Posts by Snyke


    The cfg file won't generate.

    IC2 and this is the only thing I have.

    Yeah, thats the problem, you also need buildcraft ;).
    ModLoader is stupid in that way, if I tell it to load after buildcraft and it doesnt detect buildcraft it doesnt load Transformers, while I'd rather have it error saying you need buildcraft :/.

    So been testing it and everything seems to work. Love the adjustable
    electric engine, that thing is awesome! Though I'm not sure why I'd ever
    need as many as MJs as that thing can pump out! Lol

    Anyways, love the addon, one of my new favorites. :P

    Thanks! Well for example, I use it at max power together with a teleport conductive pipe to get wireless power :D.

    I also must agree to this, but I decided to take this request and give you these fresh textures!

    Thanks a bunch! I suck at spriting :>

    Got this error when I reloaded a world:

    at ic2.common.TileEntityCable.onCreated(
    at ic2.common.TileEntityBlock$1.tickCallback(
    at mod_IC2.OnTickInGame(
    at ic2.platform.Ic2.onTickInGame(
    at ModLoader.onTick(
    at EntityRendererProxy.b(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
    at Source)

    However, when I reloaded again, I got no errors.
    I took a look and it seems that sometimes you get unlucky and it calls onCreated before it is valid, and its worldObj is still null (I think).

    Snyke thank you for all your hard work I absolutely cannot live without this mod.. One question does it work in 1.2.5? I know people have gotten the 1.2.4 version of ic2 to work in 1.2.5 so i'm wondering if your code works in it as well or have you not tried? Are you planning a 1.2.5 version as soon as ic2 updates or do you already have it done like cpw did for the solars? Thanks and keep up the fantastic work.

    I have not tried. Yes I'm planning to release a 1.2.5 version as soon as ic2 updates :) - don't have it done yet.

    Found the energy-loss bug in buildcraft! If anyone noticed, in BuildCraft 2.2.x there is a bug which makes you lose 10-20% of the energy you put in.
    As soon as energy enters a conductive pipe, energy is switched from an integer value (1,2,3,4,5,...) to a floating point value, so a number with a decimal (i.e: 3,562)
    Next loss is applied. Conductive pipes defaultly lose 0,1% of energy, and golden conductive pipes 0,01%. This means your energy decreases by a small amount. For example: 4 MJ will become 3,996 MJ.
    However, buildcraft machines only take integers, and when the energy is added to the machines, buildcraft casts the floating point value(3,996) to an integer value, which in this case becomes 3 MJ.
    That's a big loss, so I made it round off -> 3,996 MJ will be 4 MJ, while 3,499 will be 3 MJ. This is IMO the fairest solution.

    To install the fix, extract the, and put its contents inside your Works for server & client.

    Transformers BETA-1 v2.0 - IC2 v1.115 & BC 3.4.3 & MC 1.4.7


    Ratio & Numbers:


    - Always use pipes. Pipes make sure machines get energy every tick, if wired directly you'll lose most of your energy.

    Common errors:

    - NoSuchMethodError: ic2.api.Direction.toForgeDirection()


    Old versions:

    And a nice picture which shows the Adjustable Electric Engine at full throttle:

    New engine textures thanks to Shadowrock: