Posts by amaromarn
so here is the best literal translation spelling asside of the passage on the left
Pellentesque ultricies, ante id lobortis feugiat, ipsum magna congue risus, pulvinar euismod arcu nunc ac turpis
Questioning (Drive away banish exile) avenging, ancient (for that) purpose working (flee?), oneself (greatly, large) (nod?) (laughter?), (cushioned couch) ??? (curved object) now and disgrace.which comes out in normal english something like "why do you drive out wrathfully, causing those working for that ancient purpose to flee, (at this point the spelling becomes poor even for latin best i can make out though) you now laugh and nod to yourself on a cushioned couch. ("and disgrace" is tied together also the three questions denote the lack of the translation of "euismod" which was not to be found in the dictionary i used howerver the first half has to do with eve as in night before.
bottom lline wtf lev
So why is half the new website in latin? And why does Google translate think is says this?
"Click here, before it's here, very much more laughter, your youtube now, and more. She is the mountains, with my comrades on investigating and resolving security issues. Homeland Security or any more than that. This is just an element of life, here's more on the menu. I want more. The will. We base the foot, butmost."
Just wondering...because latin is flexible working on a human translation now auto translators stink for latin
so what your trying to say is that we will all miss para and we pmods will be essentially holding down the fort except for your occasional checkin on mcmyadmin?
joking aside with only one admin around i would ask that people of the server be especially patient with their requests for help understanding that their will undoubtedly be many issues for lev andor the occasional para to handle when they log on. spaming them a zillion times dosent make them capable of working any faster.
unfortunatly if you can portect the money it would defeat the purpose of the death penalty. now that being said i agree that 10% would be a more reasonable amount to lose. unless it could be a fixed value of 50... this would be better in some ways for most of the server. and ensure that people dont lose alot of money that they worked hard for.
relax guys point being someone from the server now owns the domain name
that is a good thing lets leave it at that. perhaps you could aid him in paying for it. why has dontating become competive we all want the server to survive lets just leave it there we all do our part and it works out for the best