Posts by Shadowranger

    Well, based upon the fact that they will likely be using ic and bc along with this mod and based on your old version which had a couple blocks in it, one idea that comes off the top of my head....

    Reinforced Glass x 12, Lapis Block x 12, Silver Nether Ore x 12, Obsidian x 36, Block of Redstone x 8, Wooden Kinesis Pipe x 8 like so...

    Lapis Block x 6, Reinforced Glass x 6, Silver Nether x 6

    Obsidian x 36, Redstone Block x 8, Wooden Kinesis Pipe x 8

    Silver Nether x 6, Reinforced Glass x 6, Lapis Block x 6

    This is considering that this is a very high powered and extremely durable cable. Now instead of blocks you could just go with straight out ore, but with blocks it's going to be harder to gather that much material, so the above recipe would make something like 10 or 20 cables. I used tough materials, which suggest some work involved, as well as not something you can just run out grab a few blocks and make instantly, this takes a lot of planning and work.

    Well, that's 1 idea anyways.

    No, that I haven't done, I tried splitting it up into different sections. I can dish in a lot of power, but those wooden pipes make it very limited on how much I can withdraw at a time, technically I can only use 5 pipes on one device, making the limit 32 x 5, or 160 max. I thought, if I tried staging it in sections, I could max that 160 out every time and make it seem like it was more. It doesn't happen. Every way I have tried doesn't do what I want, so, back to the drawing board. Which is why every device moves so slowly, 160 isn't a lot, especially when you have 10 power plants feeding it. I finally perfected a nuclear plant where it won't blow up and put out almost 400, I could go much higher but that takes a lot more work and constant checking. Which I don't want to do, I want to turn them on and leave them running and not have to check on it every freaking time I turn around. 400 is a sufficient enough for me, and with 10 of them running that's plenty of power coming in, but woefully inadequate going back out.

    This is the thing I was trying to work around. I thought if I staged them, so that each pulse 160 would go out, then line in another section at 160 and try to get the cycles down and so close to each other that it doesn't seem like only 160 is going out max. Unfortunately, no matter how I time it, or how much power I bring to bear on it, the situation is still the same, it is still god forsaken slow. I'm also convinced that I just haven't found the solution yet either. Because it happened, once, just once, for about 30 seconds. That short period of time it was like the machine was moving like it was on fire. No matter what I try tho, I have yet to recreate that instance. I won't give up on it tho, I will keep trying. Got plenty of time to keep trying while the rest of my machines move like they're in molasses. Even when, note I said when, not if, you get that pipe working, I'll keep trying to repeat it. I refuse to believe that was a fluke, it happened, I will recreate it... one day.

    That's the 56th try and the 56th way not to do it. So far every way I try around the limit it ends in not working the way I want, I can get plenty of power but those pipes, no matter how I work around it, the same thing occurs, it is still too slow. But, I am hopeful, after all it took Edison over 200 ways to make a light bulb. When asked how he could have failed 200 times, his reply was, I didn't fail 200 times, I just discovered 200 ways not to make a light bulb, you only need one way. So, I have discovered 56 ways it won't work. I am convinced there is a way, and I will find it, eventually.

    While you work on a definite way, i.e. the new pipe, I will continue to try, try, try again to find an alternate solution.

    Nice to see your inspiration shining through. If you need help with java, sadly that's not in my skill set, fraid you'll have to get someone else for that part. Inspiration wise though, I have plenty in that department. Since I actually have the day off, I get to work on my new map... yay me I'm so lucky (cursed). Story of my life, I can inspire others but when I inspire myself things go crazy. Well, at least it keeps life interesting.

    Wonder is the mother of invention, or so I heard once a long time ago. I still don't know how it exploded, I'm pretty sure the setup was sound and either the force field malfunctioned or I forgot to turn it on..... probably forgot to turn it on. Oh well, repair this or start a new map.... decisions decisions. Of course, if I start a new map that means the limit to power and starting from scratch... not liking that idea. Repairing this giant crater... really not liking that idea either. Rock... hard place... me in the middle. Meh.

    Originally, way back in 1.0.0 I had a mod for lighted obsidian so if creepers showed up and exploded it didn't undo what I was working on since they can't destroy obsidian. Sadly, that mod was never updated and died in the rest in pieces area of no longer used mods. Another mod I had found was one for lava obsidian which generates some light and prevents creeper destruction. It was usable in 1.6.4 but no later, however, I discovered it had a problem. If you managed to get enough resources to get 1 and placed it, then did something... stupid, like... oh, I don't know placed a pipe on top of it, the block vanished as if it never existed and you put the pipe in it's place. So pointless to even use it.

    Mainly tho, no, I'm not looking to stop spawns, I want a permanent lighted source that can't be destroyed by creepers, or anything else for that matter. Also to give it that.... you know... artistic approach. Something that looks nice as well and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Lave obsidian looked downright cool, but that was quickly negated when the whole block disappears cause you can't build on it.

    Like I said, not sure if it's possible, but it's an idea.

    Well, mine was reverse. Mother was one of the biggest witches ever, with a capital B, she in turn corrupted my father. Best decision I ever made was moving away, and I mean, away, the opposite side of the continent. Now they can't bother me or hassle me. Maybe not the best decision for you, each person should find their own solution that works. Meanwhile, just cause he's a jerk doesn't mean you shouldn't be creative. That's one trait you should never lose, creativity.