Posts by Deveyus

    That's actually pretty cool, any chance we could get a demo video? This seems like it could be pretty awesome...

    I'd love to see a good example image of an automatic charcoal making/burning system, that'd be pretty sweet, I wonder how it compares to a cactus farm for energy. Also, why would you EVER route cactus to lava? Route it to an auto-crafting table (we are all using BC right otherwise how are you getting the cactus into the machines to make it worthwhile?) and make plant clumps for biofuel. After all the work to make biofuel, is it even all that energy efficient to do?

    So when the pump works it will auto-fill stacks of those water cells? If we're making them with buckets (like I made mine) then we're not really solving the problem XD

    Just realized I didn't mention it's 'flickering' like the block is being placed over and over again, though I don't think that's what's keeping it from flowing as I've seen pistons attached to a pulse limited release water and still get a 'flow'.

    Rubber Trees do not drop enough saplings to create a sustainable growth, they are averaging, but my math (sample size about 60 trees) .67 saplings per tree. Over time you will use up all of your rubber trees in a given area if you are doing the normal plant, grow, harvest cycles, which is a much more steady, but slower producer of rubber than waiting on the trees to randomly have holes on them.

    Yeah, I'm purposely playing with TMI and trying everything at least once, gotta hunt those bugs! (Am noticing a LOT higher memory usage now, 700mb-1gb)

    Any chance we'll get a bucket-less way of making hydrated coal? It's so tedious not being able to mass craft it... and since IC1 you have been saying "No Bukkit!" (Oh.... wait... XD)

    When the pump sends it's water 'two spaces up' (still not sure what use this is... or the pump in general.) It will destroy any block that is where it wants to place the water.

    Also, the water placed by the pump does not flow properly.

    I've been trying to get the Electric Jetpack crafted I've followed the recipe and checked over and over, and it's correct, but it's not craftable, I have tried with both full, and empty batpacks to no avail. I'm only running IC2 (plus prereqs, obviously) and can't figure out what's wrong.

    I think the best design would be 3 Redstone Engines pulling from 3 pipes on a single chest full of the item to be smelted, should be almost exactly the smelting speed of a Furnace running at 100% (I find it hard without quarries to get/keep it at 100%... I don't have that much stuff to smelt!)

    The recipe from IC(1) doesn't work and there isn't one listed in the recipes file for how to make the combined blocks and thusly alloys, am I blind and missing something or did the recipe change without some sort of documentation available to the public?

    Using: IC2, SSP (obviously)

    EDIT: Found it, didn't realize it had had a name change. Makes Ctrl + F fail obviously.

    I thought it was a sap nodule, like it was oozing out, judging by the way when you hit it flies off like a scared child. I was having trouble finding coal on my new world I made to go a bug hunting, (No coal? Wait, what?) so I was commenting to some friends between making charcoal and building a wood house and tending rubber I was playing "IndustrialCraft: Messing with Trees Edition"

    If I build a large powerplant, and let's say it's dropping... 500 EU/S constantly into a HVT, that HVT is going to discharge every 4s to an HVTY on the other end. Now for the sake of math let's assume there's no loss of energy over cable distance (obviously in practical circumstances there will be) so the receiving HVT will also charge in 4s, but if I put an MFE on the bottom of the HVT I have two questions:

    1) Won't most of my power never make it down into the MFE as only 200 Power could transfer in those 4s.

    2) When the next packet comes in and it can't discharge all the power to the MFE (only 200 as before) won't it bounce back the power to the other one and start a continuous, power-wasting, loop?

    I can't figure out what the purpose of HV is because it seems to bottle-neck at 50EU/s but I could use a EC Manipulator and setup MFEs to create a 64/s Line...