Posts by willis936

    I did not limit plasma flow and energy output. I use ZPM dynamo hatch (LuV is not enough) and quantum tank with plasma next to the input hatch + pump cover.
    Never thought there can be overflow... as i always saw expected numbers 30000*140%=42k EU/t in v .26 and before (optimal=maximum)
    I'll try to limit flow with fluid regulators.
    so in that case i have to inject 7 or 8 mB/t into LPG to get optimal flow?

    You can fine tune the fluid regulators more in the fluid per second mode. 7.32 mB/t is close to 146 mB/s: a much closer approximation for free.

    I discovered an interesting quirk today (using GT 5.08.27): a steam forge hammer converting crushed ores to impure dusts will pause occassionally if the steam runs low, but it doesn't show the "insufficient steam" symbol or play the associated sound, and it can resume on its own after a few seconds without needing to be temporarily disabled via soft hammer.

    All machines have this little governor in them. Handy for load and production spikes but if you don't produce enough energy it'll still choke.

    I vaguely remember a drain cover though I'm not certain if it interacted with other blocks or just liquids in the world and liquids in the machine it was attached to. Also it acts as a rain collector offering some of the only GT only "water generation" if you disable infinite water.

    More fun facts than an answer to your question. I can't think of any solution lower tech than a pump configured to import on a fluid pipe.

    Alright I'll give that a shot. I'll take note however that I installed both GC and Mekanism before I generated the world.

    Hmm then this might not work in your case. I've never used mekanism so idk what sort of incompatibilities there may be with GT, GC, and mekanism. The issue does lie in the forge fluid list. You could try generating worlds with and without GT or GC or mekanism and see if subbing those fluid lists in fixes the issue. Idk these are just shots in the dark.

    Willis may I inquire as to what the "desired environment" refers to haha

    If you added mods after the world is generated make a fresh world with all of the mods you want. My issue was caused by adding galacticraft after the world was made so making a world with GC installed from the beginning caused forge to make the fluid list correctly.

    (galactigreg 0.5, GT 5.08.27)

    After searching around 100 end asteroids almost all of them spawn with platinum (weight=5) mix veins. There are a few manganese (weight=20) and beryllium (weight=30) mixes but no naquadah (weight=10), olivine (weight=60), tin (weight=50), nickel (weight=40), molybdenum (weight=5), lapis (weight=40) or tungstate (weight=10)

    Stranger still I saw a small section of a quartz vein in a tiny asteroid where quartz veins shouldn't even be spawning in the end at all.

    Any ideas?

    So I believe this has been addressed somewhere sometime but I can't really find it - the EBF oxygen issue. Just the same old rhetoric about GT oxygen produced by electrolysers and the like being the purple-black tile texture and is not accepted by the EBF's input hatch. Probably the only other mods I have that use oxygen are GC and Mekanism. Is there somehow a fix for this?

    Oh by the way, is there any way at all to auto-fill cauldrons without Thaumcraft and its golems and Thermal Expansion and its Autonomous Activator? I'd like to set up an auto dust-washing station.

    I figured out a solution to this few pages back in the case of adding galacticraft to a world after it had been generated.

    [GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Finally a real endgame! Now new: Achievements!

    Its important to remember that the original concern with reactors and automation wasn't that it was impossible, just that it was hard, and that's what I was responding to. You can automate reactors if you want to put in the time and effort.

    And I am. I was just pointing out that it's made so difficult that you need a series of factorization routers or a computer mod robot of some sort to have the kind of inventory interface necessary to do proper automation without limited designs (always full of components, components not swappable, only one type of fuel cell).

    For automation, well this totally depends on what mods you're using. Automation is a no-brainer if you have EnderIO for instance. But even without it, a lack of automation entirely isn't really a problem. There's no rule that says everything needs to be set-and-forget.

    To me it is. I'd rather spend my time making systems rather than maintaining them. One is design work and the other is busy work. A reactor run is about 3 hours. In a chunk loaded server you can limit the use of a non automated reactor to limited processing runs. This in itself isn't much of an issue but it just means I have to log in when I wake up, refuel, add more processing jobs, then come back in the evening and everything has been sitting idle for hours. I can't be the only one who is obsessed with time efficiency.

    The problem with nuclear is the high barrier to entry and difficulty in automation. It takes a Lot of resources (admittedly much less now) and in order to get it to a "set and forget" state you need to use mods like AE2 or CC turtles or OC robots. If you're using just an import/export setup like with AE2 then your designs are limited to having all fuel cells be the same, having no empty slots in the reactor, and not being able to replace any components except for fuel cells. You can forget about cycling coolant cells in a hot reactor design without robots. I don't find it fun to tend a series of reactors every few hours.

