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Posts by Scors
First off: I'm NOT asking when it will be implemented, I'm just curious if it will work underground or if it only works above ground. If it'll work underground, that would be awesome
underground forests ftw!
or underground desert for harvesting sandstone... o.o even better. -
Yes, ask Feanturi about his personal progress on Electric Engine.
There must be much praise! MUCH PRAISE!
Ok but the point still remains about attaching force fields together to protect a larger compound. Thats what you need to take away from this, not so much where they want to implement it. It could still have multiple uses.
Like guarding a massive construction project, or city, from creepers and other dangerous-to-building mobs.
Okay, I'm making (or attempt to make) the monorail idea suggested earlier. As a first run, I'm making a maglev rail + train and I was thinking "Hey, how would I code the MagLev rails to work with wires? Underneath, of course, powering directly into the rails." Now, I figured a problem to this: Each wire split at the moment halves the total power in that line. So, even if you toss 10k power, you'd have enough power to split 9/10 and still maintain around 100 EU. that's 30 blocks with the whole plan deal thingy-mabobber. So, to solve this, I was thinking of a wire block similar to a relay: A siphon. Capable of pulling out about 10-20 EU from the main power lines, even HV, and feed it to objects on the other end. This could help with factories as well, giving machines full power from a line minus what previous siphons have eaten.
It's just a thought:
___R = Redstone
E = RelayI figure a Relay's already expensive enough for such a simple device.
And redstone is SO COMMON!
Okay, first off: I'm a mole. I LOVE being a mole underground. And now, after finding cubic chunks, I'd like to ask if Terraformers work underground so I could "grow" sand for my sandstone tombs and perhaps grow trees underground using the cultivation. If yes, then this would be the ULTIMATE means of becoming a mole! I WOULD NEVER SEE THE SUN EVER AGAIN! CURSE YOU, SURFACE DWELLERS!
(Crosses fingers) I hope it does work undergound, or will in IC2
Okay, short story: I'm trying to make the monorail mod suggested for IC2, but I can't seem to decipher the minecart code due to the constant use of d1-d28. I am getting a basic understanding of the build, but I was hoping someone could give me a brief synopsis/code for the minecart's ability to move. (Powered Minecart would be nice. ^^) I get the code for checking for rails, and vertical movement will be null (Might implement it later if I can get the code to work on horizontal first.), so just the way to get the entity to move across the tracks at the moment would be nice.
I've already posted this in 2 other forums, both of which got buried deep within and will probably never see the light of an answer.
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!" <-- Star Wars, ftw!
It's not a weapon, it's a super-driller. o.o
The ability to blast mobs is totally side-of-the-lane business. XD -
The MAC-assisted Driller. (Magnetically Accelerated Cannon, for those illiterates out there with no Halo/practical experience. Basically a super-sized railgun.) Capable of firing a single round down a tunnel at break-neck speeds, however it can only dig through about 6 blocks deep, 3x3 square, before it breaks apart. Power required, and a single Super-alloy MAC round required. The envy of all your friends, this cannon only fires as far as Minecraft can render chunks, making it almost completely necessary to move it to continue tunnel extractions.
Idea of appearance: main entity block, 2 block "Barrel" facing one direction. cannot be rotated, can be used to blast a mob's face to kafloo-ey.
Idea for Recipe:
MMIM = Magnet-happy item, possibly from a new machine or mineable.
I = Super-alloy, to keep the cannon from blowing itself to pieces.
C = Energy Crystal, Charged, just for funsies.
L = Lapatron Crystal, for main power storage.C
M = Minecart^-- possible moving platform, remotely charged by Lapo's, but only breaks through 1 layer at a time. (still 3x3)
Cannot be pushed by player off a rail.Extra Warning: Possible risk of self-detonation from Magnetic coils so close to large power source without proper insulation.
MAC Round Recipe:
_ = nadaProduces 4 MAC Rounds.
Alt Round Recipe (In the intrest of balancing issues)
_ = nadaAlt Round can be used for a 2-deep on a stationary cannon, 1-deep for moving platform.
Produces 2 Light MAC Bullets
rI'll see your stationary drilling laser and raise you a MAC-Assisted driller. Basically a railgun, only much bigger.
