Do you hate long walking in your mine or on mega castle?
Then build a monorail type TransFast (HAYO!)
It will be fast minecart that will have (rails) on celling and requires energy.
You will need to power up the rails to make it work, they will eat 3 EU per block.
I know its big amount of energy but it will be very fast! You will be able to control the monorail with W/S.
Junction system will be same as for normal rails.And what about connecting vagons?
I know its impossible to connect them but i have an idea! When you create a locomotive it will create its copy X blocks away.
When locomotive A moves 5 block south locomothive B moves also 5 blocks south so you dont have to be behind all the vagons and be worried about creepers in front of trains.
I know this system is weird but in comments are better check them out.
The locomotive should have save capacity as MFE.
You can charge up your Monorail these ways:Not charging and using power in rails, batteries, charging using powered rails during ride (will have more limited speed), using charge station(best way).
When you will press C(you can you any you want just first letter i saw on keyboard ) it will start charging from rails.
And you can even craft External powering energy storage!(XPES in short)
Want to go to from city A to city 9001?
Now this is something for you! With this you will be able to increase max energy for powering locomotive by another 3 M.
And when you sit inside it could do something like pumpkin when you use it as helmet.
You will see some random levers and useless buttons they wont move or do anything it will just look good.
And if you will try to acess iventory when riding a locomotive you will see thats locomotive gui, that will show you a slot for batteries, how much energy left, internal storage (3 spaces?)
There will be also Detector rails.
You can have really anything in these high-tech wagons.
Even beds! In this wagon you can sleep like in normal bed.
Monsters will not attack you as long as you supply this wagon with energy.
Now you can make multi-rail wagon.
You have to put 1 wagon to end and one on the onther side.
It works 99% same as nomal locomotive except it can go on normal rails and also on monorail ones.
But when its on normal ones it can take energy only from its internal storage/XPES you cant power up minecart rails.
Warning if you woul try to make each rail go other way it will derail!
Charging station:
And if your locomotive/energy storage wagon will be on charging station(it will have automaticly rail on itself) it will charge at same speed as how much EU/s it has. It accepts high voltage. Also all of your wagons can transfer energy to main locomotive (if there are 2 then to the nearest). Charging stations does not conduct. When powered by redstone it will not charge anything.
Decharging station:
If your locomotive/energy storage wagon will be on decharging station it will decharge it with speed 2000 EU/s! You can disable decharging by powering decharging block by redstone.
Decharging stations does not conduct.
Programmable train:
And also you can right click on locomotive with programmable block and it will be Automatic Monorail. When you right click it now you will see Gui where you will set these thing: Station block(when is this block directly or 1 block then it will start to slow down and then fully stop. Each wagon will take more 2 blocks to stop. Example: Train sees station block. Train has 5 wagons (with locomotive).
So it will take 10 blocks to stop.Or you can manually set how many blcoks is next station away. And you can also use one blcok that when it will reach the train will use emergency brake and stop there, but it requies some additional energy to stop that fast. There will ba also blcok that will teleport the cart with AI on other side of the train. If there would be red signal it will automaticly stop. Also by using different blocks you can set speed of that train.
Additional impossible ideas:
I have an idea but i think thats too much for AL. 3 block wide passanger carts witch openable door and sitable chairs.
You can craft these types of carts: Locomotive/Locomotive with programmable block, passanger wagon, storage wagon, energy storage wagon, storage wagon, mob transporter, machine wagons,sleeping wagons.(Sorry if i forgot some its really lots of types of wagons.)
Energy storage wagon will have storage capacity of 3 M EU. When are any of these carts powered they will emit light. Locomotives will emit stronger light and last vagon will emit red light when braking.
I dont know if it is possible to make colored light.
Signals and speed detectors and things not directly connected to trains:
Signals are basic thing it wil be a block that will change its state(red/green) when powered by redstone. It does also affect trains with programmable blocks.
When you will right click a speed detector an gui will open up. You can set 2 modes, activate if speed is bigger then X/lower then X.
There will be also an counter that will set X. When are these conditions met it will emit redstone signal.
Barriers will look like pole from fence and when powered it will create another pole same way as you was standing when placing it.
Its texture will be white basic pole and that one when powered will be red/yellow. (Of course AL can do any clolor.)
Crazy Ideas:
When any mob will enter the locomotive it will do crazy stuff.
Of course it has to be powered.
Sheep - Still going forward
Pig - Still going backwards
Cow - Randomly going forward an backward
Skeleton - Just uses train as shield
Zombie - Tries to derail
Creeper - Ka-Boom!
Spiders are too wide they cant enter the train.
And if you would manage to get squid there it will explode on force 5 nukes
I know its maybe too crazy but it looks funny.
And seriously Alblaka you dont have to implement these crazy ones.
Storage wagons:
With mob transporter wagon you can take your pet(food) with you!
It has capacity for 3 mobs. Mobs enters the wagon when he touches it.
When you right click on that wagon you will see 3 slots with animal icons.
When you click on one of them the animal will be released.
Umm have i mentioned monorail with chest?
NO?! Oh my god i forgot one of most needed wagons!
Of course there aer ones.
Machine wagons:
Now you can even put machines inside wagons!
Just right click them and normal gui will pop up.
They will take energy from locomotive/storages.
Now you can be still travelling with this!
You can also craft sound wagons.
Want to say something to everyone in city?
Or do you just want to hear some music during transport?
With this wagon you can play sounds.
It needs to be powered of course. If you will right click on it when powered an gui will open up.
(Now the extremly hard part)
You will see all sound/music files they were placed in %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/xxxxxxxx
When you will select one it will loop until you press stop.
Now you can make a monorail around city yelling at everyone "Buy my diamonds! Best price at city!".
Crafting recipe:
[RM][Stick ][RM]
That will create 12 rails.
Detector rails:
[RM][ PP ][RM]
That will create 4 rails.
Speed detector rails:
[RM][ PP ][RM]
This will create 4 rails.
Monorail with engine:
Empty monorail:
Energy storage wagon:
Storage wagon:
Sleeping wagon:
Mob transporter:
Charging station:
Decharging station:
Multi-rail wagon:
Sound emmiting wagon:
Machine wagons:
Use the empty one and put the machine in the middle.
Or just put empty wagon under a machine(in crafting).
RM = Refined metal
Me = Metal
PP = Pressure plate
RT = Redstone torch
MWE = Monorail with engine
MI = Minecart
J = Jukebox
N =Note block
Maybe some sort of reinforced string for wagons .
I know the recipes are not balanced etc...
And thanks to Scors for the charging station idea.
And AL if you are reading this also check out comments there are some useful thing.
Also please repair creeper icon. After placing it some text will be placed in text.
And Items/Blocks icons will be useful.
After reading all this your mind should be sucefully blown .
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Thank you for reading this.