I just noticed the massive changes that GregTech does to ore spawning.
Posts by TehFtw
Can someone please tell why is there so little iron in 1.7.10?
I've been mining at y=15, y=30 and did some caving at all levels. Now I have >64 copper, some other metals and only 2 iron bars.
Very nice idea!
But how about Let's play with someone?
It is possible. If you run Windows, there is a program called LiLi that you can install that will allow you to install a Linux distro to a USB AND install it in such a way that it allows persistence (files stored under the OS on the stick, will stay there and allow for the installing of programs without having to restart).
If you're going Linux, try UNetBootin. It won't create persistence, but it's useful if all you're looking for is like a mobile computer toolbox.
Thanks a lot! You saved my ass :p
Is it possible to use USB stick as drive for linux, so creating portable workstation?
If not how can i get somethibg similar?
How does it come I saw this thread after such a long time
I'm teh ftw(teh/teh_refi on skype/teh epicness on some forums.
I'm 15 and i come from poland(small country in europe).
I'm interested in Java programming, mostly MineCraft mods and Android.
I play on lil' strictly private server with my cousin and sometimes few other buddies.
My cousin showed me MineCraft about two weeks after infdev and still can't buy it -
Are you planning electric engine?
Either way, it's epic work
But hope you'll upload SMP version!
I start it thru startclient.bat, and there it doesn't work., but when I start it by putting .jar in .minecraft/bin/ folder it works.
And I have eclipse set alrdy
Yesssssss! I can finally use Uranium on server!
Do you have any idea, how fucking hard it would be to implement?
I don't
35 EU/t is epic amount
By saying BuildCraft is lame, you play with fire! Creator of BuildCraft wrote MCForge, API on which IC2 is based, so better be careful, and rent security!
YES! Right clicking fills cells!
It's epic, hope Alblaka adds it to official release!
Is it SMP compatible?
Can I use this dust in produktion of gunpowder?
Oh, we can stick multiple items under the same ID. But we can't add additional variations to items that already exist in vanilla, only to our own stuff.
If we do, I'm sure SpaceToad will make it possible soon.
Unfortunately, we can't make a new item using the same item code as an existing one.
What about coal/charcoal and dyes?
On-topic: Great ideas : )