Posts by DoomFruit

    I don't like the sprites. I made new ones.
    The seed analyzer's GUI has DNA instead of the compressor's arrow.
    The machine's textures are:
    first column: first texture: seednalyzer's inactive front, second texture: seednalyzer's side, third texture: seednalyzer's inactive top, forth texture: seednalyzer's bottom
    second column: first texture: seednalyzer's active front (on the screen there are DNA and lines of text), second texture: seednalyzer's side, third texture: seednalyzer's active top, forth texture: seednalyzer's bottom
    third column: first texture: library's front (with levers on both lefts:), buttons and the input), second texture: library's side, third texture: library's top (on the screen there are a bar graph of the GGR and lines of text), forth texture: library's bottom

    Ooh. I like those. Very pretty.

    Do you know japanese? No? Then we have a problem. That's the actual reason why I suggested this - the mod is on a japanese forum and I don't know if it is updated to 1.2.5.
    But you could at first improve the look of your HUD to something like this:

    The most important things are the lines! (Sorry for the bad picture, it's just a draft)
    The tool you are holding should have such a line to the text with the required information.

    Thanks for reading!

    Well, I suppose that I'd better get working on it. Looks like I've got a busy weekend ahead of me...

    Edit: Nah, it needs a little bit more tweaking. Just tested the config file and the status is only in the upper right corner correct displayed.
    The others corners miss some information.

    Fixed. Nice one spotting the bug,

    cant see the screenshots, the OP must use imgur

    Imageshack works just fine for me (anyone else having problems seeing the images). What makes imgur special?

    And here's another tiny little recipe mod from me.

    This lets you craft marble, basalt, gems, nikolite, silver ore and tungsten ore from Redpower 2 using UU matter. It works by reading in Redpower's config file and working out which block and item IDs it uses. You can actually run this mod without Redpower (though you do need IC2), but it won't do anything (kinda pointless, really).

    You'll need to run Redpower at least once (so that it generates a config file) before this mod will create its recipes - if it's a fresh installation of both, just run Minecraft/the server once, close it and then start it again

    Stick the relevant zip file into the .minecraft/mods/ directory of your installation and away you go. Just as in my nuke cells recipe mod, clients don't need the mod installed to connect to a server running it or to create RP2 resources on said server, they just won't see it appear in the output slot.


    8 marble:
    :Matter: [] []
    [] [] []
    [] [] []

    6 basalt:
    [] [] :Matter:
    [] [] []
    [] [] []

    1 ruby:
    :Matter: [] []
    [] [] []
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    1 emerald:
    [] :Matter: []
    [] [] []
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    1 sapphire:
    [] [] :Matter:
    [] [] []
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    12 nikolite:
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:
    [] :Matter: []
    [] [] []

    1 silver ore:
    [] [] :Matter:
    [] :Matter: :Matter:
    [] [] :Matter:

    1 tungsten ore (yes, that is a diamond in the middle):
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:
    :Matter: :Industrial Diamond: :Matter:
    :Matter: :Matter: :Matter:

    v1.0: create marble and basalt with UU matter.
    v1.1: create gems, nikolite, silver and tungsten as well

    2013-03-07: updated mod to support the various beta versions of IC2 for Minecraft r1.4.6/7

    Known bugs: I don't know how to hide these recipes from NEI.

    And before the flood of "ZOMG YOU DECOMPILED REDPOWER YOU ARE A BAD MAN!!!shift-one" comments comes in, there are no components of Redpower in here and no kind of interfaces to its code. Check the source if you don't believe me.

    Since I copied a decent quantity of code from Forge's config parser, this mod will most likely fall under the Minecraft Forge Public License. This does, of course, make no difference whatsoever to my normal view on things (take the source code, do whatever you like with it).

    One more suggestion:
    Text scaling by config / key (now is scaled with minecraft UI right?).

    That's not going to be a simple change. As it is renderStringWithShadow (the Minecraft function which I call to display text) doesn't offer any kind of option to change its size. And I can't call the character rendering code from FontRenderer directly, since they are private member functions and hence inaccessible to anything that's not from Minecraft's FontRenderer class (also, they appear horribly difficult to figure out, since MCP hasn't got very far with deciphering the internals of FontRenderer and I know nothing about OpenGL programming). Right now, I don't think that I'd be able to change the text size independently of the GUI (shame, since I *would* like it to be smaller). If you know of any examples of configurable text size in mods, tell me and I'll see if I can learn anything from them.

    So, on my server today I decided to make some quantum boots and I foudn a bug. If you travel dimensions while they are on (To the nether at least. Haven't tested the end) you end up having a SIGNIFICANT speed boost (Enough for my server to kick me for speed Anyone else having this bug?

    This bug has been around for a long time, since IC2 for Minecraft Beta 1.8.1 (I forget the version). From what I gather, it's extremely hard to track down and squash.

    And yes, it happens in the End too. Pro tip: if you go to fight the Enderdragon with quantum armour, disconnect and reconnect when you get there. That'll reset your movement back to "normal" quantum levels. Otherwise, you'll find yourself leaping off the edge.


