Suggestion: Fuel Pellets

  • I was thinking about how one could use Fuel much more efficiently, then the idea of Fuel Pellets hit me.

    Basically, you throw the fuel can into a compressor and out comes a single fuel pellet (yes, the can is lost.) These little guys are stackable and are able to be "burned" in generators for the same amount of EU.

    Or, if the devs want to add a little more work to something like this, try putting the can into an extractor to get something along the lines of a gelatinous fuel block, THEN putting it into the compressor. The tin used is still lost either of the three ways:

    1) Burning the can in the Generator, straight out
    2) Putting the can through the compressor
    3) Putting the can through the Extractor, then the compressor.

    I'm just thinking this along the lines of the bucket-cell trade off.

    • Official Post

    for god sake put the full fuel can in the dam generator

    seriously dude WTH

    technically inside the fuel can its sorta aliquid thats unporable and unseeable, but if you made it into a fuel pellet essentially making it a ball of liquid?? (hoping you see a flaw)

  • for god sake put the full fuel can in the dam generator

    seriously dude WTH

    technically inside the fuel can its sorta aliquid thats unporable and unseeable, but if you made it into a fuel pellet essentially making it a ball of liquid?? (hoping you see a flaw)

    -shrug- Well, I thought it was a good idea at the time. Like I said, I was basing it out of the whole bucket vs. tin cell trade off, unstackable fuel cans versus stackable fuel pellets.

    If there are too many flaws with this, then a mod can delete this thread.

  • maybe a tradeoff could be direct burning of fuel cells vice chucking in the fuel can. together with an auto-farm and bc you could practically automate a bio-fuel power plant.

    TBH if you can build a canning machine and fuel tank, you can build a geotherm and a porta-pump; straight-shaft mine your way to bedrock and bring up STACKS of lava cells that will give you much much more power over time.

    I've got a nuke and I still use a geotherm alongside it.

  • I think you mixed up your terms a bit or have never seen a fuel pellet.

    Fuel pellets are used for stoves, furnaces and the like but they are simply recycled wood dust that has been compressed.. Another way wood industry has found a use for all that sawdust the make from cutting and shaping their lumber. It doesn't burn any better or worse then a properly cured piece of wood does really and we have no loss in material when making wood so kinda of pointless.