If this is going to be made, I'd suggest making it an optional side-project add-on to Industrial-Craft rather than written directly in. Kind of like Build Craft and the pipes/machines/builders setup.
That is one expensive piece of equipment. I'd say just do circuits and cables with an EC manipulator, with maybe 1 relay for the purpose, instead of needing every high-level piece of non-machine tech that is available.
Other than that, not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all.
Another option would be to install ZanMinimap... which doesnt require any energy to run.
But cool idea man
That's no fun! Gotta make it take energy, then it's fun.
Well, obviously you'd need a battery charge option, not everyone is going to prioritize a charging station. That being said, if you're going from city A to city H, where's B-G? If they exist, then have the rail lines stop for a recharge at one of those cities. And, of course, you'd have to figure out the power requirements from one station to another, so you're not totally stranded. You'd be stranded if you decided to go the other way in the middle of the tunnel, but not if you keep going straight.
Yes, water = lame. I want rum. And rum-based cocktails with fun side-effects. Like, rum+redstone = you move faster, rum+glowstone=you see(and glow) in the darkness, rum+uranium=you see through walls:)
Not sure if it has much to do with IC, though.
"I like rum. Rum is good." - Jack Sparrow, Captain.
Anyhoo, on-topic: this wouldn't be too bad a concept, to be completely honest. At least, I don't think it would be. Especially if we get finite liquid thrown in at a later date. o.o that would be saddening... Anyhoo, I'd approve of this. Especially for desert-based bases.
<Built a sandstone tomb of Egypt under a desert, so respects the power of water. *bow bow* >
I thought you actually cant connect carts. On minecraftforums there is a mod, that add new locomotive crats etc...
And in that case creator says it is impossible to connect carts. I know AL is much better modder and he will make it.
Oh, and there is link for that mod: ClickActually, I got a thought on that: If you can get one block to talk to another, then the "connection" could be an illusion. if you have a "head" of the train (Cart on one side, not both), then why not have the head connect to the tail and tell it the offset to remain at? Have the tail push the train and the head just run. Or, have the car in front communicate with the one behind it where to remain in offset. (Obviously, as I think about this, I have to wonder CPU usage, capabilities, lots of details. But if it can be done, it'd be remarkable! :D)
Edit Addition: Why not just have a "charging station" where the monorail car can charge directly from a power grid? Instead of through optional batteries or the rails. Just get the rail length to next station, have it charge for that amount.
(again, I'm saying simple things when they're probably insanely complex.)
Actually, I like this idea. If I knew anything about Java coding (let alone Minecraft coding), I'd probably make this using the compatibility package soon to be available.
(Must learn java coding!)
Hotfix is giving black screen !Thanks, i've thinked that u had to right-click it and didt have to equip it, thanks
Oh and another question ! I cant craft the minig lase why ? i tested the recepi and its not working !
Empty | R. Iron | Glowstone dust
| R. Iron | Glowstone dust| E. Crystal
Stick | R. Iron | Glowstone dustDid you charge the energy crystal?
Well, you can actually run multiple HV lines through one line, which isnt as hard as doing 10-20, but you have to correctly split it apart at the bottom, to make sure each HV there gets at most one pulse per 20 ticks, and one HV sending per 2000 EU/s
See, that's the issue. Wiring perfectly. How does one expand one's power supply when one is limited to splitting an 8k current into 4 2k wires? I'm not saying make the wireless energy perfect, but make it so that people can build an underground base without fearing accidentally waking on HV lines or blowing up their teleporters cause they wired in a 3k power supply. Besides, wiring that kind of complex system underground is a challenge and a half.
Quote from Cubic MeterNikola Tesla would be proud... I can just imagine people making big wooden towers to broadcast energy across their minecraft worlds. I would think the receivers would (just for fun) double as lightning rods as well.
I would agree, Tesla would be proud of wireless energy transference.
And of Minecraft + IndustrialCraft!
Three words: YES YES YES O.O Free Fertilizer!
One thing I can never seem to rectify: Having to find and kill skeletons for bones and fertilizer, and yet dealing with creepers that spawn inside my workshops/bases. The anti-creeper side of me always wins, seeing as I'd rather NOT lose half my base to a TNT-sized explosion.
This would definitely help in that issue. Also, making carpets out of wool would also become much easier.