Posts by Xirema

    A unit of Clay costs 17.34mB (a whole block is 69.39). An Iridium Shard is 13.33.

    Like, I know we're just restating the obvious at this point, but the obvious is that clay should not cost more than Iridium. Frankly, there's very few things that should cost more than Iridium, and a lot of it comes down to ordinary, boring stuff just being way too expensive.

    Also, I don't know whether this is a concern or not, but without Scrap, a block of Uranium Ore costs 3.5 Million EU. If we grossly simplify the math, we can treat one ore as being equal to one fuel cell (it's closer to like 1 block = 1.3 cells, but my point is made regardless), which means the strongest reactor I've ever made, which produces 380 MEU from 8 Uranium Cells (The '672' Design found here, using Steam Boilers as the conversion mechanism) will produce enough power to create 107 blocks of Uranium. ~1000 if fed with scrap. Now, I don't necessarily think it's a *bad* thing for the reactor to essentially produce free energy like this (since we're aiming for fun, not realism) but that's a kind of broken conversion ratio, and I'm inclined to argue that maybe Uranium should be more expensive than 16mB. Maybe more in the 200-300mB range, possibly higher.

    Oh please, you've barely begun to scan.

    Behold, what terrors we have wrought!

    433.1 Buckets of UU-Matter to make a block of Obsidian. That's 95,282,000,000 EU (95 Billion) EU worth of UU-matter if you're not feeding scrap (and you're probably not).

    The highest power Nuclear Reactor I've ever made would take 5 million seconds (2 months IRL) to generate one block of Obsidian.

    If I filled a chunk with reactors of that size (I could probably fit about 70) it would still take most of a day to generate a whole block.

    So clearly, Obsidian is the most valuable block in the game. Buy Obsidian now, before the markets catch up to this insider secret.

    After I recently restarted my server, I logged back in and saw that all of my Industrialcraft cables had become separated from each other, across my entire base.

    This is the second time I've observed this issue. I'm using the Infinity Lite modpack, version 1.7.0 on Minecraft version 1.10.2, which uses Industrialcraft Version 2-2.6.142.

    If there's a more recent version of Industrialcraft that fixes this issue, I'm happy to manually update the version I'm using in my local copy of the modpack, but based on my survey of the Jenkins Build , I don't see any fixes related to this issue.

    If you have any workarounds I can use, please let me know, as I'm currently in the process of completely replacing every single wire and machine in my (relatively large!) facility, which includes a large number of well-organized Sorting Machines, all of which will need to be reconfigured. (the ability to "save the state" of Sorting Machines would be an excellent addition, FYI!)

    So Nightvision Goggles cause blindness. Seems legit.

    Also, the forward momentum gain when running and jumping in quantum armor seems much more pronounced than before. Not sure if intended or not.

    So the 1.103 update mentioned changes to the energy network, but it doesn't seem anyone has documented the changes, or at least updated all the wiki's with the pertinent information, which implies to me that people either aren't aware of the changes, or else are keeping them secret. :D

    Anyways, it seems that cable spitting no longer wastes EU. I can't quite figure out how the new system is doing this though, could anyone help analyze this?

    Does this mean that a reactor could blow up at high heat levels even though it has copper plates?
    If current temp is 35k and reactor iterates through components starting in the upper left, the current temp would be 35k before the reactor iterates through the copper plates, so would it blow? Or does the "explode" check only happen at the very end of the iteration?

    Considering I have a breeder I'm keeping maintained at 64k heat, without any noticeable craters appearing, I think it's safe to say they caught that one.

    I hate to be the guy that upstages people (wait, what am I talking about? I love being that guy!)

    Maintains heat at 64k heat (because reactors are a little bugged ATM) and charges 4 cells in 476 seconds, or just barely less than 8 minutes. Also maintains the heat at that level at all times. You need two cooling cells because it'll output twice the heating, and it needs to be higher than the cooling of the cooling system (which outputs 60). If reactors were supposed to function this way, then you could ditch the cooling cells entirely and have the healing cells adjacent to the reactor exchanger and add more plates, but in the correct design (see below in my edit) you'll only get 50 points of cooling from 1 contact with the correct stack size and the reactor would cool off when not in use.

    EDIT: This will be the correct design when reactors are fixed. 50 cells will maintain the reactor at 83.33...% heat, which is barely below the limit before stuff starts melting (by at least 1k heat though, so no real risk of problems). Right now, 64 cells is maintaining the reactor at 64k heat, when what it *should* be doing is burning up the cooling cells and breaking the heat maintaining system.

    to the first point: there is a bug that calculates the max heat of the reactor after the copper plates but does not save it for the next tick. meaning, if you have your heat exchanger before the copper plates (closer to top left corner) they will die cause the reactor tells them "max heat is 10k" (for example)

    Just tested this.... Wow. Easy to overlook bug, but hopefully very easily fixed.

    Several strange quirks I've noticed that I don't think are intended, but I'm not sure.

