The sooner you get back on the sooner we can link the 7 people left on K1 by locomotive. Like we planned 1.5 months ago.
lol sunday I will be back for real
The sooner you get back on the sooner we can link the 7 people left on K1 by locomotive. Like we planned 1.5 months ago.
lol sunday I will be back for real
Speaking of kittens, how do I fix the plumbing in my water-cooled quad core refrigerator?
ME ME PICK ME!!!! I only haven't logged on in 1,5 monnths
If Greg accept my texture request, we are gonna get a fancy GUI texture soon
Yay beat me to it!
Idk... this could be fun if you went dark...
Made some quick test mockups of potential custom textures for the AFSU for fun. I like Spwn's idea though... maybe a dark texture with green/teal colors and EV ports, with the BFSU name.... hehe good mod nonetheless.
I have an idea, why don't we focus on making the new guide and turning it into a GT user manual? All the individual blocks can be linked to the wiki, but the whole thing can be like the owners manual of a car, with a table of contents and explanation of mechanics and stuff.
The goal being to make GT as complex as ever, but better documented and easier to access than ever before.
Kirara is becoming like an octopus... so many Kiraras...
EDIT: I suggest that K4 be TWG + GT oregen. Honestly, if we were to start it over, TWG + GT would be the way to go for all servers
Wow google keeps resetting my damn share settings. Should be fine now.
We should get back on the server. things have really settled down for me. I just updated my version of kirara last night.
Agreed. Crew ends in two weeks, maybe after then
We never did get far, but 44 boilers, hell ya.
And Google Docs has a mode where people can submit changes (like github) so there will be no penises.
Yes they did add that, didn't they...
lol the boilers, our dream...
such wistfullness
should be fine now
woot just found a bug with GDrive version history... that might be why the pages died. I will bring back the revision prior.
Yeah.... well at least it will be well documented this time from the start The old system had shit docs.
I can check the revision history
Since IC2 updates have been infrequent, I call putting this into my addon IndustrialEx I guess I have to do textures, unless anyone wants to help?
I got columbus day off, if ya want some
just give me details
Oh btw, I am MIA until further notice.
Never designed for a full set. It was designed to be a heavy duty chestplate
You would need a much needed charcoal nerf, or redo on how charcoal is made (possibly like TFC, or an industrial method)
Could do some interesting things with this as a deco block too. I like it.