Awesome mod, especially idea with ore maceration and gems.
However, I had some bugs :
when Fusion reactor was recieving energy and had output connected to enet - recieved energy was leaking, making reactorblock work as energystorage with connected output.
next is, that reactor outputs 2xEV on 2 sides. I tried connecting EVT and EV cables, first exploded for some reason, second burned, when I made some cables into the air, put 2 EVT and conncted them to MFSU.(I mean, cables, that went from reactor to EVT)
For some reason, reactor showed me coils-yes, while there were no coils and stopped recieving energy (maybe visual bug?)
Small suggestin - make reactor GUI a biiiit more cooler, like MFSU with red bar
Another is to make iridium ore spawn configurable (like vein numbers, ore number)
Another is config option for LESU block EU storage - I think that it is way underpowered, as lapis is very rare and w/o fortune 3 it is even small in numbers. I prefer to think, that lapisbloks in lappack are nerfed, because this is payment for being a mobile storage xD
and can you tell, where to find some tut for noobs, as I want to make some smelting recepies?)