Posts by 8749236

    There'd need to be a way to get them back, because iridium (upgraded from diamond) only lasting 300 blocks until it's no better than the diamond it was upgraded from is stupid.

    Its magic we are talking about here...
    I dont think better machines will give you better magics...
    So I don't think thats necessary..

    Furthermore, if we are enchanting a diamond pickaxe..
    We have even less chance of getting good enchantment =\..
    Assume this website is correct:

    Single-use battery..
    Suggests that we change its capacity to 10k EU instead of 1k...
    That way, many plp will start to using it... instead of leaving them alone..
    By that means, 4 single-use battery can charge a Drill or Chain Saw to 100%...
    Which make it quite useful...

    Note: I'm trying to put the single-use battery somewhere between the big power cell and the AAA cell. So that we dont need different single-use battery to make it useful...

    If it got buffed like that, sinlge-use battery can remain useful almost anytime..
    But that raise an issue: energy exploit using single-use battery..
    Possible Solution:
    1. No single-use battery in ANY energy storage device.. but can be used in machines though..
    2. Change coal dust in recipe to sulfur dust.

    something like that..

    One liner: enchant drills and similar such that the enchantment effect fades over time or over total # of block mined.

    Multiple liner:
    We want efficiency! We want fortune!
    Can IC enable enchantment for tools? For balance, the enchantment effect needs to fade out after certain amount of time or after certain # of block has been mined (perhaps, with degrade)..

    Fortune III, lasts 100 blocks. Degrades to Fortune II.. Fortune I.. and gone...

    Check if there are any related warnings from IC2 in fml-client-latest.log and /ic2 debug resolveIngredient returns something for everything (without the : part obviously).</ingredient>

    Got it!

    [15:08:07] [Client thread/WARN] [IC2/IC2]: skipping recipe for OreDict:dustCoal due to unresolvable output
    ic2.core.util.Config$ParseException: invalid output specified: OreDict:dustCoal at line 103 (OreDict:dustCoal = "CCC|CSC|WSW" C:minecraft:coal@1 S:OreDict:dustSulfur W:OreDict:logWood)

    Obviously I named somethign wrong here...
    So it does not like "OreDict:dustCoal"... that sounds.. depressing..


    The long and scary chain of IC2 crops is like Forestry's bees, but that has an NEI plugin and addons to make it easier.

    Furthermore, since this is industrial craft..
    player should be go through a process from basic machines all the way to the futuristic and easy-to-work-with style of machines.
    Right now Industrial craft have the former one, but not the latter nor anything in between..
    So far, what IC2 exp has done is to complicates everything instead of creating a transition from: complex->simple or simple->complex...
    Everything just gets complicated all of the sudden.

    In fact, you guys can draw a pyramid-like diagram...
    where the bottom level is the basics stuffs such as generator..
    then they gradually progress to more advanced machines..
    And for each tier of machines, they also needs an progress which has a complex-to-simple transition...

    For example: in the beginning, to generate electricity is hard due to limited resources, processing materials are complicated due to lack of automation...
    but as we plays, where we gets more resources.. we are able to generate more powers! have more advanced materials! automated machines that simplify the procedure of material processing.

    By that, we can feel that we have accomplished something instead of something like:
    "Oh yeah, just get Mass fabby and we win!.. Yay! I got a fabby, now what?"

    Mechanics lying behind does not need to be simple to make everything simple.. just like a car, which is made of hundreds even thousands of components, is very easy to drive, right?
    Push the pedal and steer the wheel, volia! your moving!.

    Industrial craft should try to do the same =D...

    Doubleposting cause i really want this to be implemented:
    Change magnetizer to have a GUI and a button which allows you to enable "overcharge" mode which drains 30 EU/t when used but magnetizes 200 blocks and will launch you upwards at an absurd speed (acceleration of 50 m/s²).

    Also a config to allow the addition of other mod's boots as valid "metallic" items or to simply disable that behavior.

    An OVERPOWERED Railgun xD~

    Additional Suggestion: Make it also catch player from above (decelerate player from any speed to stationary) if they wear a metal boots..
    i.e. SUPER Electric Trampoline!

    One-liner: Machine similar to thermal centrifuge but does compression and smelting the same time for advanced materials.

    Title: High T/P Compressor (or smelter) (T/P stands for temperature and pressure)
    Idea: Like we are really doing smelting!
    - Has a temperature meter - Needs EU to increase; other materials to boost the increment; increases faster with higher pressure with same EU consumption; Reset to 0 when no EU is supplied...
    - Has a pressure meter - Needs compress air cell to increase, holds pressure when no compress air cell present.
    - Has a additional materials slot - to make advanced materials more costly... if their recipes are simply compressing already existing materials or similar... that is called "redundant" and "boring"...
    - Has a input slot - put your iron plate and etc. here...
    - Has a output slot - spit out advanced materials here...

    *** Sample Recipe ***
    - Advanced Alloy: Takes 1 Mixed Metal Ingot, consumes X0 units of pressure, minimum of Y0 temperature, takes 1 iron dust as addition, takes Z0 ticks to complete.
    - Dense Copper Plate: Takes 1 Copper plate, consumes X1 units of pressure, minimum of Y1 temperature, takes 1 copper dust as addition, takes Z1 ticks to complete.
    - Coal: Takes 64 wood, consumes X2 units of pressure, minmum of Y2 temperature, takes 2 sulfur dust as addition, takes Z2 ticks to complete...
    Yes! Coal, can we please, make coal? Even at this much high cost?? notice it also cost sulfur...

    Also, creates diamonds here!..
    Compress 64 coals into a diamond with maximum temperature and pressure + 1 obsidian addition.

    *** something else ***

    Possible features:
    - Place an compressor next to it (with ejector upgrade) can supply air automatically.

    Negative Side:
    - Not sure whether recipe can be displayed with two inputs..
    - Too complicated? (But everything is already complicated..)
    - There may not be sufficient advanced materials that makes High T/P smelter significant...

    *** something other than else ***
    If anyone have comment...
    whether this idea sucks, or you want to add more..
    or you want to balance out something. Please feel free to do so =D
    And sorry for no pictures.. It is midnight atm, I need to sleep...

    all kinds of different plates: e.g. obsidian plate, and dense plate and etc..
    Maybe they are there for some features in the future. If thats the case, ignore this one..

    *** Add ***
    Also, Watermills!...
    I almost NEVER used them when I am playing with industrial craft..
    they are totally underpowered, useless, and cost-ineffective.
    Either we remove it completely (since it is useless, why not?) or bump the energy generation..
    Or change the mechanics of the watermill or a totally re-work.

    - Make it a multi 3x3x4 block structure.. (width, length, height)
    B = block of iron
    X = empty
    G = Watermill
    M = Basic Machine casing

    h=0 h=1

    - Has an internal water tanks
    - Produce electricity by consuming water
    - Can suck in water that are on top of it...
    - Has valve settings which can tune the EU output and efficiency-per-block-of-water...

    - Consumes water like crazy, even at lowest settings...
    - High efficiency when valve setting is low, low efficiency when valve setting is high...
    - Water pump can be attached to it but still can't run on maximum power though..
    - Can be placed at the bottom of the ocean, which THEN you can run it at maximum efficiency for a really long time.. but the ocean is going to dry out very soon (imagining a dried ocean...).
    - Can be manually filled with water to operate.

    Maybe we should make that multiblock into a single block.. or do it in mass-fabby-style!... (all those accessories)

    *** Something else ***
    I think this post need some re-formatting..
    Things starts getting messy now.. and I can imagine what it will looks like when there are 1000 post in this thread.. its trash!.. sorry.. but thats what it will be!..