Posts by Bogdan-G
Same as in ArloTheEpic, but in a smaller scale.
//quote fragment
So, I tried to apply this to my modpack, it works, but there appears to be a pretty spectacular bug...
I'd like to use this in my modpack, but some reason why this is happening and a fix for it would definitely be useful first.
goto config fastcraft.ini, change this:
it will reduce the number of invisible objects significantly. -
I will check it in the SSP
checked, the server is not down, but perhaps due to the fact that the garbage collector called stop-world pause. Overflows of the old generation have been several times. Log file garbage collector:
JVM opts bat file:-XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintReferenceGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -Xloggc:.\gc_BMPL_beta3_17.log -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx4500m -showversion
FPS game jumps 0-20 (unstable); app all ate, and available memory and CPU usage, brakes and hangs and the OS itself, the response time was long.
jVisualVM: | (Screenshots are made after stopping the application) -
QuoteFirst, you might want to have different flags for client and server. They will be doing different things, with different needs, especially with the memory.
in KCauldron server It has fewer problems than SSP-server(integrated server), I'm trying to make SSP-server and client normal work. (Only client in Single player game testing and stabilized)
At the client more problems than the server side (KCauldron)Quoteor a copy of the garbage collection log
I recorded a few logs successful or not so successful game starts, download(16 log files):
each start parameters are written at the beginning of each file.QuoteLets start here. Try starting the server with this:
-XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx3400m
I will check it in the SSP -
QuoteNow, if you want to use OpenCL as a way to run code that was not designed for OpenCL? I don't think you can (I am not familiar enough with it).
from the moment of writing MC a few years, not only is it already rewriting several times (perhaps not completely). One of the brakes of the game is that everything goes through google EventBas(lib), although they could do so only if it is detected version of Java 6, but not for everyone. Modern councils and the authors of the mods/modpacks recommended to put 7 or 8 version of Java, he Forge long-compiled Java 7 with the flag of compatibility with Java 6. I do not know why they still support version 6 of Java, MC with mods is not a game that consumes few resources. And without mods than the newer version of the game the more consumption. Versions of the game are written under the platform other than Windows, Linux, OS X, different code.QuoteEven server-side (dedicated server)
He is very mischievous and often likes fail, if Vanilla Forge server to run next to the game and it will be better.QuoteYet either you are saying that the world won't generate because of leaks without these options, or I'm misunderstanding you.
during the generation of "Old gen" will be filled with the process and either hang or fall.QuoteI can say that CMS wants a large new generation. 186 MB is not enough. I use 800, and my modpacks are not that huge. The biggest key for me is to get the large collections down to 30 seconds or longer.
honestly at this size (186), the number of garbage collections is about ~5250(all types throughout heap), with a total duration of 3 minutes(1 collect an average of ~34 ms), per 30 minutes games. The increase in the younger generation reduces the number of garbage collections, but unfortunately the problem with 1 FPS that does not solve already checked. -
Quotedid you just copy/paste?
no, they were picked up by brute force, and after each change of the game is launched, the creation of a new world and a test run, digging, setting blocks. Parameters I took based on the articles of various kinds, and Java-docks.QuoteMost of those have "auto-tune" behavior by the VM.
VM default values? Hmm .. are you sure?QuoteMinecraft was written to primarily use the CPU and not the GPU
I just try to solve this problemQuotegetting a vendor-independent set of routines to make use of a GPU that is not known at the time you write code is really, really hard.
use GLSL/OpenCL as an easier option than CUDA?QuoteI would strongly recommend removing most of those args to start
I removed one by one parameters and their ligaments to the base (leaving only the permsize and heapp selection)QuoteYou mention memory leaks, but there's nothing I can see there that deals with any attempt to diagnose that
only run with the parameters: -XX:PermSize=300m -XX:MaxPermSize=300m -Xmx3400m -> that is, just select the basic resources to solve the rest say JVM. When generating the world pop up (this usually occurs when the flow of the world write to the disk, but may be in a different stage of generation of the world)
In these screenshots, it is not shown, they are made with the successful launch and the world after his entry of a new generation. -
Hello. Sorry lyrics a bit mixed.
