with it or just have the necessary items to be on the server. You only need Buildcraft 2.2.1 and IC2 v1.15.
anything else is unnecessary. But thank you for posting! Here have a Nano Saber!
And!, some Quantum Armor