Posts by Mine_Sasha

    chloe : Actually, the point of this mod was just to bring a tier 5 SU to IC2, like Greg did in GT4 or less, except it was just supposed to be a SU, not AESU or IDSU ^_^' , however me and Xbony are glad you like it, and about the texture, the mfsu like texture is gonna change, because I just didn't finished it, because it's supposed to look like the EV transformer ( in terms of colours ) , but I added some blue lines, GT style :D :P , and we also gonna have an IDSU like GUI, for moar fanciness :D

    Holy cow, never actually payed attention to this, usually for me, when someone says 2 "billion" in English (not the case in french) , for me it's 2 milliards and when I saw you said ZPM had 2 billion EU, I thought it was 2 000 000 000 EU, because you said yourself you don't want to make something that has more than 2 000 000 000 x , but anyway, my other question is, HOW DID YOU MAKE SOMETHING THAT HAS A NUMBER THAT IS LARGER THAN MAX INT ? 2^31-1


    I like borken English :D

    BTW, I don't think reika = alblaka , because reika doesn't seem to be german, but yeah.

    BTW (Again), what really happened to Al ?, And does anybody have seen him on internet/IRL lately ?

    And does the halloween mobs (IC2) drop their nanosuit when killed and does it work on 1.7.10 ? , because I don't want to crash :P

    Yeah, we (fortunately) can't see anything, but I think that image is a bit weird, my personal opinion, but I liked the joke (satansanta) behind it XD , and I didn't said you were a pedophile Fog. , you maybe didn't even noticed that, but I noticed that, and I think it will be better for you and your reputation to modify it, and only leave the part with SatanSanta ^^

    Nostalgic hero (Chocohead) : A skilled artist and coder, and have a nice dog profile :P :D
    Nostalgic halper (me) : skilled artist = yes, skilled coder ... NOPE ( not yet, I'm Learning :D )... and let's be realistic, nostalgic halper is not really halpful (yet)
    Nostalgic moderator (SpwnX) : skilled with the 1!0!!10!!1110HAX-BANHAXMER
    Nostalgic classic (CubeWrench202) : skilled with wrenches, can instakill you with a wrench if you insult the classic mods

    I now silver is a good electrical conductor, but I didn't knew that silver was also a good heat conductor :P

    I said graphene because it's considered as the best heat conductor avaible IRL atm ( diamond being 2nd, carbon nanotubes being 3rd ) and we have both diamonds and carbon nanotubes in vanilla IC2 ( diamonds/industrial diamonds & carbon plates ) but why not graphene :D

    I say yay and potato, because I want a forcefield mod like the last MFFS update of 1.2.5, it only used energy for making forcefields like ARS do now, and it had the same kind of active defence blocks like Minalien MFFS ( Defence stations and personnal cards ) and I don't really like the Calclavia version, sure Calclavia mods are awsome, but this one isn't really for me :P , and unlike Minalien/Immibis safe frequency card system (where it's only connected to the block you right click) you can hijack a Calclavia forcefield pretty easily, because it uses numerals Frequencies, and if someone use 000, just make another card with that frequency and put a fortron battery nearby and put the card in it and POOF, no forcefields ( you can even hijack them only by placing another fortron battery nearby :P ), so yeah, if you revive the forcefields mods, but do a mix beetween ARS and Minalien MFFS so we can have a good protection, only using energy, and not that godamned forcicium :P


    I think we should use a special cable, first, we would need graphene, which could be made by putting a diamond in a thermal centrifuge, and that would give you 8 graphene, or the same thing but with carbon plates, giving you only 1 graphene, then we put 6 graphene, 3 at the top and 3 at the bottom of the crafting table, with 1 coolant cell in the middle, and 2 heat exchanger next to it, and that would give you 4 heat cables, hope you guys like the idea :D

    But if you have other mods installed, it makes the crafting a BIT more complex, and besides, why not adding another dust then, called the spectrum dust, that requires some rare dusts to be crafted, the recipe would be shapeless : energium dust, diamond dust, electrum dust, glowstone dust, and nether quartz dust = give you one spectrum dust compound that if you throw in an thermal centrifue, it will give you 1 spectrum dust, which can be used for advanced crafting ( like mass fab or lapotron ) and used in the glass fiber recipe, using 2 spectrum dust instead of energium and one energium dust instead of the silver dust, but due to the complex crafting recipe, it should at least give you 8 glass fibre.

    Spectrum dust interesting property would be to convert electricity into light and vice versa losslessly, making glassfibre at least a bit more logical thx to this fictive material.

    BTW, the water mills EU output is funky, I connected one to a MFE and it didn't output energy until I relog to my world, and then it worked, but after the MFE was full, I used some energy from the MFE but it wasn't filling back up :c

    And NO FOR DA SILVER CABLES, Glass Fibre ( even if not logical at all, :floating dirt block: ) look much cooler, and if I were an IC2 dev, I would change the recipe so it requires electrum dust (so they are a lil'bit more expensive), that's what I'm already doing in my pack thx to MineTweaker