Whether it is planned to add a transfer to FC(move some settlements) of the computation on the graphics card to offload the CPU, at the moment if you use a large modpack like this, the CPU performance is not enough (it is almost always 100%), and the graphics card hardly used (only 0-3% GPU usage, sometimes 20%, and then rises fps). Cleaning most mods are not offloads the CPU to remove much of the burden should be conditioned 100 to remove 40 and more.
Current FPS in this set 1-3 (single world bop generation). Also strange is that the server says that he has 20 TPS and all is well. Information from the npc files do not show ((
If you remove mod that according to debug programs that nothing has changed, as if I did not remove all these mods. Removing optifine or FC or NEID lead to malfunction of the game in general. If you remove the parameters of Java-machine is also the world can not be generated by word of a memory leak, and the launch of the game will be longer than usual. Isolation of more memory does not solve the problem. When testing all the programs were closed, leaving some background. I have danced with the config parameters, the result is: less swearing on decorator biome. If you believe the log analysis GC he did not spend much time on garbage collection.
-XX:Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage=0 -XX:Tier3InvocationThreshold=3 -XX:Tier3MinInvocationThreshold=2 -XX:Tier3CompileThreshold=2 -XX:Tier3BackEdgeThreshold=10 -XX:Tier4InvocationThreshold=4 -XX:Tier4MinInvocationThreshold=3 -XX:Tier4CompileThreshold=2 -XX:Tier4BackEdgeThreshold=8 -XX:TieredCompileTaskTimeout=1500 -XX:Tier3DelayOn=50 -XX:Tier3DelayOff=25 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+CITime -XX:CICompilerCount=1 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -Xloggc:.\gc_BMPL_beta3_7.log -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -XX:CompileThreshold=10000 -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInteraval=3600 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600 -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xincgc -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+UseNewLongLShift -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+PrintPLAB -XX:+ResizeTLAB -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -DJINTEGRA_NATIVE_MODE -DJINTEGRA_COINIT_VALUE=0 -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -Xnoclassgc -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=85 -Xverify:none -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -Xrs -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:NewSize=186m -XX:MaxNewSize=186m -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:PermSize=300m -XX:MaxPermSize=300m -Xmx3400m -showversionyes number of options can be safely removed, but most do not have
Using a different version of Java (7 and 8 ) does not give result, the behavior of the same. On 8 Java often can fly itself JVM.
Current optimization FC 1.22stest17 not cope with the CPU and the rise of performance.
If the problem is due to some sections of the code in the modes, how to guess they cause is not good behavior and memory leaks? Considering that explicitly and implicitly, they are often not visible.
FML logs and debugging silent. Can certainly should change the approach to this problem.P.S. Several additional screenshots:
P.P.S. RAM 8gb, CPU Intel i5 2450m, GPU gt650m 1gb GDDR5 -
5.09 имхо, нет смысла переводить, пока не выйдет stable версия, да и проблема с переводом мультиблоков не исчезла ( не уверен, давно не тестил).
Я все хочу создать глоссарий, куда надо запихать все руды, названия запчастей и тд, чтобы было какое-то единообразие в переводах от разных людей.
+надо допереводить ftb wiki, благо там еще остались страницы с интерфейсом перевода.
нуу я вообще все на англ смотрю и гугл транслейтом перевожу)) -
я не знаю где ты другой файл брал. но в тех что я выкладывал не более 30к строк. и файлы весом до 2х мб.
тут же, был, пока тему кто-то не почистил. -
Hello. I apologize if the question has already been.
