Posts by FolkenStratagos

    Ive got an odd issue and it appears to be a fairly common one. When energium dust is compressed into an energy crystal, the new crystal has damage value 27. When it is removed by the players hand, it changes to 26, which is required for all other recipes. Shouldn't it generate with DV of 26 straight out of the compressor? There is a similar problem with Lapotron crystals having one DV when crafted that changes when removed by hand. Is there any way to change the recipes to produce the correct DV on crafting? Its wreaking havoc with my auto crafting systems. RE-Batteries dont seem to be affected though...

    Let me know, Thanks

    Update - Ive now NBT Edited my recipe patterns and managed to get the recipe for Lapotrons to accept any DV energy crystal using some information i gleaned from a post from Greg. I set the required DV to -1 and the recipe will now accept either DV 26 or 27 items. However, i now have to manually craft all the energy crystals beforehand otherwise it all gets jammed up.

    A more permanent fix of setting the DV on crafting to 26 would be preferable. Also it appears all my lapotrons are created with DV 26 and it does not change when you move them by hand. Similar behavior from the RE-Batteries. Only the energy crystals appear to be odd.

    Any help beyond this point would be appreciated.


    Would any of you happen to know the quantities of machines required to produce the fuel.

    I know I need 144 centrifuges, 12 for Tritium, 12 for Deuterium, and 120 for feeding the Tritium Centrifuges.
    I then remember using 32 electrolyzers to produce the Hydrogen cells from water.
    They total out to ~4,500-5,000 EU/T to run IIRC on 1.5.2.

    The second build I used overclocked centrifuges, and I remember them drawing about 8,000 EU/T separate from the Electrolyzers, I think my total consumption was about 10,000-12,000 EU/T.

    But nowadays in 1.6.4, I need ~6 electrolyzers producing electolyzed water cells per every one making hydrogen, and at ~120 EU/T, that totals out to ~23,000 EU/T.
    According to NEI, helium plasma only produces 4,096K eu @ 2,048/Tick now, which brings the mean output down from 32 plasma generators down to about 16 plasma generators outputting a total of ~32,000 EU/T.

    Add in the non overclocked EU/T from before (5,000+23,000) and the net output seems to only be in the 4000-5000 EU/T range.

    Do I have my machine counts and plasma outputs close? Is all this math somewhat correct?
    I suppose it just seems low to me. It might just be because im used to the 40,000 EU/T I was generating in 1.5.2.

    Thanks for all the help.

    Ive got an odd dilemma.

    Ive built 1.5.2 Fusion reactors and was able to make it self sustaining with about 44K net output.
    The basic fuel production design is commonplace knowledge with some tweaks.

    Since the changes from 1.5.2 to 1.6.4 included having to make electrolyzed water cells for hydrogen and plasma cells are only worth half the total EU in a plasma generator, is there a feasible way to make the reactor self sustaining?
    Every way I look at it the output is not enough to sustain tritium and deuterium production from water for fuel.
    Are self sustaining fusion reactors a thing of the past now?

    Any advice or help would be appreciated.