    Works great on IC² 1.95b. Only the Jetpack shows 96,3% even if it's full charged. But i guess it has nothing to do with your mod.

    Is it maybe possible to change the position of the information? To the lower right corner? I have another mod that's using the upper left corner and i don't want to change it ;)

    Should be possible. I'll just filch a bit more of Tooltip's code, slam in a config file and have version 2 up and running in a bit

    Now updated to Minecraft 1.3 - get version 2.3a if you use MC r1.3.2, or stick with 2.2g if you use MC r1.2.5 (we love Redpower).

    Experimental version out for MC r1.4.2 - see this post (if it works, I'll stick the link here).

    *Another* experimental version out for MC r1.4.6 - see this and grab it. I won't put it on the first post until there's an official IC2 release.

    Release for MC r1.5.1: see v2.5 here.

    Release for MC r1.6.4: see v3.0 here.

    Release for MC r1.7.10: mod version 3.1, see here.

    Release for MC r1.12.2: mod version v3.2, see here.

    Here's my latest abomination - a display on your HUD of your armour and tool charge status. Shows the remaining durability (vanilla and ordinary armours), charge level (electric armours, batpacks, electric jetpacks) or fill level (chemical jetpacks, CF packs) of your currently equipped armour pieces, along with the charge/durability level remaining in your currently equipped tool. Stackable items display their name along with how many items are present in the stack. There is an option to display the item durability/charge as a percentage (accurate to 0.1%), along with the ability to show a snazzy colour-coded graphical overlay which is ultimately inferior to the text display in terms of precision.

    (snip dead picture links)

    Attached are the mod and the source code. Older versions used stub header files in the source which allowed me to access IC2 and Gravitation Suite information. Don't include them in the final mod if you compile your own variant and don't extract them if you've already got the development versions. Newer versions don't have this, but v3.1 includes the APIs for IC2 and Redstone Flux energy in the source for ease of access (likewise, they must also be removed from the final package).

    Version 3.0 added an API for mod developers. Use that to choose what your item displays to the HUD.

    (snip changelog and instructions - download the mod and look in the readme file for this)


    Do whatever you like with this mod and its source - distribute it, stick it in a modpack, learn from it, carve it into pieces and stick in your own code, whatever. All I ask is that you don't distribute modified versions using the same class names and locations (so that we don't end up with conflicts if someone installs both mine and your version at the same time).

    This mod lets you use (full) uranium cells or re-enriched uranium cells as well as uranium ingots (use either ingots or one type of cells, doesn't work if you mix them) when crafting nuclear weapons - assuming, of course, that the config file lets you build nukes in the first place. That's it.

    I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader as to why you'd want this.

    Works on both SSP and SMP. When connecting to a server which has this mod installed, you don't actually need to install it yourself to benefit from it. If you don't have it, you won't see the nuke item in the crafting output slot (but note that this doesn't stop you from crafting it, you just don't know that you're able to build a nuke).

    Attached are client, server and the source. The file inside the source code is essentially a header file used during compilation to allow me to access IC2's config files - it contains no actual IC2 code and isn't included in the client/server mod files. Do whatever you like with the code - it's nothing special.

    To install, stick the relevant .zip file in your .minecraft/mods/ directory along with IC2. To compile/edit, extract the IC2 API as normal into the src/[minecraft/minecraft_server]/net/minecraft/src/ directory of your Forge-decompiled Minecraft, then put the source in the same directory.

    Thanks to AtomicStryker, who published the code for his version of Advanced Machines. Looking at that was a big help in seeing how things are done for IC2 mods.

    2013-03-07: updated to support any version of IC2 that runs on Minecraft r1.4.6/7 and added a recipe using re-enriched cells.

    and? stick filler stuff in there such as the plates. (forget the name off the top of my head, the first one in the list)

    I'd personally use empty buckets, since they won't change the heating characteristics of the reactor. Perhaps not as useful for energy generation designs (which like to be kept cool), but more for automatically refilled breeder reactors.

    When the resources start coming in properly, I tend to switch to MFE/MFSU and crystals for energy transporting. It's a fairly significant initial cost, but makes life easier, and you don't go through tin quite as quickly.

    This. I use 4 miners, 2 LV transformers, 1 MV transformer, 1 MFSU and 3 lapotrons. Hook it all up with glass fibre cable (yes, it's overkill, but you only have to make the cable once and it saves you from having to carry multiple types of cable around) and off you go. In practice (with Redpower generating silver, nikolite and tungsten in addition to IC2 and vanilla ores), I usually need about 2.5 lapotrons worth of energy - fill the MFSU with all 3 lapotrons at the start, then take two home and leave the third in the MFSU. Charge the two at home and refill the third with whatever energy's left in the MFSU when the miners have finished.

    It happens when the world is completely unloaded and the game closes. It could happen in SMP, but it's noticed in SSP because, well, single player.

    I've had it happen on SMP when I used Railcraft's world anchors to keep my mass fabber/power system running. It's quite annoying to log back in and see that all my advanced machines have run out of energy and cooled down, so I took the world anchors out and just live with less UU matter.