Posts by wasmic

    Yeah, we don't need more colors, but more effects would be nice. Maybe also batteries? Or bomb-tubes? (don't know if they're called that)

    I can't get links to work right now, but langshan75 is a spambot. He posted in the addon-compatibility thread, and the industrial clay suggestion.

    EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd.

    It would be nice with translations that you wouldn't have to download yourself, like railcraft has done it. I'd be happy to provide danish translations.

    clay is hard to get in very large quantities. sure, you can get maybe a few stacks just from taking on a swamp biome (which can be a huge pain if there is none around you), but that's nowhere near enough for making large brick buildings for example. The "easier" way would be to use UU-matter, but UU-matter isn't a joke to get, and if you want your house in the world to be a large brick house, you"ll need to get near finishing the game for that.

    This is all double-triple-quadrupled for FTB users, who have a much, much, much harder times coming across the correct biomes, and a ludicrously hard times getting UU-matter.

    Thanks for posting what i was trying to say.

    point I tried to make is, you only need one clay block. the recipe returns two, you use one for the next. so its quite pointless to try "limit" the recipe like that

    I know, but that idea was just so that you actually had to have some clay in the first place. Someone would probaply find it OP if you didn't need find clay first.

    EDIT: MagusUnion, i couldn't find that in either the addons or pending addons forums. Hang on, I'll google it...

    "Alternatively, the recipe could be set to also require a block of clay, and then return two blocks"
    So in fairness, you really only need 1 clay block? i'd think you'd suggest coal dust or something else ;p

    But I like the idea. no new blocks, no big impact. +1 :D

    I mean, so that the recipe requires 1 sand, 1 dirt, 1 gravel, 1 clay and 1 water bucket/cell.

    The old "industrial" clay recipe from IC1, in IC2. I think it was one gravel, one sand, one dirt and one water bucket for one clay block. Of course, a water cell could also be used.

    And before you do the "there's more clay in the world now" argument, please think about the fact that clay is still only available in rivers and oceans, from where it is quite annoying to extract. Alternatively, the recipe could be set to also require a block of clay, and then return two blocks?

    EDIT: If you re-ad this, maybe also consider re-adding the wrench of almighty banhammoring +9001? IT WAS SO AWESOME! I know, i know, we have creative, but it could be usefull for insta-breaking blocks in survival, and being totally awesome.

    Yep, everything exists in solid, gaseous and liquid states. Elements (as in materials where only one sort of nuclei occurs, like iron, but not water) also exist as plasma. And then there's the thing with super-cooled helium. But that's just the universe pranking us.

    Something went horribly wrong. Wraith, Hive and I had gotten out of the Hiveship, and evac was coming for us. A whole army was just about to land.
    We were EMP'd. The engines stopped, and the last few meters became a fall. As the crews came out, mostly unharmed, I tried to call for evac from both Everhill and Greenfield. None answered. I plonked down a scanner I had kept in my I.N.V.E.N.T.O.R.Y. giant invisible backpack. The spambot army was huge. And it was growing. Spambots were teleporting in all the time. All communications were down. All advanced weaponry was too.

    Nobody was in command. I turned towards the soldiers that had emerged from the now useless tanks. "Well, boys, I reckon this is it. Lock'n'load. We're going to battle. This is a sure defeat. Make sure your teleport beacons are on, in case you can be respawned. The only thing you have to lose now is your honor. When the spambots arrive, the only rule is that you have to kill as many as possible. Destroy them all!"

    "The spambots are here! Defend your honor!"

    I charged into battle along with Wraith, and chaos broke lose. I destroyed at least a hundred, and then I took... Something to the head. I died. The next thing I knew was being respawned at the Phoenix. I was teleported back to the battlefield, but this time I died nearly instantly. War is random. I respawned, but was told to stay aboard the phoenix. Continuous respawning uses a ton of energy, and they would not have enough power to revive all. Over 5m spambots were destroyed when the battle was over. It would take some time to regenerate that many bots. But it was still only half the spambot army.

    The advertisements stopped.
    Or more accurately, I ignored them.
    Wasmic: "Maybe we should just talk normally until we're out of here..."
    *Turns off Wraith's psi-implant*
    Wraith: "Thanks. That was driving me crazy".
    Wasmic: "I've recieved word that a giant spambot army is approaching. I suggest that you re-inject Hive's memories, so that he may tell us if the broadcaster is on this ship".
    Wraith: "Good idea. I'll do that."