Posts by Krazygluon

    maybe a tradeoff could be direct burning of fuel cells vice chucking in the fuel can. together with an auto-farm and bc you could practically automate a bio-fuel power plant.

    TBH if you can build a canning machine and fuel tank, you can build a geotherm and a porta-pump; straight-shaft mine your way to bedrock and bring up STACKS of lava cells that will give you much much more power over time.

    I've got a nuke and I still use a geotherm alongside it.

    bc is completely balance breaking mod, with simple setup that does not need any skills to build users allowed to farm unlimited amount of blocks by afk.

    game shoud not play itself, without user nothing shoud ever happen.

    machines shoud not replace user, they shoud assist only.

    clearly you've never had to do lava remediation on an open quarry site. definitely died and lost items hauling the porta-pump and water buckets down a 60 level deep quarry more than a few times.

    Also, I find IC's material efficiency to be much greater than BC's where to make a diamond gear i need gold and iron (gold which is in very short supply around me) so i've gotten much farther with IC (full legit quantum suit) than bc (one quarry, still working out the best way to retrieve and sort input material.

    I've got BC 2.2.x beta and IC 1.23 running together just fine as far as I can tell. Did have some hiccups with the ic-bc energy coupler, but those were user issues.

    Also, I like the clear-cut of quarries for the amount of stone/dirt i get that i can feed to my recyclers for stuff to feed to my MF; but I don't see why al should reinvent the wheel when he's got a product that does 90% of the same thing in a much more elegant manner that probably pleases some people.

    I would however like to know how to get rid of that orange quarry framing shite faster...

    I don't mind the cost in plants, but does it have to be bone? Can we get a non-monster animal item in there instead or at least an alternate (recipe uses bone or X, whatever x is) maybe eggs as a binding agent prior to cooking? bone would just introduce wierd calcium impurities anyway. maybe bonemeal just to fix the # of bones required to do this.

    Ok. got Redstone Power2, BC and IC2 1.23 reinstalled, built a new world, have another reactor ready to go.


    hate to yell, but this is really unnerving me that there's no other way to flood a 9x9x9 cube space save dropping a bucket into each slot.

    bc pumps don't seem to do the trick, finite isn't forge compatible....anyone?

    just wondering is it me or do these 2 tools not work in creative. (i have no trouble with them in my survival game but they dont work on my test platfform. (ev doesnt read, wrench doesnt return blocks) maybe i need to build my own instead of the free ones in the menu?

    just got into industrialcraft a few days ago and all I can say is WOW this adds so much more back to minecraft, which was beginning to get boring.

    I've got a nice little place going with a geothermal and an mfe in the basement with a solar flower coming down into it off the roof, got my 1st miner going (we need those battery packs mentioned in the wiki :)

    Built my 1st reactor but haven't fired it up yet. I work in the real nuclear field so I'm trying to put myself through some IC-nuke school and become a qualified operator before I turn that thing on.

    A few (possibly) retarded questions.

    1. Does the nuke put out Lv/Hv/Mv/Ev? I've never found that clarified anywhere. I don't feel like plugging copper into the thing is the best way to start this.

    2. does building it atop a transformer/energy storer of some kind affect the cooling too negatively or is it a lesser-of-all-evils thing

    3. has anyone gotten a good way of flooding their containment vessels? maybe a better hydrodynamics mod out there that will allow for real flooding/filling?