Q: Is there an option in the configuration of the mod for forced generation veins(B:ore.mix.*) or no generate ore veins in problem chunks, despite the fact that this was the chunk than the busy, often popping exceptions and crash the game when the ore vein tries to generate in large dungeon or other underground construction.
E: GregTech 5.08.30+3x mod gen underground dungeon(size 2x8 chunks)+UBC+others = crash game in new world gen, but generate overworld.stone.redgranite, ore.small.*,etc, and no problem and no crash.
Disabling the entire generation a ore.mix.* or all underground dungeon solve the problem, but then why do we need the ore veins or underground dungeons if they can not be generated? All remaining ore in gregtech or other modes generated normally without problems.Log in custom modpack(problem increases with increasing of number of mods on dungeons):…master/logs/date/051015-1 (big spam exceptions)
Memory is not clogged, the CPU is not fully loaded. -
it does not work, the files are loaded thumbs.db still remain:…/gregtech/textures/entity (for example)
Maybe this option will help:
Thumbs.db -
Learn research shard recrystallization
It is in:
Magic Tallow → Alchemical Duplication → Alchemical Manufacture → Shard Recrystalization
"Sometimes when processing your Crystal Shards they become a pile of Dust instead of the mostly required Shard.
You have finally found a way to reverse this Process by using Vitreus Essentia for recrystallising the Shards."
thanks for info -
So yeah.
it is possible, but it will take a kick in the direction of the forge. Either mod should take control of the game than in part by the way Greg does.
It is easier to hide behind a complex implementation, EULA, DCMA than do the general compatibility and smooth operation. Lex says that this is the mixing into the case mods, but let the gash separate project that is compatible with all of this. Despite the fact that Lex says that modAPI not affect the game, but it is not even though he thinks. Greg as other modders write code for modAPI. Generally speaking there any a forge should have no loader builder when you start a mod layer on it.
And all this takes a lot of time possible, since it will be necessary to do a lot of work. And now throw stones in the garden together.So, yes, fun!
What are these worldgen loops people keep talking about? Is it just server load or is it something you can notice just by looking at the world?
algorithms, cycles, methods of solving the problems has led to what we have(receive). This is a joint problem, it is not built in one solution. Algorithms forced perform series of operations that lead to lengthy analysis and realization in world-chunks.
#reasoning(It is not addressed to a specific person)
What if you do not do series of operations at each re-start? Just save the changed data such as OreDictionary, Dictionary dust, stones Dictionary, Dictionary of other objects. If the configuration file and modpack remains unchanged why each time to cause the addition of dust, ores, ingots, nuggets, objects, blocks, and everything else? Why perform the same thing every time you start? -
Huh, I caught again fall to 0-1 fps. Include (in 20.06.15 test-local-modpack build) Mystcraft, AquaTweaks, ImmersiveEngineering 0.2.4, update betterfps to 1.0.1:
srp and nps file create when the world was created(player not move and game windowed 940x520) and FPS ranged from 1 to 6. After that 15 minutes had risen to 20-60 fps. Then fly to creative(fly and move stable freeze camera, but fps no drop) 5 minutes, open the Interface tab(creative NEI tab) and mod bluepower FPS dropped to 0-1, and the game does not respond to mouse and keyboard, and belatedly reacts to change the window size manually. I do not know, but changes in BP were based on small githab commits.
During the fall of the FPS, I create a dump through the Eclipse-MAT v14 because after sampler create failed.
The game not crash, I got tired of waiting and I closed 4GB java.exe process.…master/logs/date/260615-1 - logs - dump -
Using worldedit to delete non-ores revealed that there are these vanilla vein shaped stone clusters. They're not removed with the other stone and when broken they don't drop stone. I doubt it's an issue but it's interesting. The only other mod performing oregen is TC.
I know TiC ores are shown in there but I've since disabled them and still see these clusters.
It happens the same, only NEI instead "Stone" - "gt.ore.item.0"
Maybe it's defective ore GT. Loss metadata or subID.