So I observed recently that the Mushroom Program used in the Terraformer converts the terrain it affects into Mushroom biomes, in addition to the physical changes made to the terrain (like the mycelium, mushrooms, etc.). So my question is: Why don't we have programs for each primary biome type, instead of the current lineup? You'd basically divide it all up like as follows (note that some programs will be very similar, if not identical, to programs already in place):
All Biomes Programs will also convert the biome of the affected region to its corresponding biome.
Mushroom: Behaves as before
Plains: Removes trees, converts sand/dirt to grass, covers land in shrubs and tall grass, and (maybe) smooths out hills. Maybe occasionally plants pumpkins or melons.
Forest: Converts sand/dirt to grass, plants many (many) trees.
Tundra: Covers land in snow, freezes water (including underground water), and turns lava into obsidian. Maybe also uses the algorithm described in the Plains program to flatten the land.
Taiga: Same as Tundra, but also plants Pine trees.
Desert: Turns dirt/grass into sand, kills off trees entirely, eliminates *most* tall grass (and converts the rest into dead shrubs), converts melons/pumpkins into cactus, and eliminates water (using a better algorithm/method than the "desertification" program currently uses; I've noticed that it doesn't work especially well for clearing the 1-deep shallow pools that regenerate themselves).
Swamp: Severely flattens the ground, and fills in layers below the terraformer with water. Areas at or above the water becomes dirt/grass, areas below will become sand or (less frequently) clay. Trees occasionally spawn, and lots of vines/lilypads are spawned.
Jungle: Sand turned into grass, and lots and lots of jungle trees, with maybe some occasional mushrooms being planted. Land below the terraformer might be covered in water.
Hills/Ocean: I...... Actually have no idea how to implement these. I supposed you could divot out tons of land below the terraformer and fill it with water for the Ocean program, and create massive mounds of dirt/stone for the hills program, but beyond that, it might be best just to leave these unimplemented.
So that's about it. Maybe once the 1.3 version gets released, if Alblaka doesn't feel compelled to do this, I could try to write up a mod to add these programs?