Posts by Sliderpro
Hi. I wanted to report a bug. EBF sometimes doesnt smelt iron\pyrite+caco3. It smelts wrought iron, titanium and aluminum normally. I dont know what is the reason.
At one point of time I was able to smelt some iron+caco3 and after that the same blast furnace refused to do it.
As I said, there were no problems with aluminum, wrought iron, stainless and titaniumhalp.
You uhhm mean like the Assembler, that uses Molten Soldering Stuff to make Circuits?
Yeah, but its more like adding a final element for making a circuit.
I mean to craft the whole thing with molten metal. A more advanced machine to mass-produce circuits by pumping molten metals in the machine. Maybe not only circuits. Some more advanced parts, like robot arms and stuff with better effectivness. And finally a good reason to store metals in liquid form. -
Hi. I played factorio and I found a concept that I think will fit in GT just nice.
The idea is to use liquids to craft. This can be thought as an extension to fluid solidifier. You take some liquid molten iron, some molten copper, some liquid alloy, some liquid tin (throw there something else probably, like wiring) and get circuits. (for example).
I wish I could give likes here.
BTW ice blocks give boost for every block above them?
And I have a GT suggestion.
We already have a coolant for reactors. GT can add another coolant types for reactors. I am pretty sure, that there are several types, which are based on metals. Na-something. + Some metals in their molten state. mercury 100% had its uses in IRL nuclear reactors. Something like that.
I believe, these coolants could have simply a diferent multiplier for heat X hot coolant. default is 1 HU= 1mB of hot coolant. (If I am correct). So, these types would be able to eat more\less heat for different setups. I d like some better reactor components though.. or maybe better reactos. Naq maybe -
Just some glamour shots for those interested. A lot of the meat of the base is underground in a somewhat cramped set of basement floors. My partner did a lot of the ae2 heavy lifting there. I did most of the upper floors here which are LHEs, turbines, PAs, and, of course, a fusion reactor.
Man! So I m not the only one who build floor-type tower
thats a relief
Hi. I didnt find simular suggestions in the search, so:
As most tech modpacks use GraviSuite, how about tweaks to GT drill?
I mean GT drills are better than gravi with EVERYTHING, except 1 moment - gravi drill can go into 3x3 drilling mode. So, how about same for GT drills? That would make sense, as they are WAY more difficult to make and a WAY more complex, then sticking some circuits to ic2 drill. I NEVER had to recharge my lithium+HV drill at all. Maybe some drill modifications? -
By the way guys does the newer system with %-based MOX output renders heat capacity reactor platings useless?
So, You can have ALOT oh heat plats, but since MOX output is based on % of hull heat and not heat value, these plates dont do a sh*t to MOX output, right? -
just tried 2.0smth
DA HELL IS THAT??? MFE is 4kk MFSU is 40kk and tier up? whats with that amount of.. rods? Lithium etc? uranium 235+238? what the heell? *just excited*
I got a feeling, that we will be buiding 50x50x40 reactors soon(there is such a mod)
still, waaay too many new stuff
Greg same thing to you, I updated to 162 and my head popped*smb plz update wikis'*
Can smb give a brief explanation on what are new things and how to use them? at least ore washer is familular.. -
Waiting for an update
The mod is superb? ideas are veryy nice.
Mr. Developer, just stay in contact with this forum, as we really want you to improve your mod -
Carbon Dioxide Reactor
It takes CO2 from the air and electrolyzes the Carbon, compressing it into charcoal. Oxygen is released into the air or compacted into cells (given empty cells to the machine).
Energy required would be about 12000 EU per piece of charcoal
getting something from air cant be giving profit from just burning, remember? -
About fusion reactors - there are STILL issues with containing that ridiculous heat and the other thing - getting SOME profit from fusion
before that - thorium is good enough =\ btw nuclear energy is the most clear powersource even compared to solars as solars require some "eco-dirty" stuff (don't know what actually is)
well, current, wind and earth heat are better.. but they are ridiculous to mass producebtw thx for that half life 3 joke :DD
maan, it would be good to tweak some numbers and it would have become quite nice. faq the grama.
btw reenriching can be done only with 4 ingots, which means 1\4 the efficiency of reenrichingand I had a reactor with 200k+ heat.
I had the same thing, found uranium, mined, picked up curium.
Actually, I d love a config option to disable disabling of IC ore spawn.
By the way, can be somewhat fixed by netherores mod, recently updated.
The idea I use is using quad thorium as low-heat producing thing with 4 cells + plutonium. generally, if you use 1 quad thorium and 1 plutonim, the latter will think, that it should pulse per each lame thorium. = profit
quad thorium + 4 plutonium around = profit + less heat + max eff compared to quad plutonium + quad thorium
difference is quite obviuous in planner, try it out. -
"ingotPlutonium", "dustPlutonium", "orePlutonium", "ingotThorium", "dustThorium" and "oreThorium" are supported by me, just to mention.
Wowso he has to ask your permission to allow them to work together?