Posts by Alblaka

    Actually i at first misread your idea, assuming you meant a block sending EU to players with the specific tool in their inventory. :3

    Dunno about your idea, but the thing i first understood would actually be a useful feature. Imagine you're mining underground, constantly receiving energy from your surface power-plant via an antenna :D

    Casual "Best Quotes Ever"-thread.
    Feel free to post any quotes from anywhere, posts, ingame chat, convos...

    Only restriction: It MUST directly refer to IC.


    Anonymous: Omg you *******, why did you stop developement of IC²?!?!


    Newbie: Can u put energy into hv and cable to workshop?
    Evil: Yes, but i recommend wearing a Nanosuit or something else explosion-proof, you will may need it.


    Ah, and we didn't mention the big feature of our beloved little gadget yet: It's fully rechargeable and completely indestructible. This is meant serious: You can use it as often as you like to, it will never brake of material exhaustion!
    However, since RE Batteries are somewhat fragile


    Guy: So, people with metal boots will be pulled upwards by a mystic directed magnetism for no correct reason? That's unrealistic...
    Alblaka: Unrealistic?
    Alblaka: This...
    Alblaka: is...
    Alblaka: MINECRAFT *kicks Physics off the ledge*


    Check whether one could possibly add a container-emptying code for Canners. People complain about wooden splints in their canned meals after canning mushroom stew.

    Not wanting to take the fun out of this, but most likely, nope.

    It's just a ridicolous mount of entirely new concept-code. It's probably much more an own mod then anything to be integrated into a themed mod like IC.
    I will eventually create an Electric Minecart, that's it.

    Seriously not trying to be mean, but some stuff can be done, some stuff can be done easyly, and some stuff appears great but is probably more work to implement then whole IC² x2.

    Just to pronounce it again, THEORETICALLY the maximum output of a reactor would be

    4 cells with 3 pulses = 12 pulses
    4+4+7+7=22 cells with 4 pulses = 88 pulses
    4*7= 28 cells with 5 pulses = 140 pulses
    = 240 pulses total = 1200 EUt total (I'm sure i misscalculated again, i've got 1400 once :O).

    However, this setup will produce 2400 heat per second, resulting in a spontanous reactor explosion after a operation length of 6 seconds, with an explosion radius of 280F (compare; a nuke has 40F)...

    Feanturi already designed a setup for a safely running 115 EUt reactor, though ^^ And it's possible to create more complex, well timed and slightly risky reactors which much higher output, too.

    I will for sure not create a new Compression machine for this single use, but the general idea isn't bad. Probably i will do something similar of this idea. Like the ITNT thingy, too ^^ There's way too less explosive mining!

    You say 60Eut? (Yes, EU/tick is the official new naming convention ion IC²)
    Lol, i should mention a plain Nuclear Reactor can (with the newest implementation) reach an output of ~1500 EUt (Not-explosion within seconds NOT guarantueed)...
    Currently , there wouldn't be much of a need for an even stronger Reactor.

    Ow, i should probably drop a few notes here:

    Fuel System DID get reworked already.
    It uses refillable Tin Cans, which can be filled by using the Filling Machine ("Canner") in conjunction with fuel cels (Cells are some sort of "one-time-usage, stackable bucket" containers for liquids). Tin Cans can not be stacked, but filled individually, resulting in different amount of "fuel" provided, depending on the ingridents you used to fill them (f.e. coal fuel > plant fuel).

    The idea of padlock-key is possible. But i didn't yet care for implementing it, as it's less useful then a directly player-linked PC (for the reasons you mentioned). Of course, a "multiuser-padlock" could be worth a thought.

    The key-ring idea isn't that easy, as the keys would be unstackable items storing the associated chest ID in their damage value. This method wouldn't be applyable if you want to store "multiple keys" into a single item.

    The current intended idea is a hashing-based lock, similar to the previous one (just without ModSaver).
    I will consider adding a Padlocking-chest function... Or eventually attempt to generate a "passworded " (number-wise) codechest or something.

    First of all IC² is meant to be easier accessible to other modders. We will implement multiple APIs which will allow easier access to core functions of IC. F.e. an Interface for energy-consuming Machines.
    As well i don't see a reason why i shouldn't distribute parts of the Source Code if a fellow Modder is requesting it for a certain addon project.

    However, for this sake, there are a few guidelines:

    • You're free to create any modfication of / extension for IC² for personal/private use. As well, you're free to publish any addon within this forum. However, if you intend to publish the addon anywhere else, you must obtain explicit permission by the IC²-Team first. Otherwise, your addon will be considered an infringement of IC's copyright and dealt with accordingly. I can't sue you, but all major forums in regard of IC and MC will deal with you accordingly, vastly reducing the amount of people ever noticing your mod ;)
    • Whilst IC² permit free creation of Addons, other mods probably don't. If your addon infringes with any other mod's copyright, it will be outright deleted and punished with a ban.
    • By posting an addon in this forum (most likely in the Addon section), you agree to all rules and all conditions listed here.
    • You're not allowed to publish any SourceCode of your mod, if it's containg parts of IC²'s source. An exception from this is the usage of public'd IC²-APIs. As their Source Code is provided to publicy by default, you may publish your SourceCode if it only contains code of said APIs or code written by you.
    • Unless given explicit permission, you're not allowed to gain any sort of financial revenue from creating and publishing your mod. This mainly applys to AdFly'ing your download links. Excluded are any sort of donations, since donations are not directly related to the creation of your mod.
    • If your mod is a solely basing of IC² (and thus not linked to another mod, f.e. BC), the IC²-Team claims the right to host the files of your mod on our website. (You may consider this a +, as got quite a good bandwith and is a secure storage for files, opposed to Mediafire and other public filehosters)
    • In case your addon is essential enough to become a part of IC² itself, the IC²-Team got the full right to use and implement your code, sprites and other necessary files. Of course you will be mentioned in the credits and (if the addon is extraordinary big/essential) eventually even get invited into the IC² team.

    Hmmm... a similar idea was already brought up with CPUs displaying largescale maps...
    I will think about a GPS, but it will probably take some time to reverseEnegineer the Mapping code ^^

    We already dropped CPU usage to 0.1-10% on a couple of machines by reducing their ticking rate.
    - Less accurate (f.e. solar will run for ~3 seconds after sunset before shutting down)
    + Vastly less CPU used in 99/100 frames :P