Posts by donoya

    So... I just noticed that I didn't even have gregtech installed (whoops). Anyways, now that I did, I found another incompatibility: Dense Ores. With gregtech 5 and dense ores, when you create a world, it takes up the name for the world, but doesn't actually let you play it and instead boots you to the title screen. When you go back into the single player menu, it displays as if you have no worlds at all (not entirely sure how that works). I removed dense ores after I discovered that it was most likely causing issues, but I thought I should inform you. Also, I would like to know how I can remove the names of the previous worlds from the (what I guess I could call) list of used world names.

    Well, the crash report basicly says: Crashed while writing a crash report.

    So not really helpful. When NEI is crashing, it is certainly not GT alone. Likely a cross mod interaction. The only way to correctly test what mods are conflicting: Make a clean setup. Remove some mod and try if it works. Repeat with all mods...
    The optimized search for that is: remove half of the mods. If it works, it is one of the removed half. Otherwise one of the remaining half. Then remove/readd half of the mods again and try again. That way to you can test 256 mods with just 8 restarts.

    Well, after a few minutes of removing and adding mods, I was able to determine that the cause of the crash was NEI Integration (It was also causing me to get a "fatal error has occurred" message the first time entering a world after launching and then letting me enter with no problems until I exit the game (through crashing or just exiting minecraft) and re-entering it). Now that I've removed that mod, I can finally look up the recipes without any problems. Thank you for the response.

    Here's the rest of it:

    I get a crash upon attempting to look up recipes for anything in NEI. I have a strong suspicion this problem is on your end (might be a problem with NEI, but didn't happen every time I went to look up a recipe BEFORE I replaced gregtech 6 with this mod and started a new world). Please don't take anything the wrong way. I just couldn't seem to rephrase that to sound polite. Just an FYI: I don't use paste bin since it requires an account, so please excuse the spoiler that, when opened up will probably take up a lot of the page that also means this will be a two-parter . Anyways, here's the crash report:

    Draconic evolution is the Dartcraft of 1.7.10, there's no way to balance it without stupid recipes purely to be inhibitingly expensive.
    Botania is hard to do as well with the crafting mechanics largely being one of the mod's features, changing them would be hard to keep the feel.
    Blood Magic would have a similar problem with alter recipes not being changeable (I don't think).

    Forcing people down Thaumcraft to do Vanilla stuff is mean, and you'd most likely run out of aspects even with Greg's million and one items. Theoretically it would be doable though.

    I was actually just wanting the script so that I could play with it in single player. I'm not forcing others to do thaumcraft to progress, but rather I am forcing myself to do thaumcraft to progress. I'm sorry if my request was misinterpreted.

    I would like to request an overhaul of thaumcraft's research system that makes it so that you have to do research to access recipes normally made without any research, including gregtech machines and vanilla items and blocks. Of course you would need to have it so that all of the recipes to start with thaumcraft are possible without doing research, as that would halt any progression in thaumcraft, minecraft and/or gregtech. Other mods that I would like to be integrated include: blood magic, extra utilities, buildcraft, computercraft, botania, and draconic evolution. Extra utilities and draconic evolution should be a late game research while blood magic and botania should be fairly early. Of course, they should all be present throughout the progression, but I want the more OP mods to be more difficult to get to. I realize that I'm asking a lot. I hope that it's not too much. Please, if at all possible, let me know how long you think this might take you, if and when you accept.

    If you look on Github in Custom Modpacks(Dream Craft link below) there are a script from Extra Utilities. It is not perfect and need a rework.
    (Github not working today)

    What are the mods in dream craft? I won't be able to run your scripts without those mods. I'm not asking for a list that I need to read and install individually; I would rather have the mods in a .zip file if at all possible.

    Could someone make a script to make Extra Utilities items more realistic in terms of the piping system and its upgrades? As it is, Extra Utilities is way too cheap. I would like to utilize greg-tech 5 and possibly draconic evolution. I would also like to have a script to make draconic evolution become even more expensive, too, if at all possible (but not too much, please). Other mods that I would be okay with as far as using their stuff for these recipes are: thermal expansion, IC2, simply jetpacks, and redstone arsenal. I hope this is not too much to ask because I would really like to use those two mods without them seeming as unbalanced as they are.

    I thought of a cool idea. Could you please add a heat based battery? It's fully possible in real life, it would just need to have a temperature loss over time. Maybe different materials would have different a temperature loss modifier. In addition, biome type should impact the temperature loss as well as set a baseline for the temperature level in the battery. Temperature loss could be based on the difference between the current temperature and the biome temperature. This may or may not be useful at the moment, but it would definitely have its use once more heat based machines come into play.

    Okay, so I noticed that the conversion from slab to plank results in being more fuel efficient than the actual plank blocks that you make them from (even if you make it so that the slabs are made 1 to 1). The math that I'm using here is 1 plank block = 2 plank slabs = 2 plank items for each plank slab = 4 plank items. Each plank item has a burn time of 200 ticks (which is also exactly enough to smelt one item in the vanilla furnace, so you don't waste fuel whereas otherwise you would), while the plank block has a burn time of 300 and the plank slab has a burn time of 150. The equation makes sense for the block to slab conversion, but the slab to item conversion is suddenly 2.5 times as powerful as the original plank blocks. I think this should be a simple fix on your part and if the change is already implemented, then never mind. I just wanted you to know about this so that it can be fixed later on. Also, any plans for armor that you can make out of mostly any material like the tools? I think it would be really neat to have something like the thorns or unstable enchantment from open blocks on newly crafted armor, or armor with greater defense or an unbreaking/fire protection buff (there are many possibilities). I hope you found this post helpful.

    Hello Greg, I have a request. I've noticed that there is no recipe for making enderpearls out of the enderpearl dust. I would like this to be in the game as an autoclave recipe. My reason for this are because I noticed that there is a recipe for making 6 enderpearl dusts and 6 blaze powders out of a blaze rod and 6 enderpearls (with some steps in-between). And from that 6 blaze powder, you can use 5 to turn back into a blaze rod, leaving you with a deficit of 6 enderpearls, and a profit of one blaze powder and 6 enderpearl dust (which you can't recycle back into enderpearls at the moment(hence, why I'm making this suggestion)). I just think that the conversion of enderpearls into dusts which can't be turned back is not worth the 1 more blaze powder. Also, the autoclave doesn't have to be one-to-one, so you will still not end up with a free duplication process. And I noticed sealed wood. What uses will it have aside from making stronger-than-wood tools? Could you give it use in a low-level waterwheel mabe? And how will the large springs be used? I believe they will likely have a use in tools, but which tools? I may be getting too ahead with these questions... so I'll hold off on the rest for now.