Posts by SummitSummit

    I'm beginning to wonder if a new thread should be started for the 1.5.1 info, as it differs so greatly from 1.4.7. I'm getting ready to build my first reactor in 1.4.7 and the 1.5.1 stuff (while interesting) is a bit distracting when I'm trying to find info regarding 1.4.7.

    Oh wait, that's a uranium cell in slot 0

    That's a lot more efficient. 14.2.

    Second problem though: converting it to Mark I drops its isotope output by 40%, its now got only 15 extra isotope per cycle. This would be good, if something of a nightmare to automate, as a single reactor if 367 isn't enough.

    Well, I did say I had no idea what I was doing. I did have something similar to the Mark I design you showed me but I was tinkering with it to try to get more Depleted Cells out of it. That's where I came up with the Mark II, and 3 min 20 sec of cooldown didn't seem like a big deal for the large boost in Depleted Cells. You can even squeeze a few more cells out by preheating the reactor.

    As for automating. I haven't the first clue of how to automate even the simplest of reactors so if it is possible it is beyond my ken.

    I really don't have a clue what I'm doing here as I've never built a nuclear reactor of any type before, but I've been reading through this thread and playing with the IC2 Reactor Planner and toying with some of the designs you guys have come up with. I really don't understand how to swap components into and out of a reactor while it is running (I would love to see a video) but here is a design I stumbled across that might interest you.

    Of note with this design, bumping up the starting heat can increase the number of Depleted Cells charged should that be desirable.


    I'm playing a game now with the same mods as you, plus a bunch of others, and it works fine with me. Did you check all the input/output sides for the dynamo/gearbox/mfe? Can I see a screenshot of your design? Right now I can't think why is should not work.

    This shows the setup:

    This shows the dynamo is receving mechanical power:

    This shows no EU in the tin wire:

    Also, I updated to dynamo 1.36 just in case. Alas, no change.

    Works like a champ! Thanks Aresenic. I really only use the advanced macerator, but it is awesome. I don't use extractors or compressors often enough to warrant the advanced version. The no sound on the advanced macerator is also nice.
    Now if only the advanced solar panels would get updated. I haven't had a chance to play with them. It would be nice to see some advanced wind/water mills too. You know, something that is actually worth building.

    My dynamo just does not work. I have a water wheel. It is spinning. An axle comes out of the WW into a gear box. The gear box is smoking (meaning it has power). Another gear comes out of the GB and goes into the dynamo which is also smoking. I have a tin cable coming out of the dynamo and going into the MFE. No power is being generated. My EU meter shows 0 EU/tick on the dynamo, the tin wire, and the MFE. Any idea what's wrong?
    I'm using version 1.35 of dynamo, 3.0 of BTW, and 1.23 of IC2.