I noticed that the Batbox has the same problem
Posts by Xagroth
Seems like Batman played with the diamond drill and/or the Batpack! Now, while showing as depleted (and depleting energy normally), the diamond drill never stops working. I just went back to my base after my second full inventory load without charging it back
In case it's relevant, after the Batpack's number it shows ":26" all the time and it never goes down, while the Diamond Drill shows ":25" after it's block ID (I knwo this thanks to NEI, which I use for the recipes). The chainsaw, while showing the same ":26", seems to be depleted. I also checked using an empty batbox that the diamond drill had no charge.
Finally, after trying to work with the Diamond Drill without the batpack, it kept working despite being uncharged.
Mods: NEI, Portalgun, RP2, BC3.1.1. Logistic Pipes, Teleporting Pipes, Railcraft, Steve's Minecarts, Wireless Redstone, Forestry.
Edit: after a game restart the problem seems to be fixed.
After reloading, I too observe the following bugs in 1.337 as released:
2) Luminators place, but do not seem to do anything except absorb power.
They emit light, but not change their looks (so a luminator without energy will look like one with energy, the only difference being... well, light around them XD).
The canning machine works to fill the CF batpack, and the production of snow also works fine. I thought the pump was going to be integrated into the nuclear reactor, however... XD
The splitting cable, by the way, is a little... well, hard to understand. I only managed to make it change state by placing a redstone torch directly under it.
Great job with the scafolding + Construction Foam, by the way. It can help a lot to craft surfaces for the generators. But it's just me, or the scaffolding now can take about the same damage as a dirt block before dropping?
Random guess, geothermals tend to flicker on/off when "overpowering" (providing more EUt then the whole line can handle). This usually causes network updates, texture updates and sound updates. Put a large enough storage behind them.
CF Batpacks can be recharged in the Canning Machine. Should have mentioned that.
Ty for the CF tip.
As for the Geothermals, I was using TMI and gave myself glassfiber cable. But I had lag with the NFSU also (at least at the beginning). I'll retry.
Well, I actually was able to craft both the CF batpack and the iridium plates. The luminators seemed like not working but it's just that they don't change their state when providing light.
Also, for some reason the geothermal generators generate tons of fps loss when charging any storage device (luminators, batboxes, etc...), at least for a while.
EDIT: The CF batpack was "unloaded"... but how in the hell do I charge it with foam???? I tried some things with both the pellets and the construction foam, to no avail
Great update! But... Dafuq! My Solar Panels are not emitting any current through fiverglass cable Oo
Edit: They aren't also charging RE-batteries (empty ones). And I'm a stone flatmap... I also tested it in other map.
BC 2.2.5 and Zeldo's additional pipes
Redpower2 Pr3b
Minefactory reloaded
Mo' creatures (the last for 1.8.1)
Equivalent Exchange 5.4.1 (I deleted the IC patch that allowed to make IC ores)
Portal gun
Wireless redstoneMinimap
Edit 2: Tried also with an empty, backed up version of Minecraft 1.8.3 with only some small mods and I got the same result
I'd also add that you can use a Buildcraft2 combo (with a small help from Redpower2): once you found the place where you want to put your forest-farm, place a BC2's Template Drawing Table (TDT), plant the trees, feed the TDT a blank template and take it once written, replace the TDT for a Builder, feed it the TDT, place a Quarry about 10 blocks high (for rubber trees, others might require less height). Then it's only a question of putting a layout of BC2 pipes to take the wood to your base and give the saplings to the builder. Oh, and RP2 helps because the Quarry cannot mine its cables, so you can put one in one of the corners and stop worrying about the quarry reaching the center of the earth
As for the sugar cane farm, you only need pistons (do not harvest the "base" of the sugar cane, so you won't need to replant anything) and a clock (RP2 has a nice one), and you can let it run by itself. The cactus farm, well, that doesn't need anything but blocks and patience.
I made some videos about the farms:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLrGaMakfB8 for sugar cane, cactus and a standard autoharvesting wheat farm.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crxBuDRaP9I for a Quarry used as a Tree Farm gatherer.
And I'll be updating a video about a fully automated wheat farm soon.
Hi, I was just trying the mod, and it really is something I find appealing (it's too easy to clog a standard macerator-equipped room
). I'd like to mention a little oversight, however, and it's that, in the temporary fix (which is the one I downloaded ^^), there is no compatibility with the Ore Dictionary, or at least it seems like there isn't. To test this, I just tried to put a copper ore (and later a tin ore) from Eloraam's Redpower 2 inside the rotary macerator, which didn't react in any way.