    Well, basically, I want to double the outcome from the original ore, for example: from a Iron cluster, 4x crushed iron ores, and double the changes of the byproducts.
    If you can make just one, I can make the others based on it.

    Thank you very much!

    Check out the GT config for overpoweredstuff. There are some ore byproduct multipliers in there.

    Well, I was talking about the one I setup with Thaumcraft golems.
    But you're right, they aren't OP, I spent a lot of time to make it work, and it gives a lot of charcoal, but enough to keep the EBF working for a good time. It just feels OP, because I used to starve for energy before TC.

    Well, without other mods, I would be starving yet. I have TC for a tree farm, Railcraft for a steam tank and used to have BC for the pump, but now GT have one, finally.
    A starter fluid tank, before the quantum would be great on GT, and the tree farm would be optional with other means of EU generation.

    Maybe the problem is, I depend too much on GT, and seems that about no one plays with GT alone.

    I agree. GT5 doesn't feel like it's designed to operate stand alone which I don't think is a flaw. It's up to the pack creator and player to decide how easy or hard the energy crisis will be. One thing's for certain: late into LV before a tree farm is a huge hurdle and HV before a large scale fission set up is a huge hurdle.

    What's overpowered about tree farms? I dislike MFR because of how unbalanced it is so I don't use it but the tree farm I use right now is run off of opencomputers robots. There's simply no way to run an EBF without automated energy and there's no automated energy outside of tree farms and lava. The notion of tree farms and lava being overpowered annoys me because that's like saying "if you aren't constantly energy starved the game is broken". If you can't do automated energy then you're pretty much just sitting on your hands most of the time waiting for things to get done. That or manually cutting trees, hunting for coal, or hunting for oil. No thanks. I'd rather play smart than play hard.

    So I've found the pertinent lines for adding the NEI button to the fusion reactor but I'm not certain what's the best way about adding it. Since the fusion reactor is a multiblock and not a basic machine the constructor does not have an NEI name. Should I add the NEI name to the multiblock constructor (and then by extension change every multiblock to have the NEI string) or make the fusion reactor a special case? It would be neat to have the button in the upper right of every multiblock to have the NEI recipes but idk if that slot had some alternative purpose. I also want to verify that this sort of change is the right thing to do and falls in line with what you want before I go through the effort of adding it.

    Also mods are like onions. It's really hard to keep all of this shit in my head at one time.

    Is it cool if I ask modding related questions while getting up to speed here? I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

    I'm trying to add a basicmachine gui recipe texture based off of Default called Default2 for the fusion reactor since it has two fluid inputs. I can get it to work if I just replace default but if I try to add Default2 to the basicmachine directory and change line 77 to reference Default2 the NEI recipe just shows the empty texture. Is there something that has to be done to add a texture? I figured they would just get taken from the directory automatically.

    Nvm got it working. I had to refresh the directory in eclipse manually...

    Also I'm trying to find where the rectangle that's in the upper right of fusion reactor gui is declared but I can't seem to find it (or any other "recipes" button for that matter in the code.
    Found it at gregtech.api.gui.GT_Container_MultiMachine

    I'll attempt an answer. Hopefully if I make any mistakes I'll be corrected.

    1- D+T is the first reaction that should be done to use helium plasma as an energy source. D+H3 can be done as well but the processing path to H3 isn't as straight forward.
    2- 40M EU is the amount that needs to be stored in order to start the reaction. It doesn't get instantly consumed. You need to supply 4096 EU/t constantly while the reaction is going on so if you store exactly 40M EU in the reactor and don't supply it at least 4096 EU/t you won't be having fusion reactions at steady state.
    3- It produces much more than it consumes because as you can see it consumes 4kEU/t and only gives you plasma. However plasma gets converted into EU in plasma generators and large plasma turbines. The max EU/t out of the reaction is listed on the right side of the wiki (32kEU/t for D+T).
    4- No EU is produced by the reactor ever. You need to convert it into EU externally and feed it back in. Starting up a fusion reactor for the first time is a fun little challenge and can take many attempts if you don't plan and test carefully :D
    5- I'm not sure how you're doing your calculation but that number seems reasonable. It may take quite some time to have a net energy gain considering you need a massive amount of EU generation before you can make a fusion reactor.

    Note: the majority of the energy requirements (and logistics and planning) are in the fuel production of fusion reactors. The processing array multiblock makes the laying out aspect a little easier. As for the logistics and numbers: I haven't done them since GT4 but expect to need in the realm of dozens of electrolyzers and centrifuges. Also use LV machines since anything higher results in a loss in efficiency so great that it may be impossible to have a net energy gain.

    Can't do much about that, colors are defined by GT and the mod "paints" items and blocks with the color associated with its material.

    Bronze pipes look orange but bronze machine casings (and by extension every bronze machine) look yellow. Wouldn't GT paint bronze machine casings orange like it does on the default texture pack?