Ok, Let's see about trying to answer these (in no particular order)...
There is no way that shade of purple is more readable for dyslexic people, especially against a grey background. White or yellow would make much more sense
And yes, 288 mods is way too many @_@ Is your server a supercomputer or something?
Ok, either I have gone completely color blind or something is just wrong with me. I swear on everything holy that the purple stood out from the grey background easier than it does in it's current state. It does help my father in law with the white background but upon retrospect, the grey background DOES make it harder for the color to be ledgible. Hence, the conformity of the master race text color from here on out. If he has a problem with reading, HE will now just have to deal with it.
I shall only WISH that my server is a supercomputer. I simply use bare installation linux, dedicated of course. Advanced JVM arguments from the FTB forum, and a hell of a lot of trial and errors... (understatement)
I don't mind the color, its just a bit annoying to read
I yield, it didn't look THAT bad earlier after previewing it 4+ times.
I thought it was UU purple
Thought it was pink-ish or fushia? idk im an idiot anyways, so what do I know. XD Ask T...
288 Is an acceptable mod count, how many different ores did you end up disabling?
Disabling ores? Never, otherwise I wouldn't have a need for an OreDictionaryConverter mod. None of the ores are disabled, it makes for more AV fuel for my Aethercraft duplicating machines. (special Aethercraft version with more bugs worked out, a new tier of "stuff" and Baubbles support! XD )
Usually, I disable every mod iron, copper, tin, silver and lead world gen and use a modified TE world gen, where copper, tin and iron have spawns at exactly the same rate, and are more common, and I make silver more common than gold, and lead almost as common as iron/copper/tin
Then.... what's the point of quarrying the schitt outta other dimensions? You wouldn't need a big quarry to get the materials you need. Isn't that like... idk... buffing in some way? (I am really not trying to argue, I am genuinely interested as to why it is that you do such drastic config changes? It may help give me an idea about how to change the chunks in unexplored areas for us for later on...)
One other thing... Is irridium now-a-days easier to acquire by default or is it due to some mod that I threw in? Because I have found like 14 Iridium ores just laying about in random chests. (and we have a LOT of randomized chests burried about in the world due to Zelda Sword Skills and a few other mods...) If by changing the subject slightly I need to create a new post for this to be answered in, I'll just drop the question. It's not that important, just trying to gather intelligence based off of others' experiences and authors' configurations.
Post-script - 288 really is causing a ceiling to be virtually made for 1.7.10, however I have heard rumor from X3n0Ph0b3 of Reliquary that there is a Japanese team that has 1100 mods in their mod pack. I didn't even freakin' know there were 1100 separate mods in existence... even information gathered from Japanese Minecraft sites do not add up to that many, so idk I am certainly not going to run out of things to do anytime soon (or change versions within the fore-see-able future.
Post-Post-Script - Thanks everyone for the replies, you have made me feel more welcomed here than I anticipated.