Posts by genuir

    Hello, I am developing a small mod that adds some useful recipes in minecraft, but I do not know how we report the second parameter of macerator.addRecipe(new ic2.api.recipe.RecipeInputItemStack(new ItemStack(1,1,0)), ???, new ItemStack(13,1,0));, which is the type NBTTagCompound.

    Translated in Google from pt-br to en-us.

    EN-US: I know this post is old, but I wonder how to make 'Universal Usable Amplifier' :Matter: in IC2_EXP MC 1.6.2 because NEI does not appear in the recipe of this item, I do not know if this item is craftable or is manufactured in some machine.
    If you have a video or an article that clearly explains how to make 'Universal Usable Amplifier' I'll be very grateful.
    I'm with version 'industrialcraft-2_2.0.280-experimental.jar' and version '1 .6.2-Forge9 .10.1.871' the Forge for MC 1.6.2.

    Thank you.

    PT-BR: Sei que este post está antigo, mas gostaria de saber como fabricar 'Universal Usable Amplifier' no IC2_EXP MC 1.6.2, pois no NEI não aparece o recipe deste item, eu não sei se este item é craftable ou é fabricado em alguma maquina.
    Se tiver algum video ou um artigo que explica claramente como fabricar 'Universal Usable Amplifier' estarei muito agradecido.
    Estou com a versão 'industrialcraft-2_2.0.280-experimental.jar' e versão '1.6.2-Forge9.10.1.871' do Forge para MC 1.6.2.


    Reinforced stone is made in the world not by crafting, but the Crystal memory is made by cooking its raw versions, you can NEI that.
    to make Reinforced stone, spray iron scaffolding with CFoam

    Reinforced stone is made in the world not by crafting, but the Crystal memory is made by cooking its raw versions, you can NEI that.
    to make Reinforced stone, spray iron scaffolding with CFoam

    Okay, I clicked right on Crystal Memory (Raw) and appeared recipe / Smelting, thanks.

    PT-BR : O mod Biomes o' Plenty é que está causando o problema, reporte para o criador dele, e boa sorte. Parece que os blocos de folhas nao possuem texturas, causando o "crash".

    EN-US : Biomes o Plenty seems to be causing the problem, try reporting this to BoP mod creator. Seems to be something related to leaves missing textures.

    PT-BR: Obrigado, vou reportar o erro para o criador do mod Biomes o' Plenty.
    EN-US: Thanks, I'll report the error to the creator of the mod Biomes' Plenty.


    PT-BR: Novamente percebi que o block Reinforced Stone e Crystal Memory não está aparecendo o recipe ao clicar com o botão esquerdo do mouse com mod Not Enough Items. :)

    EN-US: Again I noticed that the block Reinforced Stone and Crystal Memory is not showing up the recipe by clicking with the left mouse button with mod Not Enough Items. :)

    When I see the recipe of Plantball with mod Not Enough Items appears 5 pages with 2 recipes on each page, but when I click next to go on the second page, it is giving error (Crash).
    I tried removing all mods, the recipes work, but when you add back the mod Biomes O 'Plenty, it seems that there is some item Biomes O' Plenty of PlantBall the recipe that is causing the error. (Translated with Google Translate)