Name: Mobile Pump
Summery: Mobile pump to fill cells/buckets faster.
Default Item ID: 31008
The Mobile pump makes collecting lava/water easier. When you right click on water or lava with it, it will suck it up and place it in a cell or bucket (or do nothing if you have none of either). Collecting lava costs a bit more power then water. (can fill 56 cells/buckets of lava or 2*64 cells/buckets of water atm). Just stuff the device in a generator/batbox and it will charge up again. Tested on SSP only, seems to work. (I like the lava generator but the bucket switching or lava/water cell making got me annoyed. Too slow for mass production.) It's like having an electric bucket!
Now 250% more obsolete!
You can right click with a cell in your hand in 1.23. So you don't really need it anymore. It does still work with 1.23. This guy made a better pump thing, along with more interesting and awesome things Here. So check that out.
Electric Mobile Pump:

You need a Treetap, Pump, empty Fuel Can, empty RE Battery
Throw into your mods folder. Maybe change the ID in the config/mod_IC2MobilePump.cfg.
From 0.8 to 0.8.*: Remove config/mod_IC2MobilePump.cfg
SMP compatable
Known bugs
-No animation when you right click.
Version History
-Updated server version. EntityPlayerMP.onUpdate seemed to do the trick. Hurray! I miss JavaDoc/API docs.
-Cleaned code, should perform better and won't jiggle items. Should be good now. Except for SMP.
-Removed the remote possibility of using it without using energy.
-When pulling stuff from a BC tank or such, it will try to first put it in a bucket. If it's water or lava bucket, it will try to put it in a cell. So you need an empty bucket as an intermediary. You won't notice it, it'll do so automatically.
- Works now with Buildcraft tanks. Though items still jiggledance when the tank is empty. (has to do that it removes the bucket first, then tries to do BC things. If it failed it will restore the bucket)
- Fixed minor oopsy. Oops.
(If using cells failed, it would ignore buckets)
- Changed Forge config to Modloader config. Please remove old config, sorry for the trouble.
I hope it works! First mod and all that. But it seems like I didn't forget everything about Java. MCP was a big help though.