Posts by zzishadowz
hey guys for those of you who dont know im outa action for at least a week while hp repairs/replaces my hardrive in mah primary computer. im working on a 6 yearold backup that cud never in a million years run minecraft. soap i havnt been on and i dont know that a house has been estblished as i havnt been on since reset
Don't worry amaro I would never let you down. I made the whole house and soap made most of the underground part. Can't wait to see you in-game I send you a mail that contains the coords to the base. Hope to see you soon broski. -TheCrazyAl3x
ok so i know weve all invested ALOT of time into this map
however if youve played the past few weeks you might have noticed that the server has been a bit buggy. weve had numerous chunk coruptions and rollbacks as a result. currently one of our regular players can nolonger connect to the server without it dieing instantly. the pmods and some of the regulars have been discussing with the admins about wether we should do a server restart. meaning fresh map. again i know weve all put in alot of effort however the server restart would also come with the removal of more creatures (one of the main causes of the crashing chunks, if not THE cause of them) and potentially provided evrything works smoothly the removal of more creatures would allow the addition of teleport pipes (note this is not a garuntee as it was only updated to bukit yesterday) having said this are you in favor of reseting the map under these conditions. (plz only vote if you have been playing on the server and have somthing to lose in the reset
hell to the yes
- Ingame name - TheCrazyAl3x
- Have you played IC2 Before - Yes on many servers/SSP
- Have you been banned from a server before, and if so, WHY! (yep, we have ways to check
) - No I have never gotten banned from a server, except i got banned from a vanilla server around a month ago. (it was a stupid reason)
- Any links to any structures you have made or projects you have been / are involved in. - I create alot of cool things but I never take pics or videos.
Extra info - I would love to join this server