By manually do you mean I have to fix it myself? Or do you mean you fixed it in anupcoming version? I would much rather play legit... spoiling myself with not having to recharge anything is... well, it's ruining some of the fun.
Posts by Plystire
Okay, I'm not sure how to effectively duplicate this... all I know is that one moment my batpack is running low on juice and a moment later, it's full... or my quantum helmet is about to lose power and then suddenly it's full again... or my nano leggings... or even my rubber boots!!! This has even happened on my electric jetpack! It's almost annoying to notice my drill is about to lose power and say to myself "Eh, we'll just run it dry, then head back to camp" ..... 1 hour later, "Hmmmm.... something doesn't feel right." Only to notice my batpack recharged on its own.
Now, sometimes the item will completely discharge and be empty for a bit, but if I leave it alone (and equipped) for a bit, it'll eventually get recharged. Occassionally my rubber boots do get destroyed, but the ones I'm currently wearing have been recharged at least 3 times now. And I know for DANG sure those little suckers shouldn't be recharging under ANY circumstances.
I have tried to make duplication steps for this, but the simplest thing I have done to replicate it, is stand idle in my factory doing nothing at all with JUST my quantum helmet on... even doing nothing, with an otherwise empty inventory, it got recharged..
The Mods I have installed are:
IC2 v1.23 (duh)
BC 2.2.5
Mo' Creatures
RedPower2 (All except World and machines... I hate conflicts)
Millenaire (Haven't found a village yet, though....strange)
Somnia v15 [1.8.1]
Recipe Book
And preqreqs for the above mods.Now, it COULD BE one of the other Mods causing this, but since IC2 deals far more into Armor than the others, it looks the most guilty to me.
Your proposed upgrade is not "expensive". It is time consuming. Who in their right mind achieves full quantum armor without already automating the process of generating matter for iridium? Once you have the full suit... getting more is just waiting around twiddling your thumbs more.
Annnd, no, I don't have full quantum. The only piece of quantum I own is the helmet, because I got tired of eating all the time.
Seriously, though, why do we need MORE than immortality? Why do we need MORE than super speed? Why do we need MORE than inhuman jumping heights and negated fall damage? Why do we need MORE than underwater breathing, auto-food regen, and auto-health regen 24/7?
If you need something higher tiered to aim for in order to keep your interest in the game, I think you've missed the point of minecraft.
Can't say I read either of those.
But at least it's in a place that most people will find now.
Thanks, Alblaka, I did see iron fences, but the name threw me off.. I had no idea they would be used for vertical transport! Perhaps consider renaming them? I'd have to play around with them first, but if they actually do serve as a fence and not just a means of vertical transport then never mind.
So I guess this addition would go like this, you have a hardened cf block, you chisel it, it becomes a cf stair block facing you. The stair block is a new id, you chisel that stair block, it becomes a slab variant of the block. Is this what we are going for?
That's exactly what I'd like to see. However, if implementing stairs would consume too many block IDs (requiring 1 ID per stair facing direction) I wouldn't mind just having slabs. Performance on my machine is iffy at best already.
Well, the way I see it, the simplest solution would be to add 1 more block IDs for the slabs.. being that Alablaka says having their own block ID provides full customization of said block and far less intensity on the CPU. And because, well, we can still make stairs out of slabs.
Would this be an issue at all? I hope it won't be.
Oh, yes, i forgot to ask. Alblaka, what is a "Pole-Slide"? I don't see it on the wiki... I found something about an electric ladder here in the forums, but the proposed recipe for it didn't work in-game.
I was not aware that I was allowed to edit the wiki. I must now go play with it!
Lol, j/k. Just going to go add that tidbit of information to it, if someone hasn't already.
[EDIT] Updated scaffold wiki page with info on reenforcing. Also linked to Alblaka's post for reference.
Whoa, i did not know we could reinforce scaffolds! That's so awesome! Thanks, Alblaka, I'll try it out on my next building for sure! (On this one, I took the time to cover my roof with dirt, then spray from below... ceiling wasn't TERRIBLY high off the ground this time, lol)
Somebody realy needs to update teh wiki with this info, so noobs like me won't be in the dark on these sort of things.
I was JUST about to come post this... and as Alblaka has mentioned... don't do what I'm doing and try to build a factory out of the stuff... very hard to run wires in there T_T
I gotta be honest... I've been using scaffolding for vertical transport ever since I discovered the things! But I really would like to move back to stairs... and some nice bright red stairs would do just the trick! You've spoiled me with these scaffolds... I never leave my base without a stack, just in case.
As for the predicament... sounds like you're using damage values for the colors.. meaning in order to have these go under the same ID, it'd have to be special case handling and you'd be using a ton of damage values to cram 3 whole blocks of that many different colors under a single ID. I doubt other Mods would take kindly to that lol
I really would like them colorable if they do end up making it in, though. :3
I've been using this for a bit now and even when I'm standing about 1 block away from the wall I'm about to spray, I end up getting stuck inside of the blob... maybe that's because I'm usually filling in "gaps" and it overflows out into my face. xD
Something I have been wodnering about, though... what's the best method of CF'ing a ceiling/roof? Scaffolding doesn't like hanging over midair unless it has another base within a block from it.
I'm a simple guy with simple needs. And the simplest need I have right now is to be able to make CF stairs... or slabs... but mainly stairs. Since CF is not your typical block, what I suggest is a new tool, to go with that handy dandy sprayer! The CHISEL!!! Once your CF has hardened, you may use your chisel on the Wall. First use of the chisel turns it into stairs (Removing 1/4 of the block), and using it on your stairs would turn it into a slab (Another 1/4 of the original block). I just really want to be able to make my factories out of this stuff, but I always am in need o stairs or slabs for the final touch, and then I'm only left with dull, grey BORING stone brick stairs and slabs.. because that's the closest you can get to CF Walls at the moment.
Please think about it. I really would like to have colorable stairs and slabs.