Posts by Lefty

    Pressure Pipes:
    I changed the config so that the Pressure Pipe tanks are tungstensteel tier so it can handle more than a 9x9x8 steel tank of railcraft (that's why those Recipes are that much expansive)


    you define there 2 vars but you're using more like sorter, and logi_pipe and there should be <> on the Mekanism thingy like <Mekanism:ControlCircuit:2>

    if you define those vars in the file, then it should be okay and the error could be the missing "<>" on the Mekanism thingy but if you don't define logi_pipe and sorter in this file, this could be an error too.

    Did some work on Balkon's weapon mod :) (Greg added support for some weapons, but not all of them so I just did it :D)

    I forgot the vars sorry :D It should look like this:

    EDIT: and it does work, I play with it but we still need a Skillet, a Pot and a Saucepan as tool from gregs meta tool crafting thingy :D
    The mechanic is that I add greg tools an aditional oredict tag and you can still craft with it and it does use durability :) That's the idea behind that

    Here some harvestcraft changes:

    But I'm still looking for a pot/skillet thingy in greg meta tools but yeah for now just half of the crafting tools replaced.

    But why not? A huge living tanky machine thingy who can shoot steam and us (and maybe a few tiers) the hightes tier will shoot laser at us and has a force field as protection XD^^

    As for now I could add some additional oredict entries:

    val mortar = <ore:toolMortarandpestle>;
    mortar.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:24>); // Mortar
    val cutboard = <ore:toolCuttingboard>;
    cutboard.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:34>); // Knife
    val bowl = <ore:toolMixingbowl>;
    bowl.add(<minecraft:bowl>); // MC Bowl
    val bake = <ore:toolBakeware>;
    bake.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:46>); // Rolling Pin
    val juice = (ore:toolJuicer);
    juice.add(<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:14>); // Softhammer

    but there're 3 crafting tools missing or I couldn't find an equal solution (Pot, Skillet and Saucepan aren't gregyfied :I) so those would be nice to have greg :P

    My scripts are almost based on only gregtech and I modified all other from the github to not use redlogic or stuff like that, so you can use them in any modpack! :I

    And it's actually quite easy to create those things, I mean after your second or third script you know all greg tool for crafting and if you have the item in your MC Hand you can use /mt hand to get the internal item name and if there is, all oredict entries of that item. but even better, it does save it strg+c stylisch so you just have to dump it with strg + v :)

    My only problem is, we have so much scripts and so much files, that we could save a lot of space and loading time if we would just use one file... But yeah :D

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