Server [Modded] Map:
Owner: stardustrider Admin: TTFTCUTS
Due to the sheer number of mods and unique config files, we use MCUpdater to distribute and maintain our own private server pack. You will need to visit the website to view the information to access this. None of the original main Minecraft files are distributed via this. What is does do though is pull the required files directly from the Minecraft sources. So all nice and legal!
The Lychnobi Minecraft Server was originally a private server for a close group of friends looking to play together on their own world. This was two years ago. Since then, we have cycled through playing on Vanilla, through Bukkit (with plenty of plugins!) to ForgeBukkit, and now we're running on an MCPC+ foundation! We are now hoping to expand and invite new players to join the server, where they can enjoy the game and its content in peace and harmony!
We've used various hosts in the past, all VPS's, and at the time they met our needs, but due to the increasing number of mods we use, and the unfortunate death of ForgeBukkit, we have had to move to a dedicated server to match the increasing demands that Minecraft puts forth! She is a hungry beast!
The server runs on the following hardware/resources:
Intel Core i3-2130 @ 3.40GHz
We play with all of the major client/server content mods, including the following: IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, Forestry, Thermal Expansion, RailCraft, ComputerCraft, ExtraBiomesXL, GregTech and Equivalent Exchange.
As of 24th March 2013, the mods currently used on the server/client are as follows:
Jar: Minecraft Forge
Jar: OptiFine HD Ultra (Client Only)
Jar: Mob Dismemberment (Client Only)
Jar: Mob Amputation (Client Only)
Jar: Better Animations Collection: Revived (Client Only)
Jar: What's My Light Level (Client Only)
Core Mod: CoFH Core
Core Mod: denLib
Core Mod: PowerCrystals Core
Core Mod: Code Chicken Core
Core Mod: Not Enough Items
Core Mod: Immibis's Microblocks
Core Mod: Keep My Stats
Mod: Dynmap (Server Only)
Mod: Immibis Core
Mod: EnhancedCore
Mod: ExtraBiomesXL
Mod: WildCaves 3
Mod: Applied Energistics
Mod: ATG
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2
Mod: BuildCraft
Mod: Basic Components
Mod: Equivalent Exchange 3
Mod: RailCraft
Mod: ComputerCraft
Mod: Electric Expansion
Mod: Forestry
Mod: TrainCraft
Mod: Balkons Weapons Mod
Mod: GrowthCraft
Mod: Thermal Expansion
Mod: MineFactory Reloaded
Mod: Nether Ores
Mod: Power Converters
Mod: BiblioCraft
Mod: Iron Chests
Mod: EnhancedPortals 2
Mod: MAtmos
Mod: BuildCraft Addon - Additional Pipes
Mod: ComputerCraft Addon - Applied Energistics Peripheral
Mod: ComputerCraft Addon - BioLock
Mod: ComputerCraft Addon - Immbiis Peripherals
Mod: ComputerCraft Addon - Misc. Peripherals
Mod: ComputerCraft Addon - OpenPeripheral
Mod: Forestry Addon - Extra Bees
Mod: Forestry Addon - Plugins for Forestry 2
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - Advanced Power Management
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - Advanced Solar Panel
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - Advanced Repulsion Systems
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - ChargePads
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - Gravitation Suite
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - Nuclear Control
Mod: IndustrialCraft 2 Addon - GregTech
Mod: Steve's Carts
Mod: Ender Storage
Mod: Inventory Tweaks (Client Only)
Mod: LiquidXP
Mod: Chicken Chunks
Mod: Omni Tools
Mod: Not Enough Items Addon - Addons (Client Only)
Mod: Not Enough Items Addon - Plugins (Client Only)
Mod: betterAnvil
Mod: Double Doors
Mod: Death Counter (Server Only)
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We update the mods fairly regularly to combat bugs and acquire additional pyl.....content!
We are a friendly bunch, so if you have a mod or Bukkit plugin suggestion/request, we'll happily look into it and consider adding it to the server
Our server rules can be found here.