    • Reactor Heat Exchangers behave unexpectedly for heat values above 20k (where you used the copper plates to increase the reactor capacity) and will often burn themselves out if placed solo inside a reactor containing that much heat, even if the reactor is off. Example: I place enough copper plates in the reactor to increase its capacity to 40k. I then place several quad-Uranium cells to quickly raise the heat level to about 35k, then turn the reactor off. Then I place a single reactor heat exchanger into the reactor, and after about a minute, the exchanger eats up all the heat and dies, when the expected behavior is to reduce the reactor to ~31k heat and take in ~4k heat.
    • Heating Cells treat Reactor Heat Exchangers and Component Heat Exchangers as though they have a capacity of 10k (so 5-9 Heating Cells will not burn out either component, which have a capacity of only 5k). Using NEI, I was able to determine that these items use 2 damage points per heat point, but are probably using the damage value to determine how much heat it should take.
    • Quad Uranium Cells get used up 4x as fast as regular Uranium cells, and 4x as fast as 4 Uranium Cells arranged in the same pattern.

    This is what I got so far. I was having all these bugs occur before I installed NEI, and afterwards.

    Either post a screenshot of the setup, or answer these questions (preferably both):

    1. What cable type is being used?
    2. What type of generators are being used?
    3. How far away are the MFSU's?

    Thanks for the support! My friend was reading the wiki and wants a teleporter hub on the server now as well! I hope the gets added soon :).

    Also, could the multiplier be default 1000? Or support decimal values (this may be hard, I've heard float variable aren't very accurate for some reason)? Also, I was thinking, what would the possibilities of having a teleporter be able to feed off the power provided to its "sister" teleporter (the one it is connected to). This wouldn't allow you to transport power (as it can't be extracted from the teleporter), but it would allow you to create remote teleportation sites (I was thinking, when we find a mushroom biome we can just use teleporters to take mooshrooms home, but it would be a pain to haul a giant setup out there to power the teleporter.

    The whole "float values aren't accurate" thing is a Comp-Sci issue that only affects specific calculations, and its effects in this situation would be negligible (unless, you somehow *really* need teleporters to run at EXACTLY THIRTY THREE POINT THREE THREE THREE THREE THREE PERCENT!!!!111! OR DA WULD GONE BOOOM!).

    Does the Energy-O-Mat have the same function as back in IC1?
    If so, it's not really useful, as you'll probably have to buy energy in bulk as you only get 4000 EU per purchase.
    Maybe an interface for you to set the Energy-O-Mat output will be useful, or just have multiple versions of the Energy-O-Mat, 10 000 EU, 100 000 EU, 1 million EU and 10 million EU.

    An interface to set the amount would be lovely. Being only able to sell 4000 EU in one trade is very limiting (Like, I'd like to sell a couple million EU to someone for a single uranium ore/ingot, since I can easily turn that uranium into about 28M EU)

    So I observed recently that the Mushroom Program used in the Terraformer converts the terrain it affects into Mushroom biomes, in addition to the physical changes made to the terrain (like the mycelium, mushrooms, etc.). So my question is: Why don't we have programs for each primary biome type, instead of the current lineup? You'd basically divide it all up like as follows (note that some programs will be very similar, if not identical, to programs already in place):

    All Biomes Programs will also convert the biome of the affected region to its corresponding biome.

    Mushroom: Behaves as before

    Plains: Removes trees, converts sand/dirt to grass, covers land in shrubs and tall grass, and (maybe) smooths out hills. Maybe occasionally plants pumpkins or melons.

    Forest: Converts sand/dirt to grass, plants many (many) trees.

    Tundra: Covers land in snow, freezes water (including underground water), and turns lava into obsidian. Maybe also uses the algorithm described in the Plains program to flatten the land.

    Taiga: Same as Tundra, but also plants Pine trees.

    Desert: Turns dirt/grass into sand, kills off trees entirely, eliminates *most* tall grass (and converts the rest into dead shrubs), converts melons/pumpkins into cactus, and eliminates water (using a better algorithm/method than the "desertification" program currently uses; I've noticed that it doesn't work especially well for clearing the 1-deep shallow pools that regenerate themselves).

    Swamp: Severely flattens the ground, and fills in layers below the terraformer with water. Areas at or above the water becomes dirt/grass, areas below will become sand or (less frequently) clay. Trees occasionally spawn, and lots of vines/lilypads are spawned.

    Jungle: Sand turned into grass, and lots and lots of jungle trees, with maybe some occasional mushrooms being planted. Land below the terraformer might be covered in water.

    Hills/Ocean: I...... Actually have no idea how to implement these. I supposed you could divot out tons of land below the terraformer and fill it with water for the Ocean program, and create massive mounds of dirt/stone for the hills program, but beyond that, it might be best just to leave these unimplemented.

    So that's about it. Maybe once the 1.3 version gets released, if Alblaka doesn't feel compelled to do this, I could try to write up a mod to add these programs? :D

    Saving chunks error occurs a few seconds after my world loads.

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ry.spawnEntityInWorld(Lia;)Z
    at buildcraft.api.EntityPassiveItem.toEntityItem(
    at buildcraft.transport.PipeTransportItems.moveSolids(
    at buildcraft.transport.PipeTransportItems.updateEntity(
    at buildcraft.transport.Pipe.updateEntity(
    at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.b(
    at ry.m(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1589)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(SourceFile:705)
    at Source)